ATTENTION! You MUST listen to the song, "Broken Together Casting Crowns Cover/Mashup - Michael Arteaga and Lacey McCoy."
Hopefully, the song is above.
Thanks and enjoy!
Three weeks later
The man slapped Moriah, she was tied to a chair and screamed in pain. The sound echoed through the old walls of the house.
The man grabbed her hair and forced her to look into his eyes. Those cold, horrible eyes.
Moriah cried. Alanis and Issac were sitting in the corner. Alanis was crying silently, with a passed out Issac in her arms. He was covered in blood and bruises.
Moriah swallowed the lump in her throat as the man violently let her go. She cried silently, her hair in her face.
The man walked back and forth and turned to Moriah. He grabbed something from his coat, and pointed at Moriah.
Moriah looked at her killer in the eyes, the man put the gun to her forehead.
Moriah shut her eyes tightly. She yelled, but no one could hear.
The trigger was pulled.
Joel yelled. Luke jumped and ran to Joel's side.
"You woke up!"
Joel looked around, he was in a white hospital room.
"Moriah! Where is she?!"
Luke spoke in a clam voice.
"She's fine Joel, she and your kids are alright."
Joel fought back shaking his head.
"No! No they're not! They were kidnapped!"
Luke shook his head.
"They found them two weeks ago."
Joel gave a puzzled look.
"What do you mean?"
Luke sighed.
"You've been in a coma for three weeks."
Joel's eyes widened.
"But the man pointed the gun to her!"
Luke shook his head again.
"That was a dream, Moriah's okay."
Joel breathed heavily.
"Where are they?"
Luke looked down.
"In therapy."
Joel's eyes filled with tears.
He ripped off bandages and kicked to get up. His heart raced as he panicked.
Luke yelled and tried to keep Joel down.
"Joel! Stop!"
Joel shut his eyes and kicked.
"No! I need my family!"
The heart monitor beeped loud and fast, which was scaring Luke. He shook Joel, trying his best to calm Joel down.
"Joel! Please listen to me! They are okay!"
Joel shook his head and stopped. He sat there, staring at his hands and was quiet.
Then, he broke down crying, unable to stop.
"This is my fault, and I will be responsible and take the consequences. I should have given my life to save them from that nightmare. If I could just go back in time..."
Luke eyes widened and he screamed at Joel.
"Joel don't say that!"
Joel shrugged and looked down. He mumbled.
"Well, it's true."
Luke pressed his lips together and shook his head.
"You need help."
Joel nodded, still looking down.
A doctor walked in.
She smiled and nodded.
"Mr. Smallbone, you are free to go, all we need to do is some paperwork."
Luke nodded, Joel just looked down.
Moriah helped Joel to get in the house.
Although she found out the truth, she still felt bad for Joel getting hurt after trying to rescue them. But, she was still angry.
It was dark, almost night. It was Alanis and Issac's bed time. Moriah turned to Issac.
"Okay sweetie, time for bed."
Issac shook his head, his eyes showed fear.
"No... No, they'll come and get me... Please mommy... No!"
Issac began to cry.
Issac was still recovering from the abuse and pain that the two men did to him. He cried remembering the pain they did to him.
Moriah kneeled and hugged Issac.
"It's okay Issac, they won't hurt you anymore. I promise."
Issac kept crying. He was traumatized at only two years old.
Alanis stepped in.
"If it makes you feel better, I can sleep with you."
She softly said to Issac.
Issac sniffed.
"L-like a s-sleepover?"
He rubbed his eyes with his hands, which were covered in scratches and stitches.
Alanis smiled.
"Yeah, a sleepover."
Alanis was very badly beaten, she had a bruises covering her face, and had suffered from physical and mental pain.
Joel stood there looking down. Ever since he left the hospital, not a single word came out of his mouth.
Moriah noticed.
"Say goodnight to Joel, Issac."
Issac turned to Joel. He recognized him, but he didn't feel like his father. He simply waved and faintly said, "Goodnight."
Alanis pressed her lips together and mumbled.
"Good night."
Joel looked at them for one second. They saw his eyes were full of hurt and guilt.
He turned around and looked down at the ground again.
Alanis grabbed Issac's hand, and pulled him upstairs. They waved at Moriah, and went to Issac's room.
They closed the door.
What they didn't know was, Alanis and Issac were eaves-dropping on Joel and Moriah.
Joel turned to Moriah.
Moriah shook her head. She didn't look at Joel. She put her index finger up, signaling Joel not to talk.
