Videos for this chapter:
Find My Way Back - Jaheim
Cry For You - Jodeci
Bliss' POV
I wish I had looked through the peephole of the door. Why do I keep opening the door without looking?
"How can I help you?" I was not in the mood for Shane.
"Bliss, can we talk? I have something really important to tell you. Can I come in?"
"Now you want to talk?! After what you said to me twice last year, you want to talk?!"
I tried to close the door, but Shane stuck his foot in the door.
"You really need to hear what I have to say. And it involves Grayson."
"What if I don't want to hear it? And what do you mean it involves Grayson?"
"Bliss, trust me. You need to hear what Shane has to say. I asked Shane to come over," Andrea said as she walked over to the door.
I opened the door and let Shane into my penthouse.
"Shane, Bliss will be right back." Andrea dragged me into the kitchen.
"Bliss, what Shane has to say is serious. Answer this - what did Grayson tell you before he left?"
"Grayson said he was going to a photo shoot."
"Did he tell you where the photo shoot was?"
"No, he didn't."
"That coward is hiding. You need to listen to Shane, Bliss."
"Okay. Okay."
"When you're ready, go into the living room. I'm going to my room."
I walked slowly because I still didn't have full strength in my legs. I sat on the couch and didn't say a word. Then, Shane started talking.
"I was blackmailed. And, I will tell you by who - Milena, Mikayla, Grayson, and my Aunt Judy. They threatened to kill you, and I would be there to watch them do it. I couldn't live with myself watching you die. That is why I broke up with you the way I did in your office in 2019. Once we were no longer together, Grayson would swoop in and start dating you. There was no way in heck I would start dating either Mikayla or Milena."
"Explain why Mikayla was with you in Barbados."
"I can't be any clearer regarding my feelings about Mikayla. I had no idea Mikayla was in Barbados. You know full well that I could not stand Mikayla. I would NEVER, EVER date her or anyone else. I loved you, Bliss. I still do. You mean the world to me. We were supposed to be married with a baby on the way now."
"How do I know you aren't making it up?! Grayson would never hurt me. He told me he loved me."
I started walking slowly toward the kitchen, and Shane followed me. Then, he sat me on the counter.
"Grayson's feelings could be love or lust. I did what I did to save your life. I was not going to let you die!! I had no choice!! Do you think it was easy for me to break up with you?! I was and am hurting too! I cried like crazy after you left my building! While on the way home from the airport that day you left for Milan, I received phone calls from an unknown number saying they were going to kill you!! They forced and threatened your friend Jillian to place hidden cameras in your office to make sure that I did break us up."
"Jillian? She is one of the sweetest people I know."
"While you were in the hospital, they even tried to force her to poison you with a needle. She didn't do it. My aunt tried to have her killed by Lucy. Everywhere I went, two men followed me. They were supposed to kill you if I was caught talking nicely to you. I was not going to let you die!! Remember the wine you grabbed from that table in Barbados?"
"Yes, I do."
"I had to give you the cold shoulder. If I didn't, they would have shot you. I was not going to let that happen!! Listen to what I am saying, Bliss!!"
"Shane, you had a strange way of showing how much you love me! You gave me Nana Margie's engagement ring, Shane. Didn't that mean anything to you? I cherished that she wanted me to have it. It was the most beautiful piece of jewelry that I had ever owned. What hurt the most was you snatching it off my ring finger! I trashed every memory of you out of my house except Precious and Raven. Do you have any idea what I went through after that?!"
"Yes, I do! You lost your grandmother in October. I watched you at the fashion show drop on the runway. I tried to visit but was not allowed. Andrea created a list of the only visitors that were allowed. I did send flowers. I even attended your press conference when you left the hospital after the seafood incident. Mum kept me up-to-date. We still don't know who gave you seafood."
"I knew I saw you at the press conference. Grayson believed it was Alexander. And I believe it too because he knew I was allergic to seafood when we went to the conference in Miami."
Shane had tears in his eyes and started caressing my cheeks. I tried swatting his hands but held back because I missed his touch. "I wish I could take back that day, but I can't. I regret every single word. I love you. No one can question how much I love you and you only!!"
"This is just so much to take in at one time. How could Grayson do that to me?! And, he lied to me too. Grayson told me he had a photoshoot."
