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Flashback continue:
Nil's pov:
And he entered inside her making her scream on top of her lungs.
She bleed...
The whole haveli was filled with screams only screams... every time he thrusted inside her she screamed loudly and more loudly.
She really hoped that maybe someone would come and save her from him but no one came and he didn't stop nor did he show any mercy on her.
After a certain amount of time she stopped screaming, his thrust wasn't giving her any pleasure nor it was giving her any pain.
Instead his each and every thrust was taking her soul away from her body...bit by bit...
He kept on thrusting inside her, releasing in between until and unless his thirst got satisfied.
When he finally stopped, it was already too late, her soul already disappeared into the darkness.
We waited for maa but when she didn't came back we went back to haveli and after that what we saw...
Chandrachoor coming out of Bondita's room while buttoning his shirt. I looked at him suspiciously and immediately went inside the room.
And I saw that bondita was laying in bed...naked, her body filled with scars while she was bleeding, her eyes were still open but there wasn't any moment in her body nor any expression in her face. I and kaka looked away, closing our eyes while thakuma immediately covered her body.
And maa...when thakuma checked her nerves, she was already dead.
Without thinking once I complaint about it to police while thakuma and everyone begged me to not do that after all he is tupur's husband but I didn't listened to anyone's.
The news of bondita being raped by Chandrachoor was spreading like a fire in the forest. Everyone was blaming bondita saying that what was the need to stay in haveli that too alone? She herself must have lured him?
There was a lot of rumours while thakuma and everyone got too angry on my decision of giving chandrachoor punishment and left the haveli.
At that time bondita was hospitalized as her uterus got damaged due to his hard thrust. Bondita was small and her body was not ready for all this because of which her uterus got damaged badly and the doctor announced that she might have complications in her pregnancy in future or maybe she won't be able to carry the baby in her uterus anymore.
While her bleeding didn't stop for weeks.
All these days bondita didn't show any emotions, I tried hard to make her smile, angry or cry but everything was in vain.
After 15 days there was a Pooja in haveli for maa and that was day when a new bondita was born while the ashur was dead.
I made arrangements of bondita in the haveli so that she could stay in haveli. That's when I got to know that Chandrachoor got released from the jail with the help of money.
I don't know how bondita got to know about it and after days she finally showed some emotion but that was anger only anger...
Her body was still weak but then also she went outside the house in night before the Pooja without telling me and directly went to chandrachoor's house.
At the first when chandrachoor saw her in his house, he was shock but the smirked.
"Your brother tried to punish me but see I am here in my house, living my life like before but your brother...he lost everything.
You are here so late in night does that mean you again want to submit yourself to me. Well I must say I really loved the way you were screaming, I really again want to scratch your smooth body and eat it"
He said lustfully while licking his lips
"You love to hear screaming right, today I will make you scream" she said before going towards him
And before he could register anything she stabbed him.
He got shocked and saw his stomach bleeding, he tried to clutch her hair but she kicked the knife which was inside his stomach making him fall back in floor.
"The real scream is not letting everyone hear you, the real scream is when you want to scream on top of your lungs but not even a single voice of yours will come from your mouth.
Today is my mother's Pooja and today her soul will get peace"
she said and went inside the kitchen
She opened the gas and went outside the house while he tried to get up but failed miserably. Just after a few minutes she took a bow and pointed towards the kitchen.
The tip of the bow was burning with fire and she released it, it directly went inside the kitchen and...BLAST...
The whole house was burning with Chandrachoor inside the house while bondita was smiling.
It was morning when she finally came back to haveli. I was so tensed for her after not finding her in the whole haveli.
I asked where she went but without saying anything she directly went inside her room.
I followed her and knocked her room but she didn't opened the door so I went towards the window and opened it and after what I saw scared me to hell...
Bondita was trying to burn herself but before she could I took the extra key of the room and opened the door.
"What are you doing bondita?" I yelled holding her shoulder
"I killed him dada...I killed him" she replied
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Till then bye bye
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