Nolan's POV
I couldn't even get my words out of my mouth because of the beauty I saw standing next to Shane Landes. She is perfect - size, height, etc. After looking at her up and down, dang, this woman was curvy. Too bad Kevin didn't pair me up with her. We could definitely cook together. And I am not talking about food.
I can't cook worth squat, so Kevin and Aris had me bring some wine.
"Hey Nolan, thanks for coming and for the wine. You can put it in the refrigerator. We have plenty of appetizers in the dining room until dinner is ready."
"How about I skip the appetizer and go straight for the main course - her?"
I have got to find out her name. After putting the wine in the fridge, I walked towards' Shane.
"Hi, Shane. It's nice to see you again."
"She looks sexier up close."
"Nolan, this is my assistant, Ms. Sanders. Bliss, this is Nolan Grant."
"She can assist me any time."
"It's nice to meet you, Nolan. Excuse me, but I need to get started grilling this chicken." Then, she left to go outside.
Even how she says my name is sexy. "My, my, my, look at her as-"
"Nolan, don't even try it. She turned me down. So, what makes you think you have a shot? I see the way you look at her. Please spare your dignity. She is very independent and does not want a relationship. Chase is giving her the same looks. It is making her uncomfortable. So, I'm asking you nicely to leave her alone, or else?"
After Shane said that, he walked outside.
"He isn't the boss of me. I can do what I want."
Narrator's POV
Kevin and Aris had two grills in their backyard, so it only took about an hour. Shane and Bliss were cooking on one grill. Chase and Nadia were cooking on the other one. He kept stealing glances at Bliss the whole time. Bliss could feel it, so she told Shane to get her when the chicken was done.
Shane noticed how uneasy she felt at Chase's gaze, so Shane had the same chat with him that he had with Nolan - leave Bliss alone.
Once every dish was finished cooking, Kevin and Aris sampled a little bit of everything that their guests prepared so they could determine the winner at the end of the night.
Shane's POV
"Good job on seasoning the burgers, Shane."
"Thanks. I had a great teacher."
"I am very impressed, Shane. Speaking of cooking, how did he do when you taught him, Bliss?"
"It went well. I only yelled a few times. Aris and Kevin, Shane burned the bacon."
"Shame on you, Shane. It is a sin to burn bacon, don't you know?"
"What can I say, Shane? Aris and Bliss both love bacon."
"But, I have gotten better at cooking bacon."
"He has improved dramatically. Why do I feel like eyes are staring at me?"
I looked around and saw that Chase was staring at Bliss hard.
"Because someone is staring. Don't turn around. It's Chase."
"Him too? We would not have invited him if we knew he was like that. Sorry, Bliss."
"It's okay. I don't want to cause I stir in your home. Shane, can you take me home, please? I'll call you Aris."
"Of course. See you later, Kevin and Aris. And congratulations on your new home and being back in New York."
"Thanks, Shane. We'll walk with you to your truck."
All four of us got up and made our way to my truck.
"Thank you for the invite to the housewarming. I had fun cooking."
"You're welcome, Bliss. And you and Shane won the cooking contest. Here is a bag for you, Shane. And, one for you, Bliss."
"Aww, thank you, guys." Bliss gave Kevin and Aris both a hug.
"Goodnight, guys." Then, Bliss got in the car.
"We will have you both over another time, Shane."
I got in my truck. "Goodnight, Kevin and Aris." Then, we made our way toward Long Island.
While on the way to Bliss' house, "It's early, Shane. How about we go to Walmart for movie snacks and watch a marathon at my house?"
"Good thinking because I was just about to suggest the same thing." "To Walmart, we go."
We were in traffic for about two hours. By the time we reached Walmart, it was 10:00 pm - stupid traffic. Bliss was knocked out and asleep in the passenger seat. She has a soft snore.
"Bliss, love, we are at the store. Do you still want to watch movies?"
She snorted and woke up out of her sleep. "Huh? I fell asleep, didn't I?" She said as she was wiping her eyes.
"Yes, you did." She didn't chastise me for calling her 'love.'
"And, I am guessing you heard me snore too. Am I right?"
