Miss Independent
Demi laid on her bed texting a friend in only a robe, while Joe was at a friends helping them moved that night.
Demi: I know I was so wet.
???: Like hell. But you looked so sexy.
Demi: Lol omg. You looked sexier.
???: What are you wearing?
Demi: Cody, I'm not playing this game. I'm married remember?
Cody: I know, but that didn't stop you before.
Demi: True, true. Fine, we can play this game once, then it's over. We go back to just friends.
Demi closed iMessage, and opened Snapchat. And nothing good ever comes from Snapchatting a boy. First she just showed him her robe. Then, he wanted boobs, and she gave it to him. In return she got his 8 pack. Next she went to her lady part, and got his manhood. The difference between the two pictures, were he was turned on obviously, and she was as well, just not as much.
Demi: I don't want to do this again, so unless there is an emergency or work don't call or text me anymore ok.
Cody: I totally understand. Tell Joe I said hi.
Demi: Never gonna happen.
Demi sat down her phone, and went to check on the little kids. Jackson was playing with his monster trucks, and Harmony was watching him with fascination written on her face. "MOMMY!" Mallory yelled from her bathroom. Demi rushed into the bathroom, to find her bleeding.
"Whats wrong Mallory?" Demi asked.
"I woke up this afternoon and there was blood in my underwear! What is this?!?" She freaked. Demi sighed and chuckled.
"I think you just started your period babe." Demi answered. Mallory slapped her forehead.
"But, I'm only 10! This should happen for another 2 years." Mallory said. Demi shrugged.
"Early bloomer is my only guess. I'll be right back. Momma is about to teach you something." Demi said, referring to herself in 3rd person. Mallory stayed on the toilet waiting for Demi. When Demi came back, she had foreign objects in her hand. Well, they were foreign to Mallory. "Pick one." Demi sat in front of Mallory holding the objects her hands.
"Which has less mess?" Mallory asked. Demi sat the pad next to her and handed the tampon to her daughter.
"Do you know how to use this?" Demi asked. Mallory nodded, and used it. "Now take the barrel, and wash it off in the sink." Demi said, watching Mallory lean over to the sink and wash the blood off. "Put it back in the plastic and throw that away." Demi instructed. Mallory did as she was told and sighed.
"Now what?" She asked her mother. Demi picked up the panty liner, and handed it to her.
"Put this on your underwear so that any excess blood doesn't get on you clothes." Demi watched as Mallory did what she was told, and looked at Demi. "Good job kid. You have officially saved your clothes from the lining of your uterus." Demi smiled proudly, and went to start dinner. Mallory pulled her pants up, washed her hands, and followed Demi.
"Mommy, what does a period mean for me?" Mallory asked. Demi bit her lip and sighed.
"Your ten there's no need to sugar coat. It means, if you have sex, you are now able to get pregnant." Demi said. Mallory nodded.
"I don't know exactly what sex is, but I don't want to have it, cause I don't want a baby." Mallory smiled. Demi grabbed the phone. "Thought you were making dinner." Mallory said.
"I am." Demi stated, as the person on the other line answered. "Can I have a meat lover pizza, a cheese pizza, and a Hawaiian pizza?...Cash...great." Demi hung up and put the phone back. "Dinner will be ready in 20 minutes." Demi smiled, going into the living room to watched the ID channel.
Landon and Taylor laid in there bed watching Paisley sleep in the middle. Then moved to Nevada, but for some reason the couldn't call it home. "I want to go home." Landon stated, quietly. Taylor looked up at her with the spark that had diminished months ago.
"Like LA home?" He asked. She nodded. "I knew you would say, so I already got us a place across the street from your parents, and Kalani is moving back in with us." Taylor stated.
"How could you afford a house, across the street from my parents?" Landon asked, sitting up.
"Because, your parents own it so we are renting it from them." Taylor said, getting up.
"Where are you going?" Landon asked sitting up.
"This shit is gonna pack it's self." He placed the two pairs of shoes that were on the floor, back in a box, and turned towards the bed. "Done." They hadn't unpacked so the only thing on the bed was a blanket and cover.