"That piece of trash is hiding because he knows the truth is out. When I get my hands on his throat, he better hope I don't crush it!"
"How did Jessica die?"
I didn't really want to hear it, but I needed to.
"The day before Jessica died, she called me and told me that I was being blackmailed. The next day, we had breakfast at Impresso Espresso. Just as Jessica was about to tell me who, two guys came out of nowhere and started shooting. I grabbed Jessica to shield her, but I was too late. On the way to the hospital, she told me about Mikayla. Mikayla then revealed Milena and Grayson. But my cousin Elizabeth told me that my Aunt was behind it all. She is the one who had Jessica killed. We found Mikayla, Milena, and my Aunt. But, no Grayson yet. Niko has a private investigator looking for Grayson."
"Grayson was very supportive. He even stayed by my side at the hospital. I started growing feelings for him. I felt myself falling in love with him. And now you're telling me I meant nothing to him?! He told me he loved me."
I grabbed Shane into a hug because we both needed it. I see the sincerity in Shane's eyes and facial expressions. I know Shane would never lie to me.
"Do you really still care about me? I know it was very hard for you to do what you did when I returned from Milan. It really hurt at the time, but I am grateful for you saving my life."
"I was being honest about Mikayla and the company trip. She must have known that we would be coming there, and she showed up. I can't stand her. I never dated anyone after we broke up. I have always loved you. That never stopped. I was totally jealous of your relationship with Grayson. I even saw you kissing him on the beach in Maui."
"You saw that?" That was one of the hottest kisses we had.
"Yes, I did. I cried when you were in the hospital after the incident at the fashion show. I cried at the hospital when the doctor said Jessica had passed. I'm sorry. I am really sorry. I lost the only woman I could say that I loved. I'm so sorry."
We pulled away from the hug.
"I know all of the guys gave you heck. And, I am sorry for pouring that ice, cold water on you, for what I said, for punching you in your face, and for throwing our pictures at you. I could never hate you. It just hurt me how cold you were at the office. Before that, I had never experienced a breakup. I didn't know how to handle it. I am sorry for everything I did and said. While dating Grayson, my heart always ached for you. I want to punch him in the face."
"We'll punch him together. Kalani is no joke. My father lit me up too. But you don't have to apologize for anything."
"Kalani is now my dad. He adopted us. And, yes, I do. Shane, you didn't have a choice. After what you just told me, you were hurting as much as I was. I saw it when I left your house after picking up Precious and Raven. You had a sad look on your face when I looked back. I could tell something was wrong. Why did people hate our relationship so much? I never asked you for anything because I had my own. My parents set all three of us up to be successful."
"I ask myself that question all the time. I don't care what people think about us. But I will always fight for us."
"We both said things we regret, so I do need to apologize. But now I understand why. And I forgive you too. You had my heart while we were separated. You asked me to be what every woman wants to be - your wife, Mrs. Shane Carson Landes. And I still want to be one day in the future. I missed you calling me 'Darling.' And I missed calling you my 'Lover Boy.' I still care about you too."
"Can you get me off the counter so that we can cuddle on the couch?" Once off the counter, we went to my living room. I grabbed a blanket, and we lay on the couch. "Uh, I do have to tell you something, so please don't be mad. While Grayson and I dated, we made out with each other, a lot. And, uh, one time, Grayson took my bra off and saw my breasts."
"He saw what?!" Shane was mad, but then he said, "While we are confessing, I, uh, had to pretend I had feelings for Milena. She fell for it and came to London. I threw up afterward."
"Remember, it is in the past. What is going on in London, Shane?"
"Mum and my father are at my house, holding Milena, Mikayla, and my aunt hostage. Mum suggested you come over and give them a piece of your mind. And, to also find a suitable punishment for all of them."
"All in one spot? Darn, right, I got something to say. When does the plane leave?"
"Tomorrow morning."
"What if I had told you no and to leave me alone? What if I didn't want to get us back together?"
"Then, I would have kidnapped and unwillingly taken you to London. Gone are the days of Mr. Nice Shane. Like I told my parents, 'your parents created you for me.' You are mine and mine only. No one can ever have you, not even if I die. I will hurt anyone who messes with my family. Jessica did not have to die. I'm still hurt about that."
