Thalia's POV
I woke up the instant the sun began to rise, my internal clock signalling that it was time for me to get started with my day. My calf had healed over night thanks to Reyna's medical attention and the ambrosia. However my shoulder was still slightly tender. Rubbing my eyes I sat up and stretched. Time for a morning run. I stood and turned the lights on preparing for my day when I realized I had no belongings and nothing to wear. Groaning I shuffled over to Hylla's dresser and rummaged through the spare clothes. Luckily enough there were some jogging shorts and a shirt I could wear. After some more exploring I discovered a pair of rather new tennis shoes. "Sweet."
Dressed and ready to go I crept quietly down the stairs. There was no point in waking up the Praetor let alone being more of a problem. Reaching the last step I nearly jumped out of my skin when a quiet bark came from no where. Scanning the dark area I noticed a gold gleaming dog and let out a sigh of relief. It was just Reyna's hounds. They sat there expectantly their tails wagging excitedly. They were just like the wolves from camp. "You guys wanna come?"
As soon as I said that they sprang to their feet and nearly broke the door down. I laughed quietly, Jason and Percy had told me they were kind of scary but I guess they weren't too bad. They just got aggressively excited. I opened the door and Aurum and Argentum bolted outside barking and wrestling with each other. Not a person was out at this time and the air was rather chilly. Sighing contentedly I tried to focus on my missing friends. I shouldn't feel safe right now and I certainly shouldn't feel happy. I shook my head like that would clear my thoughts and picked a direction to set off in. With a short sigh I began running down the empty streets and paths. The slight breeze ruffled my hair with cold fingers and I felt free. Aurum and Argentum bolted in and out of view next to me. I observed the buildings as I flew by. There was a large white building I assumed to be either the Senate house or the Dining pavilion. A minute or two later I stumbled upon houses sprawled across a grassy expanse of land. It was amazing to know that families lived there in safety where they could grow up peacefully. I knew Percy and Annabeth were going to college here but they had gone back to CHB to visit for the summer.
A large building, easily the biggest around, was definitely the college. Dorms rested in even rows around it. I was reaching the end of the main city and out in front of me rested rolling hills dotted with numerous temples. Jason had built a lot of the new ones with Annabeth's help. Feeling good, I surged forward going faster than before. As everything else blurred around me I felt like I was floating, every care and worry dissapeared, it was like I was back in the woods again leading the hunt. I ran for a very long time circling the same path over and over again. My breathing was ragged towards the end but it was a familiar and strangely pleasant feeling. My skin was covered with a slick sweat and I noticed something I hadn't previously. There was a rather large hill on the horizon. I made my way towards it before charging up its steep slope. I could feel my muscles contracting to compensate the sudden incline. My chest ached but I smiled. Making it to the top i gasped for air very much aware that my hair was plastered to my face. I ran a hand through the mess not caring how it looked. Glancing around I noticed that Aurum and Argentum had dissapeared.
Frowning I spun around looking for them only see Reyna leaning on a tree that shaded the hill a thoughtful expression on her face. "What route did you take?"
I gestured at the entire expanse of New Rome that layed sprawled out in front of us. The sun was casting a beautiful splash of colors over the buildings bathing them in light. For a moment I forgot I was explaining my route and just stared mesmerized at the view. "Woah."
"It's pretty isn't it?" Reyna asked. She had a slight tilt to her lips that might have been a smile. "It's why I always walk over here. It's a good way to start your day watching the sunrise."
"Yeah." I nodded feeling something brush my hand I glanced down to see Argentum sitting next to me. I scratched him behind the ears before he took off to play with Aurum and I continued my explanation.
"That's a two mile loop. How many times did you run it?" Reyna asked. For some reason I got the feeling she was sizing me up, comparing me to something.
"Uh...five," I shrugged.
"That's ten miles." Reyna stated as if I couldn't do the math myself.
"I know. I used to run a lot in middle school it was a good way to..." I paused not wanting to explain my child hood trouble to her. She wouldn't care much, besides there was no point in self pity. "I was also on my school's cross country team. It was the only thing I was good at. Besides I'm built like a runner."
"Well if you want to eat you'll have to come to the dining hall with me." Reyna replied bluntly already heading off. I jogged lightly to catch up to her. I was beginning to learn that she was hard to hold a conversation with.
As we walked people began roaming the city in clusters. Kids bolted down the streets, demigods headed to classes and training sessions, others walked lazily with no destination in mind. Reyna walked with purpose, her shoulders back, posture straight, yet somehow she looked relaxed in her confidence. She reminded me a lot of Annabeth.
It wasn't long before we reached our destination and the first thing about the Dining hall that hit me were the smells. It was enough to make me so hungry I could have devoured everything edible in that place. My stomach rumbled loud and clear which was unfortunate because Reyna must have heard seeing as how her eyes glittered with amusement. As soon as we stepped foot inside the building all eyes were on us. At first I thought it was out of respect for Reyna when I realized they were all staring at me. What was worse, I'd forgotten to put my shirt back on having tucked into the waste band of my shorts mid run. I quickly slipped it on over my head knowing they saw all of the scars that covered my skin much to my disliking. Truthfully, I probably had three times as many as them. From being on the run, to being in the hunt, and fighting two wars, I was surprised I was as in tact as I was.
