Miss Jinxed
*Kalani's POV*
I'm don't believe in superstitions. I believe in coincidence. Like, when Demi said that she got pregnant both times in that room. Coincidental. When I also got pregnant in that room. Freaky. The fact that my period is late. Jinxed. I seriously didn't believe the curse until now. However, Moms friend, Selena, is coming over today, and I want to talk to her before I talk to mom.
When Selena came in the house I ran down the stairs to have my chance. "Hey mom. Yasmin has a question for you," I said. Yes, I roped Yasmin into helping me. She want a cut of my allowance, but I can spare. Anyone could if there allowance was 2k a month.
"Can't it wait? I have to talk to Selena about something," Demi asked, motioning to her friend.
"No, she will come down, and bug you until answer her." I informed. She sighed, and started up the stairs. As she was out of my line of sight, I dragged Selena to the kitchen and sat her at the island.
"What's up kid?" Selena asked. I sighed and tapped my fingers on the marble counter top.
"I have a problem." I whispered. I hopped up on the counter in front of her and tapped my hands on my lap. It's an annoying habit I have when I'm nervous. "My period is kind of late and I'm scared of how Demi will react," I confessed. Selena got up from her seat and sat next to me on the counter.
"Listen kiddo, I have no experience in THAT field. She is the only one of us in our friend group that does. So... I think you should talk to Demi about that," she honestly replied. I sighed. That's not what I was hoping to hear. "No, seriously. If you are worried that you might be pregnant-" Selena said before Demi came around the corner.
"Who's pregnant?" She interrupted. Selena got off the counter and went to the living room, stranding me on my own. "Kali, who's pregnant?" Demi asked, sternly.
"I-I-" I stuttered, there was no way she would be cool with this. Demi gave me a soft, trusting look that I almost fell for.
"Kali, you can tell me." Demi tried to reassure me. I shook my head, and hopped off the counter.
"Selena is," I screeched. Selena wiped her head around towards us from the couch.
"Kali!" She choked. Demi looked at her, giving me the chance to mouth go along with it, and run up the stairs.
"You're pregnant?" I heard Demi yell.
"That's about the looks of it." Selena lied. I bit my lip and sat on my bed. I felt bad for dragging her into my mess, but until I got a confirmation I couldn't say anything. If the test is positive she'll kill me, but if it's negative and I told her that I was pregnant, not only would she have been mad for no reason, she would know that I was still having sex. And that's something we just can't talk about in general.
"I have to get a test. Now!" I whispered to myself, before I pulled out my phone and texted Brittani to meet her at the park at 9 am on Saturday. I was gonna find out if I was jinxed or just paranoid.
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