Miss Dark Aura
(Y/N). A young woman. An always very polite, caring and gentle one at that. Well maybe not always. There's a time when she throws that part of herself to the trashcan. She turns into a rude, smartass and sassy person. This has been happening since a Marine base settled in her little island. This base was built in the island's little mountain due to the privilege views that that place had. Now the marines can observe the island and its habitants.
People around there were well known. In a small village like this, even if you don't put any interest in knowing your neighbors you will end knowing them anyway. Because of that they all know (Y/N) and they got very surprised when her attitude changed. But they ended shrugging it off, thinking that she didn't like marines. But if this theory was true then she would be angry and rude all the time, what it was not. She was happy and cheerful most of the time. There were counted times when she got angry.
(Y/N)'s friend P.O.V.
I have always wanted to be a marine and fight those evil pirates, and when the marine base was built in the mountain I set that I would join it. I always train hard to achieve my goal, and my best friend (Y/N) always helps me. She's a really sweet person but I think she doesn't really likes marines. I don't know why.
Today I have asked her to help me with my work out. When I saw her come down the street I felt myself blush at her short sport attire... I may or may not have a little crush on her since we were children, but I know she doesn't like me in that way.
When she reached my house she entered directly to the big lawn-covered back garden. We always train here for it is soft when you fall to the ground (which is many times in my case, since she's stronger than me). We fought for almost three hours. We ended sweaty, sore and without being able to move a single muscle. Sprawled in the lawn I remembered that today was the day when a big group of marines arrived from traveling the seas. How could I forget it??
-"(Y/N)! Today's when the marines arrive!"
-"Please!! Come with me!! Come with me!! To the shore!!"
-"Ugh. Fine. But first we need to take a shower and change clothes. And eat. I'm hungry!"
(Y/N) P.O.V.
Before I knew, I was being dragged out of the garden into the house, almost stripped down and thrown into the warm water of the tub by (F/N). 'When she/he had the time to fill it up?'
When I exited the bathroom, fully clothed, I gaped at the sight of all the food that was on the table, said food made by an already showered and changed (F/N).
'But...but there's only one bathroom in this house!'
'It's amazing what (F/N) can do when the marines are involved'
After eating and leaving (F/N)'s small house, we walked down the streets to the shore near the port. No one was allowed to use the port when the marines were arriving or leaving. 'Security reasons' they say. I think they just like to bring attention to what they do. They like to brag, sometimes they are worse than the pirates they hunt.
As the armed soldiers started to exit the ship the people gathered in the shore (neighbors in their ways to the shops, sailors waiting to set sail or just curious persons) could see a long line of funny dressed men and women chained ones to others, marching past the marines.
-"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)! See! Aren't they the 'Peacock Pirates'? The ones with a total bounty over 80000 B?"
-"So they are..." With that all the people around us started "whispering" about what they had heard about those pirates that have been harassing the neighbor islands and slashing all the poor sailors that had the disgrace of crossing paths with them.
-"The marines catch a crew of pirates valued in 80000 B... that only means one thing!" said (F/N) excitedly.
-"White Chaser" I growled.
(F/N) P.O.V.
People were starting to retreat creating a circle around us. I didn't know why... I showered myself before leaving the house. I discretely sniffed myself... 'Okay. It's not me'. When I turned to (Y/N) to ask her, I understood their retreat. (Y/N) was surrounded by a dark aura, just standing by her side you could feel the hate and the aggressiveness.
'Oh my godness. Other of her humor changes. Maybe bringing her here wasn't a good idea after all...'
Then I felt the oppressive aura grew stronger, turning my head to (Y/N) I saw her dilated pupils fixed in one point of the ship. I tried to saw what was there squinting my eyes, only getting the sight of a white head. But I didn't need anymore. I knew it was him. Well, being honest I knew it was him just by (Y/N)'s reaction. I don't how but her visceral hate towards him seemed to give her some type of superpower that allows her to know where Smoker is when he's near, even without seeing him.
Smoker's P.O.V.