"Sorry. I just started doing that over the past couple of years. I'm awake now. So, yes, we are still watching movies. I am paying for the snacks," Bliss said to me.
As we were walking towards the store, Bliss was lagging behind me. Once I reached the sidewalk, "Look out!!" A car was speeding towards' Bliss. She froze as she saw the car coming her way. I grabbed her hands and snatched her close to me. She wrapped her arms around me and laid her head on my chest. The floodgates were open - she couldn't stop crying.
Several people ran over to where we were standing. "Oh my goodness!! Ma'am, are you okay?"
Bliss stuttered, "N-n-no." She was shaking really badly as she held on to me tight. So, I rubbed my hands up and down her back to calm her down.
Another person came over. "I was able to snap a picture of that car's license plate quickly!"
"Can you text it to me? My number is 444-246-8024."
"Shssh, sweetheart, I will find out who did this to you. They are dead meat when I do."
I heard my text notification. I reached into my pocket for my phone. "Is this your number?" I showed the gentleman my phone.
"Yes, that is my number."
"Thank you so much for taking that picture. What can I do to thank you?"
"Mr. Landes, you don't have to do anything. I just did what any civilized human being would have done."
"You know who I am?"
"Yes, sir. You are well-known in the Long Island community as one of the nicest rich people. You have done so much for the community here - by building the parks and helping clean up the streets. We will stay out here to see if that car comes back."
"Thank you, Mr. uh......"
"Mr. Jones. And you're welcome."
"Let's go in the store, love." I grabbed a cart on our way into the store. Bliss kept a tight grip on my right arm as we walked in. We headed towards the snack aisle.
"What type of popcorn are we getting?"
"Un-popped - I have a popcorn popper at home."
We picked up so much junk that it is not funny - popcorn, gummy worms, chocolate, nachos and dip, soda, etc.
"Can you grab some Twizzlers? I like the red kind. And some Peanut Chews, Runts, and Mike & Ike's?"
After grabbing everything and putting them in the cart, we went to the register to pay. Bliss let go of my arm to pay for our things. Then, she grabbed my arm when she finished paying. After placing the bags in the cart, we left the store.
Sure enough, Mr. Jones was still outside.
"Mr. Jones, I just came up with something. How would you like to be a part of my security team at my company? You can start as soon as Monday if you would like to. Name your salary, and it is yours. Don't worry because I will make sure you get fully trained. Follow me to my truck."
He did and said, "Yes, sir. I can start on Monday. Thank you, Mr. Landes."
"No, thank you."
As I was about to unlock the door, "Shane, may I drive your truck to my house?"
"Of course. Just press the keyless ignition, and the truck will start."
Bliss got in the truck, and I began putting the bags in the back. I gave Mr. Jones my card, and he gave me the salary he wanted. I had no problem giving it to him. "When you come in at the receptionist desk on Monday, ask for me, and I will come down to show you where to go."
"Yes, sir. Enjoy the rest of your night, Mr. & Mrs. Landes."
I thought Bliss was going to retort, but she didn't. Mr. Jones made his way to his car and left. I got in the passenger seat and pulled off towards her house.
It took us like 20 minutes to reach her house. Bliss parked my truck in her driveway. "I would put your truck in one of the garages, but there is no more space. How do I turn your engine off?"
"This is fine. Just press the same button that turned it on."
We both got out of the truck. As soon as I went to the back to get the snacks, I heard Bliss crying again. I walked over to the driver's side and saw her sitting on the ground, crying.
"Where are your house keys, sweetheart?" She handed me her bag. I opened it and grabbed the keys. "I'll be right back."
I opened her front door, then returned to get her. "Come, let's get you inside."
"I can't move. I am too scared to move, Shane."
I grabbed Bliss's hands to pick her up off the ground. Then, I carried her inside. I saw her living room, so I placed her on one of the couches she had. "I'll be right back." I grabbed the bags and locked the truck.
I went to sit on the couch with her. Bliss then laid her head on my shoulder. So, I took a chance and wrapped her in a loving embrace. She didn't swat my arm away.
"What would you like to watch?"
"Can we watch 'Batman vs. Superman', please? I am a huge fan of the actor that plays Superman, Henry Cavill. And he is super-hot. Now that I think about it, you could almost be his twin. And, then, can we watch Thor?"
