Calling and Chasing
(CW: Near drowning)
The phone ringing jolted Amelia awake. She had been sleeping on the counter and her research of Gravity Falls, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. She reached out, blindly grabbing until her hands rested on the phone. "Hello, this is the Mystery Shack." she said dully
"Is this Amelia Pines?!"
The urgency in Sheriff Blubs' voice had Amelia sitting up, wiping sleep away. "Yeah? What is it?"
"I don't know what it is, but you gotta come down to the lake! It looks like your cousins!"
She paled. "Hold on." Amelia said finally, hanging up. Bill was yanked rudely out of his sweater nest as she ran past the EMPLOYEES ONLY DOOR.
The Stanmobile screeched to a stop on the lakeshore. A police car was parked nearby, Blubs and Durland staring at the lake. Amelia, Bill on her shoulder, slammed the door shut. When she turned, she saw the black figures.
One looked like Mabel, the shooting star on its sweater outlined in white. The matching other looked like Dipper, the pine tree on his hat outlined. Everything else was black, except two white pinpricks where their eyes would be.
Amelia yanked her boots off, leaving her jacket on the ground. Bill blinked in surprise. "Candle?"
She ignored Bill, running to the dock. The twins weren't that far out- she could make it. "Um, Candle?"
The girl sped up, ignoring everyone. Her gaze was focused on her cousins. "Golden Candle, I don't like this ideaAAAAAHHH!"
Her feet flew off the dock. The cold water hit Amelia hard. She couldn't feel Bill perched on her shoulder- but that didn't matter. Dipper and Mabel were the only ones who mattered.
Her arms and legs pumped furiously as she swam. She kept her focus on her cousins.
Gotta get there.
"Amelia! You'll won't make it!" Ford shouted.
Gotta get to them.
"Those aren't your cousins!" Bulbs yelled.
Gotta get to Dipper and Mabel.
"Amelia Pines, get your butt back here!" Stan shouted furiously.
Get there...
Her vision blurred as exhaustion, dimly seeing the figures disappear as darkness overtook her.
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