Reyna slipped into a table which held Frank and Hazel along with another girl and a boy with a red stained mouth. Hazel smiled kindly at me and as I walked by I ruffled her hair. "What's up cousin?"
"Nothing much," Hazel laughed. I had the urge to put my feet on the table when i remembered this was a classy place. A wispy figure rested plates of food in front of us and I stared curiously at it. Somehow I had gotten what I wanted to eat even if I didn't exactly know what that was. My plate consisted of pancakes, bacon, a slice of French toast, and I had a glass of orange juice. Junk food wasn't really permitted in the hunt so I ate as much of it as I could when possible. With a shrug I dug into my food satisfying my beet temperamental stomach.
"Thalia, I talked to Jason, he said he and Percy are gonna help look for your friends on their end of the map," Frank smiled pleased with himself.
"They don't need to get involved. Jason doesn't need more stress, especially when I've caused it. Neither does Percy. But thank you Frank." I sighed staring at my half empty plate. An awkward silence covered the table but Reyna was quick to break it.
"Your wounds seem to be better. I've arranged a bunk for you in the barracks. You can spend another night while I collect supplies for you trip," Reyna informed me. I noticed she hadn't touched her plate of food. I shot Hazel a quick look but she shook her head as if saying don't bring it up. I studied her further and noticed the dark circles that framed her eyes. I hadn't noticed them last night but it was clear now.
"Thanks," I mumbled. Small talk ensued and I learned the boy was Dakota and the girl was Gwen. They were very nice like of the people here. In no time at all breakfast was over and I was left to my own devices. I returned to Reyna's house for the moment since my bunk wasn't prepared yet and curiosity gripped me. I slipped up the stairs and found her room. The door was ajar and I opened it carefully. She wasn't inside and so I pushed it open walking in further. Papers littered a desk tucked away against the wall. Her bed was a mess , sheets strewn everywhere, and pillows on the floor. Her clothes lay unfolded, and I was struck with the idea that this wasn't how things were supposed to be. Jason said she was neat and organized. I slunk over to her desk sifting carefully through her papers before coming across a half written letter.
Dear Hylla,
It's Reyna. I know you probably don't want me to bug you but...I haven't heard from you in a while. I know I shouldn't be worried, but the Hunters have gone missing, and I just- I don't know. I guess I wanted to make sure you were okay. It was probably stupid of me to worry but you're my sister and... you're the only thing from home I have left, so stay safe please...
I rested the sheet of paper back on the desk when I heard an irritated voice cut through my thoughts. "What are you doing?"
I spun around to see Reyna with a furious expression on her face with her arms crossed and a muscle in her jaw twitching. "So that's what's wrong. You think they got Hylla too."
Reyna's face faltered and her expression shifted from anger to a quiet sadness. "Yeah. I didn't think anything of it. After what happened last night though I could hardly sleep. I had a lot of... night mares."
"You could have said something." I whispered glancing back at the note. She laughed bitterly.
"What made you think something was wrong?" Her tone didn't hold hostility but caution and mild curiosity. I barley knew the girl but it was pretty obvious to me and the others.
"Jason said you were a neat person. This isn't neat," I said gesturing to the mess of a room. "You also don't eat when you're stressed."
"I bet Jason told you everything about me didn't he?" She scoffed.
"Actually he didn't tell me much." It was true. Reyna had always been a mystery to me. She was nice in a way, just different. I had saved her life in the Giant war, and we'd kind of hung out once before, but the truth was we didn't know much about each other except for what friends and family said.
"Well you're right. Im worried about my sister. She can get in trouble you know?" Reyna sat on the edge of her bed her hands clasped and elbows rested on her knees.
"Hey, I'll check up on her when I leave tomorrow, okay?" Reyna's eyes softened for a brief moment.
"No you're not. You have friends to find. Don't waste your time on my sister, I'll worry about that. Besides it's not unusual for her to go MIA." Reyna sighed and I could tell she wanted to be alone. Getting to my feet I headed for the door before pausing.
"Reyna, it's not stupid to worry about your family. Send her the letter. She'll be glad you care." With that I eased the door shut and walked calmly out the front door. I found Gwen who showed me to the barracks. The girl's were nice, but they were just a painful reminder of what I missed. I laughed and joked when need be but my thoughts were stuck on the prospect of leaving tomorrow.
Tomorrow I could look for them, maybe I would find them perfectly safe and warm by a fire just waiting for me, but that didn't seem plausible. When I lay in bed that night I found it hard to close my eyes and sleep. What if no one's at the safe house? You've got that internal compass thing but that's only so accurate. If there aren't any leads how can you possibly find them? I felt tears spring to my eyes and fought to keep them back. I was losing everything all over again, just like Jason, Luke, Mom, and Annabeth. I couldn't catch a break. That night I did my best to keep my sobs muffled in my pillow.
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