"Let me guess - you're a fan of Chris Hemsworth?"
"Oh my goodness, am I? He is a total babe."
"Okay, we will watch those first."
"Can you stay with me tonight, please?"
"Of course."
"Thank you for being a great friend, Shane."
"You're welcome."
I hope to be more in the future. I'll take being a friend over nothing. Plus, Bliss thinks I favor the Superman actor, who she says is hot. I will take it.
Narrator's POV
After about an hour into the movie, Shane noticed Bliss had fallen asleep. So, he went to search for a blanket to put over her. He found one for her and one for him. Shane turned off the television and went to sleep on the other couch.
Bliss and Shane had their movie day on Sunday and ordered pizza and wings. Shane did all he could to cheer up Bliss after what happened on Saturday. And it worked.
On Monday, Mr. Jones was hired as one of the security guards for Landes Industries. Shane assigned him to be a part of his security detail when he traveled to events. Mama Landes was livid when Shane told her what had happened.
Over the next month, Bliss held her housewarming party. She invited her family and friends. She even let Shane fix some of the food and did not tell him what to do.
The Sanders Girls are going to Italy. The trip to Italy is approaching fast, and Bliss is super excited about that. Shane even told her she could invite Jessica to come with them.
The week of the trip - October
Bliss' POV
It is Monday morning. After I finished the timesheets, I forwarded them to Payroll for processing. Then, I couldn't help but walk over to my window to admire the view of New York. And, think about the trip to Italy that we are leaving for this weekend. I am really excited.
I heard a knock on my door.
"Oh hey, Shane."
He walked over to where I was standing. "What's on your mind?"
"Going to Italy. I never thought that I would get the chance to go there. If I could, I would live there."
"Speaking of Italy, don't forget the lunch at noon so we can go over the details for the trip. Where do you want to go?"
"I want to go to The Vine for Italian. I am definitely going to need a gym while over there."
"There is one in the house."
"Good. I'm driving to the restaurant. I am driving the Suburban today. So, I'll meet you at my truck. I am trading it in after the lunch for the 2019 Escalade that just came out in September."
"For a shorty, you sure do like to drive big trucks."
I gave Shane a playful elbow in his ribs. "Hey, I can't help that I am short. Seriously, my dad taught me how to drive in his Suburban. That's why I like SUV'S. Besides, I tried to drive a car, but it felt weird. I felt shorter. And, I like sitting up high driving."
"I'll be by your truck when you come down."
Shane left my office. I returned to my desk to look at my emails and the scheduled meetings.
Lunchtime came fast. I grabbed my sunglasses and purse and then walked toward the elevators.
"Hey Carly, I won't be back after lunch. So, I'll see you tomorrow."
"See you tomorrow, Bliss."
It was a short elevator ride to the first floor. After stepping off, I made my way to my truck. Just like he promised, Shane was waiting at my Surburban. So, I pressed the unlock button on my keys, and Shane got in. Then, I got in on the driver's side.
The restaurant is in Manhattan, so the drive took about an hour because of the typical lousy New York traffic. Don't get me wrong. I love New York because I was born here. But I want to move south, either to Florida or North Carolina. Time to go into rude mode. I had to bogart because no one was letting me over.
Shane looked over at me like I was crazy. "Hey, we would have never gotten over, so I had to do that. That's another reason why I like a big truck."
I cut somebody off so I could make a right turn. Shane looked at me again.
"What? See, there is the restaurant."
I pulled up to the restaurant. I gave the valet attendant my keys because I certainly was not going to find a parking space.
The doorman opened the restaurant door, "Good afternoon, Mr. Landes and Ms. Sanders."
"Hi, Mr. Larry, and thank you."
The hostess showed us to our seats. Shortly after we sat down, someone called Shane's name.
"Oh, please don't let it be that Chase or Nolan character."
When he came close, I sighed and felt relieved.
"Hey, Shane. It is good to see you."
"Hey Cris, how are you doing? Cris, this is my assistant, Ms. Bliss Sanders."
"It is nice to meet you, Cris."
"What are you doing in NY? Have a seat and join us for lunch."