"You are so stupid." Landon kissed his lips.
"Yeah, but I'm your stupid." He came back. She nodded against his head.
"Yeah, you're mine." Landon smiled. Taylor kissed her once again, before kissing Paisley's head.
"Daddy!!!" Sarai whined. Joe shook his head and turned his retention back to his computer screen.
"I said no. And don't try to double team me with your mom. Your not getting a your own car." Joe said. Sarai rolled her eyes, and left his office. Joe let out a sigh, and went back to watching porn and masturbating to his computer, acting like he was doing work. Suddenly Demi came in holding a laundry basket.
"Joe, do you have-" She was cut off by a loud moan from the computer. She quickly shut the door. "Joseph Adam Jonas! Seriously! You're watching that trash, in our house, with the kids around?!?" Demi flipped. Joe fixed himself back into his pants, making Demi scold him. "Really! That too! Oh my god. Guys only do that when there are un- Oh My God!" Demi dropped the basket and walked out of the office.
"Demi wait!" Joe called, going after her, and almost tripping over the laundry basket.
"What? Your actions said it all!" She yelled. Adelaine and Sarai sat on the hall floor that looked over the foyer, and living room, listening to Jemi.
"Said what?" Joe asked, questioning her sudden anger. Demi rolled her eyes.
"That, I'm not good enough for you anymore. That the sex we have doesn't satisfy you anymore." Demi argued. Joe shook his head.
"It's not even like that. Babe the sex we have is more than enough, I just needed a pick me up today. I apologize for upsetting you. I won't do it again. Hug?" Joe responded. He went to hug her but she pushed away.
"Hug your porn stars." Demi coldly responded. Joe sighed, and sat at the bottom of the steps.
"Looks like you could use some help." Adelaine called. Joe nodded.
"Lady advice would help." He said.
"But, it's gonna cost ya..." Sarai sang. Joe shook his head and stood up.
"Name your price, and a car doesn't count." Joe stated. Sarai smirked.
"A new camera and 60 bucks. Each." Adelaine said. Joe slapped his forehead. He walked up the steps, and pulled his wallet.
"Here. Camera's after the job is done." Joe said, handing them the money.
"Step into my office." Adelaine said, opening her bedroom door.
"Let's have more kids, it'll be fun, she said." Joe mutter, under his breath.
"What was that?" Sarai asked. Joe shook his head and followed the girls.
Kalani's pool house is fully done with her three men living with her. Isaac was at kiddy the table eating cut up apples. Oliver was crawling around the play mat. And, James was watching Kalani sleep. She was exhausted after going to work, then coming home to take care of the boys, and study. The door bell rang, but James let her sleep. He slipped from under her, and got it. "Hey!" Landon said, cheerfully.
"Hi." James said kind of tired.
"Where's Kali?" She asked. Normally, Kalani would answer the door at the house, and apartment so this was weird.
"She's sleeping. You can come by tomorrow and see her." James offered.
"Why is she asleep? It's only 7." Landon asked, looking at her watch.
"She is asleep, because she is exhausted. She doesn't live the fantasy live you and Taylor live. She actually has to work to provide for the boys. She is independent now, and wants what's best for her boys, and she knows that living off of her rich patents won't get her anywhere in life. Maybe you should do the same." James said, slamming the door in her face. Kalani looked at him with sleep still lingering in her eyes. "I-" James went to explain.
"Thank you." Kalani cut him off. He came back to his original spot, and lifted her onto his lap.
"Are you actually gonna move in with her?" James asked. She shook her head, and laid it on his chest.
"And lose, a free house, with two free meals? No way! Plus, if I move in there where are you gonna go, cause she probably won't want you there, and I want you here. With me and Oli and Isaac." Kalani smiled, kissing his lips.
"I love you Kali." He stated kissing back.
"I actually, truly, and 100% love you too." She kissed him one more time before going to run Oliver and Isaac a bath.
"That's my woman." He said to himself with a smile, before rounding up the boys and following.
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