"I believe it. Shane, you did your best to protect her. You didn't pull the trigger. But your aunt did. So, her punishment will be worse. Count on it. I'm done being nice too. There are consequences for what they did to me, what they did to us. So, how long are we staying? And you told Adrian and Brently that? Possessive much? Well, I am proclaiming the same thing - Adrian and Brently created you for me. You are mine only. No one can ever have you or touch you, not even if I die."
"As long as you would like. Nana and grampa miss you. Elizabeth wants to apologize to you. Jimmy and Marsha miss you too. Darn, right, I am possessive. We lost a lot - our wedding, you being in the hospital, Jessica passing away. I should have been the one to support you."
"But you did support me, Shane. You may not have been by my side, but I got the flowers you sent. They were beautiful. And, you said you came to the fashion show, and Jessie's funeral. I saw you."
"It's not the same. I wanted to be by your side. But, enough is enough. I didn't think you would take me back this fast. Thank you, 'Darling.' And, I see feisty Bliss is appearing."
My stomach just knotted up from hearing Shane say, 'Darling.' I missed that.
"Darn right, mister. Nothing like this is happening again. I will hurt anyone who even thinks about trying. I missed us so much. Stay right here. I am going to pack a bag and come right back."
I got off the couch and went to my room. One thing I know I am going to take is my forearm crutches.
After packing some clothes for about 30 minutes, I returned to Shane on the couch.
"Can I ask you something? Were you thinking about me as much as I was thinking about you? When you sent me that text message about Jessica, I was surprised that you still had my number."
"I could never stop thinking about you. And I was either too busy or in the hospital even to realize I had your number. I realized it when I sent the text. But I had to thank you. I really miss Jessie. Thanks to her hearing Mikayla, we all know the truth. I don't want anyone else. You are the only one I want. The next step for us is marriage. Let's get some rest because I want to make Mikayla and the rest suffer. I love you, Shane. Always and forever."
Sunday, July 12th, 2020
Shane and I left my penthouse and went to the garage. "So, I see you finally bought an Escalade. We are so going to be twins."
We got in and drove off to the airport. "What can I say? It's a nice truck."
Surprisingly, traffic was not as bad because we made it to the airport in 30 minutes. I saw Shane's plane on the runway. I missed this so much. Shane parked his Escalade, and we grabbed our luggage and my crutches; then, we took a short tram ride to the plane.
Mr. Jimmy was at the top of the plane stairs. The tram came to a full stop, and then he went down the stairs.
"Please tell me Shane did not kidnap you. Good to see you again, Bliss."
Mr. Jimmy hugged me.
"No, he didn't. It's good to see you too. I missed traveling on this plane. It feels great to be back."
"I'm hoping you took him back. Shane was miserable without you. When he told me what happened, I was shocked."
"I was too. And, yes, we are back together. It was easy for me too. Nobody should be forced to break a relationship because someone else is jealous."
"Absolutely. And I am glad you are okay from that seafood incident. You were in a coma at the time, but your family let Marsha and I visit you."
"I saw your names on the visitors' list they created. Thank you so much for coming. I cried when I saw that you both came."
"You're welcome, Bliss. We are cleared for takeoff, so go ahead and get your seats and we will be off to London."
"Thanks! Uh, Shane, how am I supposed to get up the stairs?" I didn't see my crutches.
Shane carried me bridal style onto the plane. "Get used to this, madam."
Once we were in our seats, Michael came and shut the door. He is Shane's flight attendant. "It's good to have you back, Bliss."
"Thanks, Michael. I'm glad to be back." He then took his seat, and we were off to London.
"Bliss and Shane, make your way back to your seats so we can land. Welcome to London."
"Thanks, Michael."
Shane and I fell asleep on the couch aboard the plane. "Shane, we have to get up. Michael said we need to buckle up so Marsha and Jimmy can land the plane."
I got up, but Shane was knocked out. I know for a fact he is ticklish, so that is what I did. He opened his eyes. "We have to buckle up. The plane is about to land."
Shane gave me a funny look. "You always tickled me. So, now it's my turn to get you. Now, let's get to our seats." Shane finally got up, and we went back to our seats. As soon as the seat belt sign turned off, we landed safely in London.
I went to the cockpit to give Marsha a great, big hug. "Bliss honey, I am so glad to see you. And welcome back. This plane was lonely without you."
