The Next Day
Moriah knocked on Courtney's door.
It was three in the afternoon, and Moriah was coming to pick up Alanis from her band practice.
Issac came along, too. He ran in and hugged Courtney.
"Auntie Court!"
Issac parted and ran to Phoenix, who was downstairs in the basement with Asher, Alanis, Jude, and the newest member of the band, Gemma.
Courtney frowned as she and Moriah sat down in the living room.
"But, you came early. Practice ends at five."
Moriah nodded. "I know, I just..." She sighed. "I need help." Courtney nodded, "Okay."
Moriah closed her eyes and sighed.
"It's about... Me and Joel."
Courtney's eyes widened.
Moriah nodded looked at her hands.
"Yeah. Over the past few months, Joel and I just seem..."
She searched for the right words.
"Joel and I seem missing to each other."
Courtney cocked her head.
"What do you mean by missing?"
Moriah shrugged.
"Like, if we didn't exist to each other. That we don't know what is going on with each other."
She took a few seconds to respond. Her voice was low.
"Like we don't love each other anymore."
Courtney shook her head.
"No, don't say that. You and Joel were meant to be, ya'll Were chosen for each other."
Moriah shook her head and sighed.
"Its just, last night, we had a big fight. I'm really scared of what would happen to us."
Moriah felt tears rise in her eyes. Courtney pulled her into a hug, Moriah quietly cried into her arms.
Moriah sobbed, and Courtney soothed her hair, telling her everything would fine. But, Moriah didn't think it would.
They parted, and Courtney cocked her head.
"I went through the same thing with Luke. He would get to caught up in his career, that he would forget to call us."
Moriah sniffed.
"But, Luke always video chats you. It's impossible to think he would think of his job over his family."
Courtney gave a small smile.
"I know, but it's true. But, we stayed strong. I finally had the courage to tell him about how I felt. He apologized, and now look. He always calls, two times a day, and sometimes three if he has extra time."
Moriah wiped away her last tear.
"You're right. I'll call him and tell him how I feel."
Moriah laughed softly and hugged Courtney. She closed her eyes.
"Thanks Court."
Courtney smiled, still hugging her.
"No problem."
Alanis, Asher, Issac, Phoenix, Gemma, and Jude came into the living room.
They planned their next band practice, and prayed.
Issac, Moriah, and Alanis left to go home.
In the car, Moriah planned what she was going to tell Joel tonight."
Moriah took a deep breath and closed her eyes.
"You got this, Moriah," she whispered to herself, "You have practiced this forty seven times, you can do this."
Issac and Alanis were asleep, Tara and Shyann were, too.
Moriah opened her eyes. She was sitting on her bed, and right across from her was her phone. With Joel's number ready to be called.
She took a deep breath again.
"Okay... Okay... Okay... Just grab the phone, call, and everything will be alright."
She reached for the phone, her fingers twitched. She pressed her lips together and carefully grabbed the phone. She slowly pulled it back. She called and lifted it up to her ear, closing her eyes.
It rung, and her pulse raced.
Joel said in a tired voice over the phone.
"Who else?" Joel snapped.
Moriah took a deep breath and calmly replied.
"I need to talk to you."
"Moriah, it's midnight over here. I need to sleep if I'm going to act tomorrow."
Moriah insisted quietly.
"I know, but I really need to-"
"Can't you tell me later?" Joel softly responded, half asleep.
Moriah sighed in frustration.
"Joel, please-"
"Moriah, I can't right now. Please, just go to bed."
Moriah's eyes filled with tears.
"Joel, I need to-"
Joel groaned.
"Moriah! Just tell me later! Now bye."
Moriah began to cry.
He hung up, leaving Moriah whispering through the phone, still.
She began to cry a bit, and she pressed her lips together and wiped her tears.
She took deep breaths and sniffed.
"It didn't work," was all she whispered.
She charged her phone and hopped back into bed.
She began to pray.
"Please, God, help me get through this. Let me come to you when things get crazy. So, if this storm doesn't go away, please, help me Lord."
She sniffed be and whispered.
"Let me sing in the rain. Thank you God. Amen."
She turned off her light and cried softly to sleep.
Hey Craver/Readerz!
I updated late, but I finished. It's short, but I promise I'll update a little bit more on the next update.
Any questions? Comment and I'll answer :)
Thanks for reading!
God bless y'all!
Byez Craverz/Readerz!
❤Your Friendly Neighborhood Christian/Craver❤
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