Chapter Four: You Have Peanut Breath
My eyes shot open, and I gasped for a breath of air. The light blinded me, but then my eyes refocused. Jay's bright blue eyes looked watery but he wore a charming smile like always. His brown hair was drenched, but ruffled a bit when he ran his fingers through his hair. I noticed that he has freckles splashed across his nose. He pulled me into a hug, catching me off guard. When he let go, I gave him a smile.
"You missed me?"
He burst out laughing. "Don't ever do that again."
I suddenly felt a nasty taste in my mouth and spitted on the ground.
"Gee, thanks Becca." Jay said, feigning hurt. "After I saved your life you do a spit take."
I touched my lips. "Did you do CPR?"
He cheeks turned pink. "Well yeah, why?"
"You ate peanuts." I spitted on the ground again, a shiver went down my spine.
His hand went to his mouth and he cursed. "I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have eaten those granola bars!"
I sat up and walked over to the river. I gargled and spit out the disgusting peanut taste from my mouth. Since it wasn't from direct contact, I only have a weird taste in my mouth and feel like throwing up. My stomach rumbled, I just want to vomit right now.
I saw broken debri drifting in the river. It must have been the boat. I sighed, I guess we have to walk for the rest of the way. That's when I saw something black in the river. I gasped and waded into the river to grab my frying pan. A miracle, I say, a miracle!
"I thought I lost you!" I cried.
When I went back to Jay, he was already setting up camp in a clearing of the forest. It was getting dark so he was making a small fire.
"Hey, are you okay?" Jay asked, really concerned.
"Yeah, I'm fine. The peanut taste is gone."
He ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm so sorry, Becca! I'm an idiot!"
I chuckled. "I can vouch for that."
Jay gave me a small smile. "Did you know that peanuts is the most common food allergy?"
"Yes, I happen to know that." I grabbed a stick and poked the fire.
Both of out clothes are still wet. So I welcomed the roaring fire's warmth. If it weren't for the fact it was fire, I would happily hugged it. As if he was reading my mind, Jay grabbed something from my pack and sat next to me. He draped a huge blanket over the both of us. There was an awkward silence between us, so we both stared at the fire.
"Did you know that seahorses are the only fish that swim upright? They swim in an upright posture, with their heads held at the right angle to their bodies." Jay asked me.
I shook my head. "No. I happen to not know that."
"Did you also know, that once in England it rained frogs because of a water spout?"
I let out a chuckle. "You sure not cats and dogs?"
"If that happened, it would be horrible if someone stepped on a poodle."
We both laughed together. I sighed, and brought the blanket closer to me. My eyelids were starting to droop heavily.
"We should get to sleep." Jay said, noticing my tiredness.
I agreed then yanked the blanket to me. I rested my head on the log. Then I propped my legs on Jay's lap.
He laughed. "Hey!"
I stuck my tongue out at him. "My blanket."
"Fine then." He pulled out another blanket out of his pack.
"Is that backpack magical?" I asked.
"You always seemed to pull out the right things from the pack." I said. "Like food, rope, these huge blankets..."
Jay thought for a moment, then smiled. "Yeah, I guess it is magical."
I nodded and closed my eyes. "Thanks Jay. For saving me."
I heard some leaves crunching, as Jay lay down on the ground. "No problem, Becca."
I woke up at the middle of the night. I guess I couldn't sleep after all. I sighed, and ran my fingers through my hair.
What have you gotten yourself into Jayden?
I'm traveling with a girl I barely even know. Sooner or later she would find out. I smiled to myself, but this is the most fun I ever had. I want this adventure to last just a bit longer. The fire was already dying down, so I moved my head to the side. How come I don't hear Becca's snores? She doesn't snore loudly, is like a soft snoring that could even be found cute. I sat up and saw that the blanket was empty.
My eyes widened. "Becca?"
I shot off the ground and looked around. Where did she go? Maybe she went somewhere to use the bathroom. I frowned, I should still try to find her just in case. I grabbed the blankets and stuffed them into my backpack. I chuckled remembering that Becca thought the backpack was magical. I also grabbed her frying pan, she never leaves it.
I headed towards the river, maybe she went over there. I couldn't find her. Then the thought of them finding her came into my mind. If they find her...
"Becca?" I called out, being a bit panicked.
I heard some singing coming off the distance. It sounded like Becca's voice. I followed the sound, which was going up river towards the waterfall. But I didn't find her, the singing was close though. I went around the cliff and saw there was another waterfall thought thinner, and was connected to a small pond.
Then I heard a voice like Becca's in the distance.
"Whoa," I muttered.
When we sang in the boat, she was singing so softly compared to mine so I couldn't hear her. I hid behind the tree, dropping the backpack and crawling on the floor. Luckily, she didn't hear and continued to sing.
