Miss Movin Out
Kalani- 8 Months
Landon- 6 Months
•Landon's POV•
Smile. It's a beautiful day. Kali and I get to move out. Harmony is a month old. Mom, and Daddy are getting married. AND... They're adopting again! Since Kali and I are moving out, they are gonna fill the spaces that used to be our rooms with new kids. Well, not the basement. Joe is converting that into a Man Cave. But back to the kids. Today, mommy and I are going to pick up the kids. They adopted a baby boy, Jackson, who is 2. A little girl, Mallory, who is 9. And Sisters, Sarai, 16 and Adelaine, who is 15. I'm stocked. Even though I was only there for months and Kali was there much longer, it's weird knowing that I have all of these sisters and a brother.
10 a.m. and we just got into the SUV. "Mom, can we please stop at Starbucks! This baby and I need a Iced Passion Tea." I begged. Mom rolled her eyes and shook her head.
"No, what if Sarai and Adelaine want Starbucks too?" She hit me with a good point. I nodded.
"I guess I can wait." I sulked into my seat. 20 minutes later we finally made it to the adoption center. First we were greeted by Adelaine.
"Bye Bitch!" She said, to an older girl who just looked mean. Demi tried not to smile, but failed. I guess that was the girl she was telling me and Kali about.
"Adelaine shut-up!" Sarai said, bring her suite case down the stairs. "Mallory, go get Benji." Sarai instructed. The 9 year old ran to the next room, coming back with a 2 year old holding her hand.
"Benji?" I asked. Sarai nodded.
"Yeah. Even though his name is Jackson we call him Benji." Sarai explained. Adelaine looked at my stomach and looked at my face, then back at my stomach.
"Woah! Congrats on the baby. Since we're gonna be a family it's like I'm gonna be an aunt again!" Adelaine explained. Everyone looked at Sarai. Demi rose an eyebrow.
"Don't look at me. She's talking about our older brother Trenton. He had a kid last Summer." Sarai once again explained something. Adelaine smiled mysteriously, and went to the car. After everyone was settled in the car the kids fell asleep fast but the teens and adults started talking.
"Okay, Landon when was your first time?" Adelaine asked. I started to blush, but it was dark so they couldn't see it.
"Not in front of Mom." I bit my lip nervously.
"Yes in front of Mom." Mom said. I sighed, and looked out the window.
"This may come as a shocker, but it hasn't happened yet." It was a red light and EVERYONE looked at me.
"Then how did-"
"I get pregnant?" I finished Adelaine statement. They all nodded. "You know, turkey baster..." I trailed off. I couldn't contain myself and started laughing. "I am TOTALLY kidding." I burst out laughing. Everyone sighed and started to laugh as well. "My ex boyfriend Corey and I were fooling around one night in my sophomore year and things got heated. It was all great until, Kalani walked in. That was the definition of awkward." Landon answered.
"Ohh." Adelaine said. "Okay Sarai, your turn." She cheerfully called.
"Uh, Mommy. What was the name of the first drink you have ever had and when?" She asked. Demi rolled her eyes.
"Why is this always the number one question?" Demi giggled. We all shrugged. "Uhh, the first drink I remember having a Roman Coke at 14." Demi tried to whisper that last part, but failed.
"14!" We all said in unison. Suddenly, Adelaines phone went off.
"Hello? Rodney I told you I don't want to...I don't owe you anything...Then take it back...No...I already paid you back for that...I don't live there anymore...You will never...I don't care don't call me ever again." Adelaine hung up on that note.
"Who was that?" I asked.
"Rodney, and ex dr- boyfriend." Adelaine corrected herself. Sarai and I knew what she was saying, but Mom wasn't even really listening. Once we got home, everyone took their stuff to their rooms and I went to the basement. To find Kalani sleeping in the bed with Isaac. I decided to pull a cover from the closet and sleep on the floor.
The next morning I woke up to Isaac dreaming his little head off. It was moving day, and we had all of out stuff packed. When I got off the floor the room looked so bare. I had then realized it was 11:34 in the morning, and I had to get my day started. I went to the bathroom did my routine and went up stairs to the main living area. In the kitchen I found that, Adelaine had went out exploring LA. Sarai was with her. Mallory was playing with Yasmin in the living room, and Dad and Jackson were shirtless in the kitchen eating cereal while Mom fed Harmony. "Joe are you moving the bed over to our place soon. Because I have something to do at 1, and Kali has a doctor appointment, so I'm the only one who can let you in." I said. He nodded and gave Jackson some cereal. "Come on Son. Lets help your sisters move." He said. I giggled, and kissed Mommy's cheek.
"If daddy doesn't get a move on it Lanni won't have a bed tonight." I said to Jackson. He came to me gladly, and we went to the bathroom to wash his hands.
"Okay, let me call up some friends and they'll meet us over there." Joe said grabbing his keys. "Bye son. Bye Fiancé. Bye Daughters." Joe said. Leaving the house with me. His buddies came over around 12 and we (meaning they) got my bed and mattress into the truck. My bed and things were moved in by 12:45 and we were out by 12:50. I had 10 minutes to go get Kali and make it to our thing on time. Damn, that leaves no time for Starbucks. Oh well.
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