"I missed you too, and thank you. I am back for good."
"That is great news! No more grumpy or sad, Shane. Enjoy your time in London."
"Hey, I heard that!" Shane yelled in our direction. I couldn't help but chuckle. I held onto the wall because I had left my crutches at the seat.
"Don't tell me; you took my crutches already."
"Yup. So, get ready to be carried, ma'am." Once again, Shane scooped me up and carried me down the plane stairs. I saw Nana, Grampa, and mom. Shane put me down, then I immediately broke down and hugged them all.
"I missed you guys. And I apologize for staying away from you all. Thank you for coming to visit me while I was in the hospital. Also, for your support at my sister's funeral."
"Honey, we missed you too. And you don't have to apologize. You both have been through so much since last year. When Shane told us the truth, Edward and I both were angry. I couldn't believe that Judy would do that to you. We do not condone what she did to your sister. But we are so happy that you and Shane are back together. He texted us late last night that you took him back. We did a happy dance. Come, let's get you both home."
There were two vehicles. Shane and I drove together. Nana, Grampa, and mom drove together. We drove to Shane's house. And, Brently was waiting for us at the door. Shane parked the Range Rover and then came to help me out. I hugged dad too. "How are you doing, sweetheart?"
"I'm fine and upset. Upset because of what happened and at those who did what they did. I'm fine because my walking is continuously improving, and I am back where I belong - with Shane."
"We are happy too. Dinner is ready, so let's get you all inside."
Nana and Grampa stayed at Shane's house with us for the night. I caught them up on everything that happened and how Kalani adopted us into his family.
After about an hour or so, everyone started feeling tired. Mom and dad went to their room. Nana and Grampa went to their room. I dragged Shane with me. "We are making up for the lost time. So, change into your nightclothes and come back."
"Yes, ma'am," Shane said with a smirk, then walked back to his room. I walked into the bathroom and changed into my nightshirt. It was short, but I didn't care.
Once Shane came back, he laid down first. I turned off the light and laid right on his chest, and then he lifted the cover over both of us.
"Goodnight, Lover Boy."
"Goodnight, Darling."
Monday, July 13th, 2020
Shane's POV
I couldn't move one bit. But I didn't care because I had my Bliss back. I drew circles on her back while she was still sleeping. I missed this. I wonder if Bliss is still a ..........
"Yes, I am still a virgin, Shane. Good morning. And, I will stay that way until we say, 'I do.' You may be mad because I did think about letting Grayson be first. I can't believe I even considered it. How could he think so little of me?!"
"Good girl. I can't be mad. I'm just relieved. How about we get ready, eat breakfast, and handle business in the basement?"
Bliss shot up. Fortunately, she missed "Jr."
"Okay, I'll meet you downstairs for breakfast. I got something for all three of them." Bliss grabbed her garments and walked slowly into the bathroom. I walked back to my room.
After a nice, warm shower, I did my morning routine and got dressed. Then, I headed downstairs. "Good morning, mum."
"Good morning, Shane. You and Bliss just missed Margie and Edward. They said to come by the house later. I am guessing you slept well last night, didn't you?"
"Yes, I did. But, you will still have to wait until Bliss, and I are married for children. Bliss is sticking to her promise, and I must respect it."
"Good morning, everyone. Where's dad?" Bliss asked.
"He left to get some more strawberries for Mikayla. She is allergic to them. We can use them to threaten her if she doesn't do what you tell her to. I made some pancakes and scrambled eggs, so help yourselves, Bliss and Shane."
"Thanks, mum."
I fixed a plate for Bliss and one for me. About 15 minutes later, my father came back with strawberries and more.
"We are ready when you are, Bliss."
"Okay. I'll be ready after I finish eating."
"I'm going to go ahead downstairs. Come down when you are ready."
I wanted to let them sleep on the floor because that's what they deserve, but mum was nice and told me to get twin beds for them.
"Wake up!! Time for you to face your punishment. And guess what? Your judge and jury are here."
I heard Bliss and mum coming downstairs.
"Ladies, she's back and meaner than ever, Ms. Bliss Sanders!!"
My father and I made a path for Bliss.
Bliss' POV
"You three are in big trouble!! Prepare to be severely punished!!"
Thank you for reading chapter 48.
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