"I am scouting locations to open another club. I have one being built now in Florida. And, business is great with the wine."
"Cris here owns Classico Fiore."
"Oh my goodness, I love it. The red is my favorite."
"Thank you for supporting the wine. Can I ask you something? I saw you sigh before I sat down. Is everything okay?"
"I'm sorry. I thought you were Alexander Mahoney. Or Nolan or Chase, whom I met about a month ago. All they do is stare at me with lust in their eyes."
"Did you say, Chase? Is his last name Dalton? Please stay away from him. I implore you. He is nothing but trouble. I'm sorry, but you are now on his list."
Shane says, "That's his last name. And, what type of list?"
"He assaulted my wife on our honeymoon in April."
"He did what?! He is disgusting. Every time I turned around, it seemed like he was staring at me, making me feel uncomfortable."
"And, this past August, he tried to assault my wife's best friend, Layla."
"What a minute? What is Layla's last name?"
"I think it was Jordan, but she got married in September, and her name now is Meyers."
"What is her husband's first name?"
"It's Ryan."
I let out a happy squeal, and they both gave me a funny look.
"Sorry about that. Layla and I were childhood friends when she moved from Maryland to New York. After high school, we lost contact with each other. Ryan was my best guy friend in college at NYU. He was like a brother to me and always protected me from the guys that would always ask me for dates. I miss them both."
"Layla has a 5-year-old daughter now. Her name is Braelyn. Layla and Ryan are expecting their first child. Hey, we are having a surprise shower for Layla and my wife in November. How would you like to surprise Ryan and Layla?"
"Of course! I would love to come. And congratulations. Where will it be?"
"We currently live in Miami. And thank you. She is pregnant with our twins. I have a current set of twins from a prior relationship."
He showed me a picture of his twins and his wife. "Aww, they are adorable. And your wife is very pretty. You have a beautiful family, Cris. I can't wait to meet them."
"Thank you. The shower will be the third Saturday in November."
"Okay. After I go to the Cadillac dealership, I'll look for flights this evening."
"Wait, are you getting an Escalade?"
"Yes. I want the 2019 model that just came out."
"My wife will love you. Kamea and Layla both have white Escalades. They are already planning tricks to play on us."
"That is so cool. I want a black or blue one. Now, I am excited about going to Miami. That means you are Marco Fiore's brother. He is a hottie. And I hear congratulations are in order."
"He is getting married in July."
"That is awesome news. Excuse me, gentlemen."
Shane's POV
"Okay, Shane, you're attracted to her. Aren't you?"
"It was love at first sight with her back in May. But when I confessed my feelings, Bliss said she didn't want or need to be in a relationship. Bliss is very independent. I already told her I was not going to quit. I want her to be Mrs. Shane Landes."
"And you shouldn't give up. Kamea wasn't independent, but when we first met, she told me she didn't want to be in a relationship at the time. Over four months, we fell in love with each other. And guess what? She even suggested we get married a few days after I asked her to be my girlfriend. Give her time. If she is the one you want, definitely don't give up."
"Thanks, Cris. She has many qualities a man looks for in a woman besides beauty - kindness, politeness, compassion for others, and so much more. She doesn't know it yet, but Bliss has already met my family, and they love her too. I love her to pieces."
"Saturday evening, we left a party because Chase was staring at her like she was prime rib. So, we went back to her house for a movie night. But first, we went to the store for movie night snacks. Somebody tried to run Bliss down with their car to kill her. She was scared to death. Bliss must have had a nightmare because she was lying next to me on the couch when I woke up Sunday morning."
"Sounds like she is slowly coming out of her independence. I do not doubt that Kamea and Bliss will instantly become friends, especially when she finds out Bliss has an Escalade. We are going to be in trouble if Layla, Kamea, and Bliss drive their trucks at the same time."
"I hear you. Bliss drove to lunch today and cut several people off."
"I see her coming back. I hope everything works out for you, Shane."
"Thank you, Cris."
"Sorry, gentlemen. I'm ready now to order lunch."
Narrator's POV
Bliss and Shane told Cris about their two-week trip to Italy. He gave them some places they could visit while there.
