Thalia's POV
The plan was to restock the walls with soldiers but we were going to have smaller squads to trick the enemy into thinking we were weaker than we actually were. Meanwhile stealth teams would be attacking randomly. Everyone was assigned to help but me.
"That's not fair." I said again. "I want to help, let me help."
"Thalia you're injured and you can hardly walk you won't be able to survive out there." Annabeth said worriedly.
"I'll figure something out." I insisted.
"Sorry kid but you've gotta stay put." Hermes said. "Even if you could walk properly you'll be slowed down."
"You're kidding me right?" I asked looking at all of them feeling completely helpless. But they all had the same stern expression and the same answer. "But-"
"No butts I agree. You're staying here." Artemis said.
"Fine. Then I'll just watch." I grumbled while the others shifted a bit. It would be worse than any physical damage one could imagine. Watching the carnage as I already had, it would be far worse and they knew. Yet they didn't move on their stance of whether I should fight or not. "But I'm making no promises on whether or not I'll stay put."
"Then we'll just make somebody baby sit you." Leo said with a shrug. "I'm sure plenty of people will volunteer to get off the front lines."
I couldn't contain my anger. Sparks rolled off my clenched fists and I knew I was scowling.
"I have an idea." Reyna said smiling slightly. "We're doing stealth right? Distractions and all that."
"Yep." Frank nodded curious to see where she was going with this as was I.
"Easy." Reyna smiled cutely. "How do you feel about being live bait?"
And that's how it was settled. Reyna had offered me up to set a trap. She was hoping it would lead at least one of our beloved gods to their doom. It was clear I wasn't in the best fighting shape, even I knew that, but for fucks sake I was going to do as much damage a I could.
"Just follow me. If it gets tough we'll get you out of there." Reyna said leading me and Nico into the woods. I glanced at the army which was very carefully but quickly building bridges to cross the chasm.
"Yeah well we better hurry we don't have a lot of time." Nico said. He was right. Our diminished squadrons were already lined up outside. We were currently weaving through the woods to meet up with the rest of our attack force.
"Come on." Reyna said rushing up ahead.
"Be careful." Nico growled. "Last thing we need is for her carelessness to give us away."
"Her carelessness?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
"You may not notice because you're far worse but she's rather...impulsive." Nico said keeping low to the ground.
"Oh I know." I smiled matching his pace though my leg was sore. Eventually we wound up where we needed to be. Nico had twigs and pine needles sticking out of his hair.
"Sure you didn't turn into a tree as well as this idiot?" Reyna asked running her hands through his hair and trying to get all the foreign objects out of it.
"Hey. Being a tree isn't fun." I frowned. "It gives you problems man."
"Like what?" Nico snickered.
"Like the fact that for some odd reason. I get really sad when people cut trees down when I didn't used to care." I said.
"That's because your siblings are dying." Nico smiled dorkily. Reyna laughed the two of them complete idiots when they were around each other.
"I also know what it's like to have birds shit on you all day." I shivered in disgust. "Not fun."
"Good to know." Nico said. "I'll tuck that away in the 'I never needed to hear that' memory box of mine."
"You're extra sarcastic today." I grumbled. "What happened? Will still hasn't laid you this week?"
Nico blushed darkly and crossed his arms. "I happen to be a virgin and proud of it."
"Knock it off you two. I feel like I'm babysitting." Reyna said glaring at the two of us.
Nico dropped his voice to a whisper. "Besides you're just jealous you can't be."
"That's it come here." I grabbed Nico by the arm and got him in a headlock. He grunted and tried to punch me.
"Why me?" Reyna asked before pulling the two of us apart. "Alright seriously calm down I know there's high tension and everything but we can't fight each other."
"She started it." Nico mumbled.
"What are you four?" I asked.
"I'm older than you." Nico argued.
"Fine by me grandpa." I rolled my eyes and nearly started laughing as did Nico when we saw the look on Reyna's face.
"I hate both of you so much." She said looking like an exhausted parent.
"Nah you love me." Nico said hugging her.
"What a suck up." I said but half heartedly.
