Chapter 23
The day of the memorial came far too quickly. Blake hadn't slept the night before for fear of seeing Jason. Everyone's worst fear is losing their best friend. While Jason didn't mean as much to her as maybe Jughead and Betty did; she loved him as a best friend. They knew each other's secrets, their flaws and all of their problems. She knew what his parents were like, could even understand why he would run away. She just needed to know why he felt the need to fake his own death. It made no sense. If he could run, why didn't he? More importantly, she didn't understand who would want him dead. Sure, he could be an asshole sometimes, but surely that doesn't sentence you to death.
Her chest was beginning to tighten again but a knock on the door seemed to release the pressure. "Come in." She called as she sat on the edge of the bed. She had slept in Jughead's flannel again and made a mental note to wash it and return it.
"Dad sent me to make sure you were all right." Archie's red hair appeared through the doorway.
"Thanks, Arch. I'm fine." Blake smiled.
"Okay. You want breakfast." He asked.
"I don't think that would be a good idea." She said and he smiled before walking out.
Blake stood up on shaky legs and reached under the bed. Her hand connected with the cool glass of the liquor bottle she had stashed after Jughead took her other bottle. She took a gulp of the maple syrup coloured liquid and let it calm her nerves. She quickly re-hid the bottle and jumped in the shower. She was finishing getting ready when Jughead walked into the room.
"Zip me up?" She questioned turning around so he could reach the zip. His fingers clasped the zip of her black dress and carefully pulled it up. He placed a kiss to the base of her neck before she turned to face him.
"You ready to enter the belly of the beast?" He whispered as she admired the suit he was wearing. "It was the best I could do." He said, with an embarrassed smile, as he noticed her looking.
"It looks good." She stepped forward and straightened his tie. "Although, I'm not sure the beanie goes." She chuckled slightly and he smiled. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to him.
"I think it completes the look." He chuckled. "How are you feeling?"
"Tired." She muttered as her hands snaked around his neck.
"Didn't sleep?"
She shook her head.
"Kids we need to get going!" Fred called up the stairs.
"We should go." Blake murmured.
Jughead smiled and connected their lips before quickly pulling back. They got into the back of the car, Archie was already in the front seat holding Jason's jersey. He noticed Blake looking at it.
"I'm going to give it back. The Blossom's deserve to have it." He clarified. Blake smiled at him as Fred got in and they set off.
They walked up to the front door of Thornhill and Blake froze. Jughead turned to look at her and took her hand in his. He gave her a smile and they approached Penelope Blossom who was greeting people at the door.
Blake took a shaky breath as Penelope embraced her. "It's good to see you, Blake."
"You too, Mrs Blossom. Although I wish it was under different circumstances." She smiled weakly as her and Jughead passed into the room. Betty, Valerie and Kevin were already seated, so, they quickly took a seat behind them.
"I'm so sorry for your loss, Mrs. Blossom." Archie said as he watched Blake and Jughead sit down. "I thought you might want to have this." He held out the jersey but Penelope was staring at him as if he were a ghost.
"You're so much like him." Penelope whispered as she ran her fingers down his cheek and then gently touched his hair. "Oh, I'm sorry. Thank you, Archibald." She quickly apologised and took the jersey from him. Archie walked back over and took a seat in-between Kevin and Valerie.
"Did she just touch your hair?" Kevin looked dumbfounded and creeped out.
"That was really sweet what you did." Betty said as everyone ignored Kevin's remark.
"She deserves it. More than I do." Archie mumbled.
"Days like today really put things in perspective, huh?" Veronica commented as she took the seat in front of Valerie. "I mean, at least we're here. At least we're alive."
Blake grabbed Jughead's hand as Cheryl walked in. She was wearing the white clothes with the red belt she wore the day her and Blake said good bye to Jason at the river. All eyes were on her as she walked down the aisles of seats. Cliff and Penelope both froze when they saw her.
"Oh, my God." Veronica uttered in shock.
"Yes." Kevin muttered far to enthusiastically.
"Welcome to Thornhill." Cheryl greeted as she took to the podium that was placed in front of Jason's casket. "Thank you all for coming. If you'll kindly take your seats. I'd like to start the memorial with a few words about Jason." Everyone sat down, including the Blossom's who did it very unwillingly.
"You are only going to make things worse." Veronica whispered as Penelope tried to get up and stop Cheryl.
"The last time I saw Jason, I was wearing this dress. I know it's impossible. But I swear, when I put it on, it... It feels like he's in the room with me." Cheryl started shakily. "Even though we were twins, I used to demand I have my own birthday party. Until one year, out of the blue, Jason convinced me we had to combine them into one."
"It wasn't until years later, I found out why. It was because no one wanted to come to mine. And Jason didn't want me to know. He protected me. Every single day. I wish, that day at the river, I had protected him." Cheryl started sobbing and turned around and rested her hands on the casket. "I'm so sorry, Jay-Jay. We failed you. All of us." Cheryl cried as Veronica got up and hugged her.
Blake gripped Jughead's hand tighter as the tears once again silently rolled down her cheeks. He wrapped his arm around her so she could hide herself in the crook of his neck. Archie glanced back worriedly but Jughead shook his head.
"I think we'll adjourn now to the Winter Salon for a light supper." Penelope said as she took to the stand.
Betty glanced at Jughead expectantly and he turned back to Blake. "You sure you want to go through with this?" He whispered as he placed a kiss on her temple.
She wiped her eyes and nodded. "I have to."
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