Issac climbed on the airport benches, he was trying to find Moriah.
Alanis was texting Moriah, but Moriah had to end the chat, her phone was almost dead.
Issac got off the chair.
"Is mommy almost here?"
Alanis smiled and put one arm around Issac.
Issac smiled, and climbed again to find Moriah.
Moriah grabbed her suitcases and put on her sunglasses.
Fans crowded around her, and she smiled at them.
She took lots of photos with them, signed some autographs, and got to know some of them.
She looked at her watch. She was very late.
She waved goodbye at some of her fans. She walked down some halls and made it to the entrance of the airport.
It was crowded, and she looked from side to side, trying to find her family.
Alanis looked at her phone. She looked up at Tara and Shyann.
"It's been an hour since her plane arrived. Where could she be?"
Issac looked up and his eyes widened.
He screamed, jumped off, and ran into the sea of people. Shyann and Tara looked at each other, their faces were pale.
They both said in unison, "Oh no."
Alanis ran after Issac, pushing people out of the way and yelling his name.
Issac ran in the crowd, looking for brunette, short hair Moriah. He turned around and bumped into someone.
He quickly backed away.
He looked up to see who he bumped into.
It was a lady, with short, silver, blonde hair. She wore sunglasses and had caramel colored skin. Her make up was natural and beautiful and she was a wearing high heel ankle boots, which made her look tall.
She smiled down at Issac. She knelt down to reach him. Issac stood still, blinking blankly.
The lady took off her sunglasses and Issac's eyes widened. She smiled.
Alanis finally made it through the crowd and stopped as she saw Issac and the lady.
Issac smiled wideley and jumped on the lady.
Moriah hugged Issac and Alanis ran in the hug, too.
Shyann and Tara appeared. They all smiled, because they were finally together.
Issac giggled as Moriah tickled him, saying she was the tickle monster.
Alanis laughed as she ate some ice cream and was wrapped in her "BRAVE" blanket.
Moriah picked Issac up and kissed his cheek.
"I'm so glad I'm back."
Issac giggled and touched Moriah's face with his hands. He pulled her in, letting there foreheads touch.
Issac giggled as Moriah kissed his nose.
Alanis laughed and kept eating her ice cream. Moriah put Issac down and snatched Alanis's spoon. She ate the scoop of ice cream and gave it back.
She pretended to be a good inspecter. She used her fake Australian accent.
"Hmm... It's missing some cookies here and there, but other than that, it's delicious!"
Alanis laughed, and Moriah did too.
Moriah sat beside Alanis and hugged her.
Issac came around, too, and laid on both of them.
Moriah smiled.
"We're finally together again."
"When is daddy coming?"
Alanis and Moriah looked down at Issac, his eyes showed hope.
They looked at each other and Moriah smiled as she sat Issac in her lap.
"Soon, dad will be home soon."
Issac smiled and pulled Alanis to play with him.
Moriah smiled, but behind her smile was a question.
She really didn't know when Joel was coming back, he never said anything. And the question kept bothering her.
She looked at her watch.
"Well, kids, it's bedtime!"
Issac and Alanis awed but finally gave in after one last tickle war.
Tara and Shyann weren't there, Moriah gave them the day off, so she could spend time with Issac and Alanis.
"Goodnight, mommy."
Issac waved, opening and closing his hand to Moriah. Moriah smiled and kissed his forehead.
"Goodnight, sweetie."
She turned on Issac's 'For KING & COUNTRY' night light on, turned off the lights, and shut the door. Not all the way, but enough to let it be dark and have a bit of light from the hall.
She walked past Alanis's room. She fell asleep earlier, and they already said their good nights.
Moriah walked down stairs and went into her room.
Tara and Shyann were already in their rooms, Joel and Moriah let them stay in the house to take care of the kids.
She sat on her bed and sighed, rubbing her face. She took out her ponytail and let her blonde hair fall on her shoulders.
She reached out for her phone, that was on her marble and wood night stand. She tapped on Joel's number.
"Hello, Love," Joel's voice sounded over the phone.
"Hey Joel," Moriah said into the phone.
"How's my lovely wife?"
Moriah smiled and blushed.
"I'm fine, thank you, how are you?"
They talked about Joel's concert and how Luke "accidentally" took his phone and posted posts of embarrassing photos of Joel.
Moriah laughed, and took advantage of the moment.
"Hey, um, when do you think you come back?"
"Why? What's wrong?"
"No, nothing, I just... I cancelled my tour to come home."
"Really?" Joel asked excited.
"How's Lani and Issac?"
"They're fine they just missed you."
"Oh, I miss them as well."
Joel and Moriah had a little awkward silence. Joel broke it.
"Well, I will be back soon, I promise."
Moriah smiled.
"Okay. Bye, I love you."
"Love you more."
Moriah blushed, sent a kiss along with Joel, and hung up.
She charged her phone, turned of the light, crawled into bed, and fell asleep.
Hey Craverz/Readerz!
Sorry for the late update! I had some chores to do!
Hope you enjoyed it!
Next update is:
June 8, 2016
Byez Craverz/Readerz!
❤Your Friendly Neighborhood Christian/Craver❤
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