"You want a hug?" Reyna asked teasingly. "Before we use you as bait?"
"Nope. I don't like to share." Nico said. "Onwards steed."
Reyna rolled her eyes and picked Nico up piggy backing him to the edge of the woods where we would be waiting. I knelt down next to them as Nico slid off her back.
Sure enough the bridges were finally in place and any moment they'd be charging across the chasm.
"You guys are in position right?" Malcolm asked.
"Copy that." Reyna said.
"Good. You know what to do." Malcolm turned off the coms link.
The marching of the troops this close was nearly terrifying. The sounds of hundreds of feet pounding in unison over the bridges was scary. Like the actual number of the enemy was multiplied ten fold. It could be equated to the never ending sound of thunder.
"When the fighting picks up you head straight for Páthos." Reyna said. "He'll target you right away and his focus will be taken away from everything else. You're also going to need this."
She handed me my own earpiece which I slipped into my ear. I studied the battlefield trying to anticipate my clearest and quickest shot to where Páthos would be.
It wasn't long before the squads clashed with the enemy and the chaotic sounds of battle exploded the air with noise.
"Go." Reyna said.
"Right." I started out from the edge of the woods but paused for a moment. I slipped the ring off my finger and tossed it back to her. "I won't need it."
"What do you mean?" She asked catching it with ease.
"Just a feeling." Turning on my heel I ran off unable to hear her shouted protest.
It didn't take long for the monsters to notice me considering they were literally everywhere. My leg stung but I was able to keep a good pace going with it. Tapping my bracelet my shield popped up deflecting a clawed hand just in time. I'd grabbed a sword keeping my spear in my pocket figuring having more than one weapon would be wise.
Swinging my blade I severed the hand with ease and kept on going. Needles to say there was quite a bit of confusion as to how a single demigod had managed to find their way in the middle of the enemy ranks but the confusion quickly turned to anger.
In an attempt to gain more space I sucked in a deep breath and remembered what Sila had taught me. With a swish of the sword a massive gust of wind blew the monsters back towards the bridges. Smiling an idea occurred to me.
It was slow progress but I managed to blast a large group of them back far enough so that I was in a prime spot next to the bridges. One more gust of wind later and they fell into the chasm. Smirking, I turned my attention to the bridges. Sheathing my sword I forced electricity down into my palm where it formed a lightning bolt of a decent size.
I threw it at the nearest bridge and every monster stopped mid step and stood rigid as the electricity coursed through their bodies. They disintegrated into dust and before anyone else could step into it I drew my sword again and slammed it into the ground sending out a loud shock of thunder. The ground rumbled and whatever was holding the bridge in place crumbled sending the structure tumbling down into the chasm.
"Who's attacking the bridges? That wasn't a job!" Malcolm said through the earpiece.
"Me." I said ducking a hell hound that lunged in my direction.
"That wasn't part of the plan." Malcolm grumbled.
"I'm improvising. Besides, I have to get his attention somehow." I growled trying to fight my way back away from the ledge.
"If you screw this up it's your fault." Malcolm said. I was about to interrupt when Reyna intervened.
"With all do respect Malcom shut up and focus on the other operations and leave her alone. I trust her instincts and I'm far more qualified to order her around than you." The other side of the line went dead and I couldn't help but smile lightly to myself.
In my moment of distraction my legs were knocked out from under me and I fell flat on my back the breath fleeing my lungs. I glanced up to see Lycoan smiling happily. "Wolf got your tongue?"
"Why is it always you?" I croaked smashing my shield upwards against his face.
"I have a bone to pick with you." He said. Popping his broken nose into place without hesitating. "Preferably adding you to my trophy case."
He gestured to the crown of bones that framed his head. "Not happening."
Lunging with my sword an arch of electricity shot from the tip barely missing him. He lowered onto all fours and shifted in seconds. His jaws snapped as he leapt, teeth clamping into my shoulder. I would have been fine if my leg didn't buckle. With the injury I couldn't support his weight. And he knew it to.
Grunting I punched him hard in the eye. Whimpering, his jaws loosened and I tugged him off only worsening the wound. Not hesitating for a moment I grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and sent as much electricity as I could into his body.