"Save it, Joel."
Joel shook his head, he calmly replied.
"Moriah, please... I promise-"
Moriah slammed her fists on the coffee table. The lamp and controllers jumped as Moriah hit the table.
Joel jumped as well.
Moriah's eyes filled with tears.
"You promised to much! But you never did as you 'promised!'"
Joel stood there, not saying anything because he knew that was true.
Moriah yelled again.
"You promised you would come to Alanis's birthday party! You never showed up! You forgot!"
Joel pressed his lips together, remembering.
Moriah continued, her eyes flooded with tears.
"You promised to come on Father's day! You never showed up! You forgot!"
Joel's eyes filled with tears. Moriah covered her mouth, trying hard not to cry.
"And you forgot our wedding anniversary."
Joel turned to Moriah.
"Moriah, I changed! Please, just listen to me, I know I did something wrong, but just-"
Moriah turned around and faced him. Tears in her eyes and she shook her head.
"No! Joel, just be quiet! I don't want to hear it!"
Joel stayed quiet.
Moriah pressed her lips together.
"You know what's funny? I thought we would actually make it through life together."
Joel looked up to see Moriah scrying her heart out.
Moriah shook her head, tears falling on the ground.
"But, we just seem missing to each other."
They stood in silence. Joel was looking down, tears falling down his face. Moriah turned, she wasn't looking at Joel, because it would cause her more pain.
She turned around and walked away. Joel choked his words out. His voice was low and quiet.
"Where are you going?"
Moriah stopped walking, she didn't turn around but she did answer. Joel was afraid, because he knew what she was going to say.
She spoke softly.
"I'm going to get you a pillow and a blanket. You're sleeping on the couch."
Moriah walked into her room and slammed the door after arguing with Joel.
She didn't know what to do. Half of her wanted to just scream at Joel, half of her hated him.
But, deep down in her heart, she still loved him. She did t know what to do.
Joel sat on the couch. It was eleven at night, and everything was dark. The only light was the moon.
Joel got up, he cried. He knew Moriah hated him, but he still loved her. He didn't know what to do.
He got up and walked up to the black piano in the living room. It was a Christmas gift from Moriah to him.
It had so many memories.
He sat down and touched a note, it echoed through the silent, sleeping house.
He weakly smiled, but it disappeared after he remembered what was going on.
Moriah looked across her room. She was crying, and her vision was blurred from tears, but she could still see a bit.
It was her guitar, the one Joel gave her for her birthday three years ago. She loved that guitar, and she still does.
It had so many memories.
She got up and carefully grabbed it. She played a cord, and smiled for a second.
Moriah began to sing quietly, and so did Joel.
(Song Above, it's a mashup of "East To West" and "Broken Together" by Casting Crowns.)
"What do you think about-"
"When you look at me? I know we're not the fairytale you-"
"Dreamed we'd be. You wore the Vail, you walked the aisle-"
"You took my hand, and we moved into a mystery."
"Oh how I wish we could go back-"
"To simpler times, before all our s are, all our secrets-"
"Were in the light. And now on this solid ground we drawn the battle lines."
"Will we make it through the night?"
"It's gonna take much more than promises this time, only God could change our minds."
"Maybe you and I were never meant to-"
"Be complete, could we just be-"
"Together. If you could bring your shattered dreams and-"
"I'll bring mine, could healing still be-"
"And save us?"
"The only way we'll last forever-"
"Jesus, can you show me
(Moriah: Is Broken Together.)
Just how far the east is from the west? Cause I can't bare to see the man I've been rising up in me again"
"In the arms of your mercy, I find rest."
"Cause you know just how far the east is from the west, once God"
"Hands you the other."
"I know you washed me white, turned my darkness into light. I need your peace to get me through, to get me through this night."
I can't live by what I feel, but by truth your word reveals. I'm not holding onto you, but your holding on to"
"Maybe you and I were never meant to-"
"Be complete, could we just be-"
"Together? If you can bring your shattered dreams and-"
"I'll bring mine, could healing still be-"
"And save us? The only way we'll last forever..."
"The only way we'll get better..."
"Is broken together."
"Broken together..."
Will they make it?
Left y'all at a sad cliffhanger MWAHAHAHA!
Hey Craverz/Readerz!
What's up?
I updated hehe!
Any comments or questions?
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God bless y'all!
Byez Craverz/Readerz!
❤Your Friendly Neighborhood Christian/Craver❤
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