I was standing in the deck of my ship when I felt a strong dark aura, I would have thought that it was a pirate's but I'm already used to it. I had sense it so many times before that I knew exactly who its owner was. Searching with my eyes the shore I found a (h/c) head with (h/l) hair. It always amazes me how such a young girl can have such an intimidating aura, even more when all the people of this island talks so good about her. I've never seen her being like the villagers say. Always being intimidating, hard to read, strong, beautiful, mature, firm, stunning, proud, intelligent...well...It's NOT like it seems!! I have NO interest in her! I don't want to know if what those people say about her is true. I don't want to know if she is sweet and caring. I don't want to know if her hair is as soft as it seems. I don't want to know if her (e/c) eyes shine so bright on close distance as they do from afar. I don't... I... OK! I might have a little crush on her BUT I WILL NEVER TELL A SOUL!! Plus, by the way she looks at me I don't think she would be interested in me.
-"Smoker-san it would be better if you go and talk to her instead of staring at her from the distance. And why don't you try and smile a little. You won't catch the girl if you scare her with your scowl" Tashigi laughs.
-"Shut up! I'm in no way interested in that cute brat!!"
-"Cute, huh?" She smiles knowingly "C'mon Smoker-san it's been 3 years already. Since the first day we came here you have been watching her. You never had the guts to ask her name, not even that time when you bumped into her sending her flying into the fountain! Hahahaha"
I growled remembering that day. How her wet hair clung to her face, how her eyes shine reflecting the water, and how angry she was...oh...how ANGRY she was... I had to run for my life around town dodging her soaked muffins of wrath. She keeps shouting at me for ruining her muffins. They were (f/f), I still remember how hard was to get the stains out of my white coat. 'Maybe I should buy her some? Like an offering for a truce?'.
-"Smoker-san, quit day-dreaming we need to leave the shit and get the pirates in jail"
-"I'm coming Tashigi"
We left the wooden deck and started walking through the narrow streets towards the base. All the journey Tashigi was babbling about random things so I turned her off. Then as we walked through the market I smelled something sweet and mouth-watering (even for me, knowing that I don't have a really sweet-tooth). I started wandering towards the store where the smell was coming from. The bakery. This was the most known bakery in town. The married old couple that owned it, were real genius at what they made. They had a shelves full of fresh tender bread, baggettes of more crunchy bread, others of bread with grapes, bread with garlic, bread with walnuts,... Then there were the pastries of all forms and flavors, the soft croissants, the cupcakes that almost seemed too perfect to eat, like eating them would be a crime... They even had bread figurines. I don't know how but while others persons would make chocolate figures, these two old geezers can make bread figurines. And since their grandson is a fan of that damned WORST GENERATION, they make the figures of the Supernovas.
As I walked in the old-styled shop I laid my gaze upon one of those figures. Trafalgar Law.
'Haha. Should I give it to him as a gift?' I let a slightly sadistic smirk at the thought of what the Surgeon of Death's reaction would be.
-"Good afternoon Smoker-san, what can I do for you?" asked the old lady. I barely noticed her presence until now, such a silent woman.
-"Um...What's that smell? It has spread all over the street"
-"Oh. That's my husband making (f/f) muffins, they have just exited the oven".
-"Yes! They are delicious! Would you like some?" The old lady smiled whipping her flour-covered hands on her impolute white apron.
-"Yes. Give me a dozen"
"Oh. Wow. Is it for a gift? Would you like me to wrap them?"
-"Mph" I nodded. The way the old woman was smiling at me got me uncomfortable. She was hiding something.
As she went to the back of the shop, a kid came bulldozing through the glass doors. Their grandson. He was an orphan that lived on the streets. The old couple took him in, he was a skinny child and now he's grown into a healthy twelve years old.
-"Smoker-san!! See!!" He shouted as he held a sword made out of wickerwork. It was really a good piece "It's cool right? (Y/N) made it for me! She has been teaching all the kids how to braid wicker in the square with the fountain."
-"In the fountain, huh?"
-"Brad! Don't bother Smoker-san, go help your grandpa with the dough"
-"Coming!" He was eager to help just because he gets to taste the dough.