Enchanted by her singing, I left my hiding spot. The bushes and trees were blocking my view from Becca. I moved away and tried to find a better view. What was she doing?
Her voice echoed throught out the forest. I wouldn't be surprised if she went all Snow White and animals started to walk towards her.
I walked out the forest and found the pond empty. All I heard was the loud gushing water from the waterfall. I stood at the edge of the pond, I thought she was here. Then I saw someone emerged out of the waterfall.
My jaw dropped, Becca was in only in her underwear. I never thought she was so, um, hot. Becca flipped her hair backwards, brushing her bangs off her face. Then she saw me an automatically covered herself.
"Who do you think you're bloody ogling at?" She demanded in her cute accent.
I blushed crimson for being caught as a peeping tom. "Um, I was. I mean, uh-" My hand went over to my eyes, even though I knew it was too late. I lost my footing and I crashed into the pond.
"Help! Help!" I cried, splashing around like a maniac.
"The pond is only four feet deep, you idiot." Becca stated.
I stood up and saw that it only came up to my chest. "Oh."
She chuckled and swam towards me. Her head stayed above the water, I guess she was a bit shy. I leaned against the rock to match her height in the water.
"Hi," she replied back.
"So do you go skinny dipping often?" I asked, waggling my eyebrows.
She smacked me on my arm. "I'm not skinny dipping. I was taking a swim."
I chuckled, already knowing that.
"Could you get me a towel from your bottomless backpack?" Becca asked me.
I nodded, then left the water. After going into the forest to get dressed into one of my shirt and her jeans, she came back to the pond. Becca rolled up her pants to her knees and dipped her feet into the water. I did the same and took off my shoes and dipped my feet into the cool water. I twisted my bracelet my mom gave me. I hate awkward silences.
I grabbed my pack and took out the radio. Turning the radio on, I flipped to a random channel since it's hard to find any signal here.
"Wouldn't that be broken?"
I shook my head. "This backpack's waterproof."
"Another reason it's magical." She said with a chuckle.
She leaned next to me, her head resting on my shoulder. I stiffened, and my breathing hitched. Does she know the effect she has on me? Is she teasing me or is she just too oblivious of the fact? Under all of those glares and snarky comebacks, I wonder who she really is. I put my arm over her shoulder, pulling her close. I rested my head on hers, smelling her faint vanilla shampoo.
Rebecca lifted her head up, having me drop my arm off her shoulder. Her emerald green eyes sparkled in the moon light. Her long, brown hair rolled off her shoulders, and she acted like it was nothing. She's really beautiful, but I don't want to be the one to tell her that. Then I would be involving her into the mess I'm in.
I started to lean towards each other. I pushed some of her hair behind her ear, so I could see her eyes. She put her hand on my chest, and I hope she could feel my heart racing. That she was the cause of it. I barely grazed her soft lips with mine when I felt a push on my chest. I looked at her at confusion, didn't she want this? But then she said something.
"You have peanut breath."
Do you ever wish that you could go back in time and just... beat the crap of yourself? Yeah, I wish I could pull out some time machine out of my magical backpack. I silently groaned to myself, running my fingers through my hair.
Damn peanuts and their allergy causing powers.
Becca and I layed back on the grass beside the pond, our shoulders touched eached other, sending sparks of electricity to me. If you closed you eyes, you could hear everything. The gushing water falling form the waterfall, the chirps of the crickets, an owl hooting in the distance and the wind whistling in your ear. I smiled to myself at what Mother nature has given us.
"Did you know," I said, turning my head to her. "On a clear night, the human eye can see between 2,000 and 3,000 stars in the sky."
Automatically, we looked up and saw a lot of stars in the sky. It's times like this I'm glad I chose to do this. I could be stuck in the office all day, and I would have never seen things for real, have new experiences, meet new people, and try new foods.
I heard a yawn escaped Becca's lips. And I couldn't help but chuckle.
"Is it past our bedtime?" I cooed.
She shot a glare at me which I always find cute, and punched my shoulder. I don't find that cute though. Sometimes her punches hurt, most of the time they tickle.
"Shut up."
I stretched my arm out and placed it under her head. She obliged and scooted closer to me, resting her head near me.
She should know. I can't keep the secrets from her, especially when she's doing this to me. I don't know if she has the same feelings for me, and I don't care. I'm putting her in danger just being next to her, like this. I'm going to tell her.
That's when I heard a soft snore. I turned my head to find her fast asleep. I chuckled and pulled her closer to me.
Another time then.
So close. So, so close. Right?
But it's too soon people. It's only the fourth chapter! I can't throw you a kiss scene, even if this is a short story.
Here is some advice. When you see your friend talking to their crush. Start singing Kiss the Girl in front of them, bonus if you have some of your other friends be backup. But get ready to be punched.
I'm going to do that to my friends, when I get back at school.
I can be so evil at times.
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