His fur smoked and blood poured out of his nose. I dropped him to the ground. "I'm tired of your shit."
With that I brushed the hair out of my face and waded back through the enemy lines. By now the other sneak attacks had been put into effect. Off up ahead an explosion shook the sky and Greek fire roared into existence. To my left I watched as the Demeter kids caused the woods to attack anything within reach. It seemed to be working.
I was snapped back to what was currently going on when I saw two red glowing eyes stare at me from a towering figure hardly three meters in front of me. "Páthos."
His strides were strong and powerful and in an instant he towered over me. I made the first move. I flipped him off.
He waved his hands in the air and the world seemed to shimmer as a large blade appeared in his hand. Without a moment's notice his blade swung in a downward arch. On instinct I raised my own but I realized what would happen too late.
The impact of the blades caused a loud bang. The force knocked me backwards as the metal of my sword shattered.
"Fuck!" I felt a shard of it tear at the skin of my face. The pain was enough to make me dizzy for a second. Blood ran down my face into my eye.
"What happened?" Reyna asked her voice full of worry.
"I can't see." I cursed trying to wipe the blood away but it was useless. I rolled to the side dodging the next swing. I grabbed my spear and twirled it in hand. At least with this I could keep a safe distance.
"I'm coming in." She said.
"No! I can do this I'm fine." I breathed. "I can buy you guys more time go help the others."
"Do it Reyna." I said because I knew if she came to help me I'd be putting her life in the hands of this battle. One I was seriously starting to have my doubts about. As I glanced over my shoulder I noticed with a horrifying sinking in my stomach we were forced back to the second wall. The plan that had worked for such a small time was starting to fail.
The pain of a blade raking up against my side was enough to refocus my thoughts. The wound would have been worse if it wasn't for my armor.
Turning around I slashed with my spear parrying an attack and slammed my palm against his torso letting an uncontrolled amount of electricity flow into his body. He shuddered for a moment the pain causing his eyes to flare an even redder color before he threw me backwards.
I landed roughly on the ground and rolled with the momentum to soften the impact. Getting to my feet I realized my leg was practically screaming in pain now.
Panting from the exertion of so much energy I set my jaw and with a grunt threw my shield with as much speed and force as possible. It slammed into his armor sending out a loud shock wave blasting him so far back he mowed down a good amount of monsters and left a divet in the ground.
"Shit." Standing upright my spear felt heavier in my hand than it had before. It took me a second to focus on where Páthos was with only one eye to see out of.
He was crawling to his feet his armor steaming from friction of the blast. He rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck. His sword rested on the ground next to him. I watched carefully, expecting it to be picked up. Only it wasn't. A bow materialized in his hand.
Suddenly it was like the world around me disappeared and I was in an entirely different situation. I knew that bow. I'd seen it before. I'd been on my back with a bow pointed at my face a taunting voice all too familiar ringing in my ears. Those same red glowing eyes glaring down at me, mocking my weakness. This wasn't Páthos.
"Cupid." An arrow slammed into the ground next to my foot and I leapt backwards. We'd been tricked. There were five gods here, five of Aphrodite's children but Páthos was gone.
Panic gripped my heart as I realized what happened. I ducked back into the fray of the enemy trying to hide to buy enough time to tell Malcolm what was happening.
"Malcolm do you copy?" I asked. There was no sound. "Malcolm this is an emergency pick up! God damn it he muted me!"
"Thalia what's the situation?" Reyna asked sounding tired and distraught. I glanced around trying to find a way out of the mess. A hellhound slammed into me and I went toppling over again. My head cracked against the ground and I groaned feeling my head ringing.
But suddenly everything came rushing to me at once as if all I needed was a knock on the head. Páthos. Olympus. My eyes snapped open and I bolted to my feet. Despite the serious pain in my leg I took off. Everything rushed by at the speed of a car as I ran.
We'd been tricked. Páthos hadn't planned on helping the attack at camp. He only wanted to attack the camp for its immediate effect because he..well he was at Olympus. And there was no one there to guard it.
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