-"Smoker-san, here are your muffins. So...Are they for someone special?"
-"Are you sure?" She smiled knowingly. She smiled that smile that only a grandma can do. The one that tells you that she knows what you are trying to hide.
-"You know Smoker-san, these are (Y/N) favorites. (Y/N) such a sweet girl, huh?"
-"I don't know" I grunted, uneasiness growing the more I gaze at her wise eyes.
-"She is, she is. But since some time she has been suffering strange humor changes" She talked while continuing wrapping the muffins. "You perhaps know why?"
I shook my head a little. It'll be better if I don't show how interested I was in the conversation.
-"Well as you can see this is a small town where all the people is well known, it's peaceful but also boring for a young soul like her."
-"She can travel" I replied.
-"Yes she can, but it's not traveling what we are talking about" I deepened my scowl at her words.
-"You know, I met my husband when I was her age"
I didn't understand her words and she must have known it for she continued.
-"Dear Vice-Admiral, what's troubling her is love".
-"LOVE? How so?" I bitted down hard in my cigars. I didn't like what she had said, nor the fact that my voice came out louder than I expected. Her smile was growing up.
-"She is a young woman that grew up in a village where there weren't many children. Those children had grown up to be nice men. But they don't involve the mystery that has an outsider handsome marine, do they?" Her smile was now bigger than ever.
-"What does that mean?"
-"She grew up surrounded by men. Her family was almost entirely made by men. Even if now she doesn't show it, when she was younger she was very little feminine. She was shy, her only friend was (F/N), So, it's safe to say that she doesn't know how to deal with her feelings and how to show to the man she loves how she feels."
I was dumfounded. 'She loves someone?'. Anger and jealousy were growing inside of me till the point that my teeth were almost cutting the cigars in my mouth.
-"So, if that man, or any other, wants to stand a chance with her, he needs to be the one to make the first move, because she's not going to break that shell of hate and anger inside of where she has been hiding herself." By now the muffins were long gone wrapped, and the old lady was staring into my eyes, right through my soul.
After a minute she stopped the staring and gave me the envelope, saying that it was for free. I thanked her and went out. I walked down the streets with a blank mind until something made me snap out of it. I was near the fountain, but that wasn't what made me stop. I had crashed into something hard. 'A wall? No, it was warm'. A shiver went down my spine as a deja-vu came at me. Fearing my premonition I lowered my eyes to the ground...Yes...There she was, sitting in a puddle of dirty water with her bangs obscuring her eyes.
'SHIT' Her new trousers were soaked, her white shirt had little brown droplets all over its backside. This was nothing good.
She started to rise up slowly, a pitch black aura surrounding her. Before she could shout at me I handed her the envelope. She stared at it as if it was a slimy frog with three eyes. If I wasn't so nervous I would have laugh at that sight. But I felt this wasn't the best time for that. Slowly she lifted her gaze towards me, eyeing me with a perplexed look.
-"Open it"
-"Why? It's a bomb? Why don't you open it? If you don't open it that means that is a trick, and if this is a tri-"
I stopped her furious rambling, snatching the gift from her hands and opening it by myself. Then a sweet smell came out reaching her.
-"It's for you" I said with a little blush. Damn her and her beautiful eyes.
"Why?! Are they poisoned? Because if they are poisoned I---"
-"Damn woman!! Eat them!"
-"I don't want!!"
I growled. I took a muffing and stuffed it in her mouth, making her bite on it, and then retracting the rest of it just to slam my lips on hers. Taking the opportunity to slip my tongue in her mouth, I made her swallow the muffin bite. When I was going to back off she grabbed my hair and pushed me forward, deepening the kiss. After the passionate moment we were blushing like mad. I laughed at her face and she pouted, making her look even cuter.
-"Don't laugh at me! You, bulky marine!"
-"So, miss dark aura, you have been teaching the little brats how to braid wicker... would I get particular classes if I take you on a date tomorrow?" I smiled wrapping my arms around her waist.
-"...maybe..." She huff pulling away my face with her palm.
'Maybe I love her'
'Maybe I love him'
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