Chapter Three
For the last eight months, Joel had been wracking his brain, struggling to come up with any and all memories that he had of Moriah. The fake memories were slowly starting to fade one by one, but he was still struggling. Some days he would remember that he loved Moriah, and some days he would be insisting that Libby was his wife. He'd watched videos from their wedding, and he'd seen performances they'd done together, but he was still struggling. He was doing better, despite that, and the doctors were considering letting him go back to the hospital. Moriah and Micaiah came to visit when they could, but with Micaiah doing most of the touring with her uncle, it just depended on when they were home and had time. This specific day, however, Luke, Courtney, Moriah, and Micaiah had come to visit Joel, who was going back and forth today.
"I'm not sure how this is going to go, Mrs. Smallbone. He's been going back and forth. This morning when we went to give him the medicine, he was saying that he knew you." She nodded, and Micaiah's heart leapt.
"Thank you." Moriah said, and the two of them went in, Luke and Courtney waiting outside. Joel looked up, his eyes red from crying.
"Moriah." He whispered, and she managed a small smile.
"Hi, Joel. I'm sorry this had to happen." She said quietly, but he smiled weakly.
"It's okay." Then, he caught sight of Micaiah, and his eyes widened slightly.
"Who....who are you?" Her heart dropped, and she felt like it shattered into a million pieces.
"'s me. It's Caiah." She said, and he frantically shook his head.
"No. No, Micaiah.....She died in the accident. She's gone. I don't know who you are." Moriah tried to reach for him, but he pulled back, shaking his head.
"No. No, this isn't real. This isn't happening." He squeezed his eyes shut, curling into a ball, and he started rocking back and forth, mumbling gibberish. Micaiah buried her face in her mother's shoulder, starting to cry. Moriah gently led her out, and one of the doctors came in, gently and carefully injecting him with a sedative. He was out within moments, and Micaiah managed to stop crying. Luke had tears trickling down his cheeks, and everyone could tell it killed him to see his older brother like this.
"Let's go." Moriah whispered, gently rubbing her daughter's back. They headed out, and Luke held his niece close, letting her cry and crying with her.
"What are you going to do now?" Courtney asked quietly, and Moriah shook her head slightly.
"I don't know. I just don't know."
Hey! Sorry about the short chapter, but the next one's going to be the last one. Sorry! Love you guys!!
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