Chapter One
Joel sighed heavily, leaning back against the pillows. He wasn't sure what exactly was going on. A woman kept coming with her daughter, claiming that they were his wife and daughter. He remembered all too well the day his wife and two girls had been killed in a car accident. He remembered the metal screeching, the smell of burnt rubber tires, and the screaming. The screaming haunted him, even six years later. The door opened slowly, and she came in again, her brown eyes shining with tears. He couldn't deny that she was beautiful, but there was something holding him back. He just didn't know what.
"How are you, Joel?" She asked quietly, sitting down beside him.
"Who....who are you? And why do you keep coming?" She blinked back more tears, taking a deep breath.
"I'm your wife, Moriah. Can.....can you remember anything at all?" He sighed, biting his lip.
"Moriah, I remember everything. My wife and daughters died six years ago. I don't know who you are, or why you keep saying you're my wife, but you've got to go. I'm sorry." She took a deep breath, nodding.
"Okay. I'm sorry." She slowly left, and then a doctor came in. He had a clipboard in his hand, a scraggly grey beard, and fairly thick glasses. He sat down beside Joel, watching him carefully.
"Hello, Mr. Smallbone. I'm Dr. Evans. How are you?" He sighed.
"I'm fine. I don't get why I'm still here." The doctor chuckled slightly.
"It's alright. So....tell me about your family." Joel looked at him, the thought of them making him want to cry.
"What do you want to know? They're dead." The doctor gave him a sad smile.
"I'm sorry. Will you still tell me about them?" He leaned back, staring at the ceiling.
"My wife....her name was Miriam, but she went by Mari. She had brown hair, beautiful blue eyes, and she wore glasses, even though she didn't like them. She always said they made her eyes look bigger. Nayamiah was the older of our girls, and she had curly brown hair and freckles. She somehow had gotten eyes that were almost green, she loved dancing. Ballet, tap, anything. She would just dance. Micaiah had wavy hair, and it was a dirty blonde. She had blue eyes, like her mother, and a beautiful voice, so she would sing at church. Both of them played a couple different instruments, so they would write and perform the songs they wrote together." He kept talking about them, answering the doctor's questions about Miriam, Nayamiah, and Micaiah. After awhile, he nodded slowly, and shook his hand before leaving. He went to his office, where Moriah was waiting. She looked up, biting her bottom lip.
"Well?" He sighed sadly, looking down at his feet.
"I'm sorry. He''s like he doesn't even remember what his life is supposed to be like. He's practically created a whole new life. I don't know if he can ever come back from this. We'll keep him here and on medication, but if it gets worse......If it gets worse, he'll have to be moved." She sucked in a sharp breath, looking down and squeezing her eyes shut. She knew exactly what he meant.
"My husband's not mental or insane." She said shaking, looking up. He nodded.
"I know. And I'm not saying he is. But if he gets worse, we aren't really equipped to help him. I'm sorry." She stood slowly, shaking his hand before leaving. She got out to the car, locked the door, and gripped the wheel. Her head dropped, and she started sobbing. She turned on the car, and the radio turned on as well. She recognized the song that started playing. Never Gone, by Colton Dixon.
Lights off, a shot in the dark
We get lost when we're playing a part
We lay blame, like we know what's best
It's a shame
We break when we fall too hard
Lose faith when we're torn apart
Don't say you're too far gone
It's a shame
It's a shame
I'm still standing here
No, I didn't disappear
Now the lights are on
See, I was never gone
I let go of your hand
To help you understand
With you all along
No, I was never gone
There's space between our lives
Hard to face
But I know we try to revive
Bring it back to life
Don't walk away
Don't walk away
I'm still standing here
No I didn't disappear
Now the lights are on
See, I was never gone
I let go of your hand
To help you understand
With you all along
No, I was never gone
I never ever left you
Never ever left you, no
He said I never ever left you
Never ever left you, no
Jesus never ever left you
Never ever left you, no
He sees us even in the darkness
Now you know you're not alone
I'm still standing here
No, I didn't disappear
Now the lights are on
See, I was never gone
I let go of your hand
To help you understand
With you all along
No, I was never gone
I'm still standing here
No, I didn't disappear
Now the lights are on
See, I was never gone
I let go of your hand
To help you understand
With you all along
No, I was never gone.
Moriah took a shaky breath, looking up. She grabbed a tissue, wiping her eyes, and managed a weak smile.
"Jesus....He's not leaving. And, Joel....I promised 'Til death do us part', and I mean it. I'm not leaving, no matter what. It doesn't matter if you don't remember me. I will still love you, no matter what."
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