"I'm very sorry, ma'am, but there's nothing more we can do, other than keep him here and make sure he doesn't hurt himself. He's got to be the one that brings himself out of these hallucinations." She nodded slowly, her heart shattering as she heard those words. Something had happened when their daughter, Nayamiah (Nay-uh-my-ah), had died. Something snapped inside of him, and he started deteriorating. It had started with forgetting little things, and then those little things got bigger. Then, the hallucinations started. He would constantly see things that weren't there, he would talk to people that didn't exist, had died, or weren't there, and he was putting himself in danger. She still loved him......but he was gone. Physically, he was still there, but he had lost his mind.
"Thank you." She heard herself whisper, and then she left. She had to force herself to head out to the car, where Micaiah (Mu-cay-uh), was waiting. She was Nayamiah's twin, so it was really hard on her, losing her other half.
"How's dad doing?" She asked quietly, and the years threatened to flow again.
"He's....he's having to stay here. It's gone too far for him to be safe at home." Her daughter nodded slowly, and Moriah gently squeezed her hand.
"It's going to be okay, sweet girl. God's still got his hand on him. It'll be alright." She smiled weakly.
"It's just going to be me and uncle Luke now, isn't it?" Moriah sighed sadly. She'd forgotten about her brother-in-law.
"Yeah, it is. I'll call and tell him when we get home." The drive home was silent, as Moriah thought about what would happen now. She was now grateful she'd put her music career on hold after Nayamiah's death, because that's what she would've had to do now. They got home, and Moriah slowly made her way to her bedroom, dialing Luke's number. He answered on the first ring.
"How is he?" She forced herself not to start crying. He knew exactly why she was calling.
"Not good. He's going to have to start being there all the time, because it's not safe for him to be home." She heard him suck in a sharp breath, and then heard him choking down a sob.
"Micaiah's going to have to permanently take his place, isn't she?" Moriah sighed.
"At least for now. If he ever gets any better, he might be able to, but for right's literally like he lost his mind." She heard Luke's quiet voice talking to his wife, Courtney, who started crying.
"Moriah, we'll be over in about twenty minutes with dinner, alright? Just take a deep breath, and we'll be there soon." She hung up, collapsing on the couch and sobbing. Micaiah came in, sitting beside her and hugging her. They both simply sat there for a few minutes, crying until they couldn't breathe. Micaiah cried until she fell asleep, and Moriah gently lay her on the couch, and went to go change. She finished changing right as there was a knock on the door, and she opened it to see Luke, Courtney, and their kids, Jude, Phoenix, and Ruth.
"He's.....He's almost literally losing his mind. He'll sometimes talk to Nayamiah, sometimes claim that Micaiah, Nayamiah, and I were killed in a car accident, and sometimes what he says......It's just completely unintelligible." She broke down again, and Courtney wrapped her arms around her sister-in-law. None of them had ever dreamed that this would have to be something they'd have to go through.
"Does he even know who he is?" Luke choked out, and Moriah took a deep breath.
"I'm pretty sure he least most of the time." He took a deep breath, squeezing his eyes shut and trying to not start crying.
"Mum?" They heard Micaiah's quiet voice, and she came into the room.
"Dad's probably not ever going to be able to come home, is he?" Moriah took a shaky breath, and shook her head. Micaiah started quietly crying, and Luke went over, wrapping his niece in his arms as they all four cried for Joel. They didn't know why this was happening, or how they would get through it. They just knew that they had to somehow.
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