Cris and Shane rode with Bliss to the Cadillac dealership and ensured she got a great deal for her new Escalade. They hung out for the rest of the day.
Cris even Skyped with Kamea and the twins. He introduced them to Bliss. Bliss and Kamea instantly became friends, as Cris predicted. They even exchanged phone numbers.
The rest of the week flew by fast. It was now time to leave for Italy.
Bliss' POV
Jessica and Andrea stayed with me because we had to drive to Shane's house. So, I parked my truck in his driveway, and we got out. When we pulled up to his house, we saw Carly, Brently, Adrian, Reg, Charles, and another person I didn't know.
"Hi, everyone. I want to introduce my other sister, Jessica. You all met Andrea. Jessica, meet my work family - Carly, Adrian aka, 'mom,' Brently, Reg, and Charles. And, of course, you already know Shane."
"Hi, everybody. And thank you for letting me join my sisters on the trip, Shane. We are going to have so much fun touring in Italy."
Shane's POV
"Whatever keeps Bliss happy, I will do."
"You're welcome, Jessica. I will do anything for my family."
My sister whispered, "Are you sure you want to introduce me as your sister? Be thankful we didn't bring the kids because you know they would not be quiet."
"I am well aware."
"Ladies, this is my older sister, Nina. Nina, meet Bliss, Jessica, and Andrea."
"It is so nice to meet you, ladies."
She gave me a side-eye approval and whispered, "Shane, don't let her get away."
"I won't, I promise."
"My husband is meeting us over in Italy. We have three kids, but they are in school, and we did not want them missing two weeks."
"Aww, that's okay. We can meet the kids another time."
"That will definitely happen."
"We can start loading now. We are using both limos. So, pick your limo and load the luggage."
"Hey, Shane, Ray, and I would like to thank you for inviting us to Italy."
"You're welcome, Reg. You both deserve it."
"So, how are things with Bliss since we talked in July?"
"Much better. We are now friends. She doesn't get mad when I call her sweetheart or anything else. Someone called her Mrs. Landes, but she didn't chastise the guy for it."
"She is doing the same thing that I did. But, still, give her time."
"I promise, Reg."
We were the last two not in the limo. Once we were in, we pulled off to the private airport. Wyatt, Mercedes, Natalia, and her husband are already at the airport.
It took us an hour to get to the airport. The luggage was loaded while everyone boarded the plane.
Kevin and Aris were coming as well. But they must have gotten stuck in traffic. I then looked in the distance and saw them coming our way.
"Sorry, Shane. Good, old NYC traffic at its' best."
"That's okay. We are still on schedule. Everybody is on the plane."
Bliss' POV
I know what my sisters are trying to do. They think they are slick. But who is sitting in the other seat?
I looked up and saw Kevin and Aris. Thank goodness I was not by myself with Shane and his handsome self.
"Wait, did that come out of my mouth?"
"Hi, Kevin and Aris. I didn't know you guys were coming."
"It has been a couple of years since we have been on one of Shane's trips. We couldn't pass it up when he asked us if we would like to come. Besides, us girls got some major shopping to do."
"Yes, we sure do. And, I came prepared to treat myself to whatever I want."
"Shane, we have been cleared to take off."
"Thanks, Jimmy." Then, he went back to his captain's seat.
"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. We are now clear to take off. Please place the tray tables up and strap yourselves in your seats. Once in the air, sit back, relax and enjoy the ride to Italy."
I couldn't help but admire Shane for the first time since meeting him. His eyes are like kryptonite - they are gorgeous. But also a weakness because I can never look him straight in his eyes.
And don't forget that sexy British accent. Brently has the same accent as Shane. He really is an attractive man. And, just in the past four months, he has done so much for me. He even put up with me yelling at him when teaching him how to cook. Shane looked extra sexy with that apron on. I caught myself fanning a few times.
But I can't stop thinking about him ever since what happened in September after Kevin and Aris' housewarming party. I saw fear in his eyes when he saw that car, and he grabbed me and held me tight.
And now, I can't stop blushing because I realize I have feelings for Shane.
Thank you all for reading chapter 16.
Nolan is from my story, "The Merger." And, Cris and Chase are from my story, "Irreplaceable."
Thank you all for the votes and comments. 😘
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