Chapter 20
Blake arrived early to the drive in and noticed that the Southside Serpents were already in their usual place on the lot. She was about to walk over to the main building when someone called her name and she spun around to see a man in a serpent jacket walking towards her.
"Hey, Mr Jones." Blake smiled and Jughead's dad returned it.
"Blake, do you have any idea what he's planning on doing tomorrow?" FP asked.
She shook her head. "He won't tell me. I offered for him to stay with us but..."
"He's too proud." FP finished for her. "Just, keep an eye on him."
"I will." Blake promised as she walked over to the building that Jughead was currently calling home. She pushed the door open to see him checking through the reels of film. "Hey."
"Hey." He smiled at her. He eventually found the right film reel for Rebel Without a Cause as Blake sat down on his makeshift cot.
"You ready for the last screening?" Blake asked.
He smiled sadly but nodded. "As long as it's with you."
"Cliché as hell." Blake laughed and Jughead joined in.
They spent the rest of the time in a tangle of limbs on the bed before they heard people begin to pull up. Jughead got up and started to load in the film. Neither of them had noticed that it had started to go dark. Jughead set the film rolling and they sat together in front of the small window; his arm secured around her shoulders and her hand resting on his knee.
"I'm hungry." She whispered as James Dean and Natalie Wood were meeting for the first time. "I'm gonna ask my dad for some popcorn money."
"Okay." Jughead smiled as she pressed a kiss to his cheek and walked out. She was making her way to her dad's truck when Alice Cooper suddenly ambushed her.
"Blake, I think you need to come with us." Alice said as she grabbed Blake's arm. Betty, who was also in tow, shot Blake a look that said sorry.
"Alice!" Fred exclaimed as she knocked on the truck window.
"I'm sorry to interrupt your adultery, Fred, but you need to come with me." Alice said. There was a sense of urgency in her voice.
"Alice, what..." Fred glanced at his daughter who looked just as confused as he did.
"It's about the kids." Alice said causing Fred to jump out of the truck.
Blake quickly texted Jughead what was currently happening with an apology. Alice dragged them all the way to the high school and Blake was about to kill her for making her miss the last film she would watch with Jughead. Jughead was just as confused as she was and had told her he understood. But, she still felt guilty.
Alice led them all into the music room and stormed through the door. Archie and Miss Grundy jumped apart as they looked at the four people in front of them with fear.
"Well, well, well. There they are. What did I tell you?" Alice smirked proudly.
"Can someone tell me what's going on here?" Miss Grundy asked.
"Of course. Archie, would you like to share with us, what you and Mrs. Robinson have been doing during your "music lesson"?" Alice said with a smile. "And please don't leave out any of the lurid details, because Betty here keeps a very meticulous diary," Betty mouthed I'm sorry in his direction. "and I'm more than happy to fill in the details."
Archie glanced to Betty, who looked guilty, then to Blake, who looked confused, and then to his dad who looked disappointed.
"I never thought that I would live to see the day. I thought the one thing that we could keep our Riverdale safe from was child predators." Alice shared.
"Ms. Grundy's not a predator. She's a good person." Archie stepped in.
"Archie, you don't have to defend me." Miss Grundy told him.
"No, he doesn't." Fred cut in.
"Well, they're not denying it, are they? They're clearly guilty, I think the next step is we take this to Sheriff Keller, and let the wheels of justice take over." Alice stated.
"Dad, you can't let that happen." Archie pleaded.
"Son, it's complicated." Fred warned him.
"She didn't force me to do anything," Archie tried. "I went after her. Everything that happened, I wanted it to happen."
"There's no surprise there." Alice commented.
"Why are you doing this, Mom?" Betty spoke up. "Putting Ms. Grundy on trial?"
"This isn't just about her. This is about him. I want you see what kind of person Archie truly is." Alice revealed as she stepped up to Archie.
"Wait a minute, that is what this is about?" Fred stepped in front of Archie. "Your crazy grudge against my teenage son?"
"I'm never going to stop being friends with Archie, Mom. Ever." Betty assured her.
"We are done here." Fred tried to grab his kids and leave.
"Oh, we are far from being done here." Alice interjected.
"Stop." Archie said.
"Shut up." Fred warned Alice.
"Stop! Please." Archie shouted and everyone looked at him. Blake stayed quiet; unsure of what she could say to help out her twin. "You're right, Mrs. Cooper. You're right. I'm selfish, and I'm stupid, and I don't deserve to be your daughter's friend." Archie said. "But please, don't hurt Ms. Grundy because you wanna hurt me."
"This isn't about hurting anyone, Archie." Alice said. "It's about doing what's right, and, of course, informing our neighbours."
"Alice, I swear to God..." Fred started.
"You swear to God what, Fred?" Alice said.
"Publish one word about this, Mom, and I will tell everyone that I broke into Ms. Grundy's car." Betty warned.
"Betty." Alice tried.
"That I robbed her, and made up the story of their affair. It will be like, I finally... Snapped. Like Polly." Betty's words got under her mum's skin.
"Betty." Alice murmured.
"It'll prove what everyone already thinks about us. "Crazy runs in that family." Like mother, like daughter." Betty snarled.
"You wouldn't dare." Alice challenged.
"I'll quit." Miss Grundy suddenly spoke up. "I'll quit my job. Will that satisfy you?"
"Yeah, it will. It has to. And I absolutely would dare, Mum." Betty guaranteed her.
"She has to leave town." Alice said.
"The hell she does." Archie exclaimed.
"Son." Fred said.
"Why does she need to leave town?" Archie's voice was getting shakier.
"Because it's what's best." Fred said and Archie scoffed. "And Alice will keep her word."
"I will." Alice swore.
"I'll pack up my things, I'll be gone by morning." Miss Grundy walked out.
"Ms. Grundy." Archie called. She gave him one last look before walking out of the school. Alice and Betty were quick to follow.
Fred turned to Blake. "Did you know about this?"
"Yes." Blake looked at Archie who was on the verge of crying.
"And you didn't mention it?" Fred asked in disbelief.
"She was just trying to protect me, dad." Archie broke in.
"I don't know what either of you want me to say. I suggest we go home right now." Fred said.
Blake shook her head. "I'm going back to the drive in. Jughead's waiting." She shot Archie another look before walking out.
"Blake!" Fred called but she started running. One disadvantage of her taking track was that she was faster than them all.
She burst through the doors of the main building at the cinema as Jughead was taking out the film. She collapsed onto the floor and gulped down as much air as possible. Jughead stashed the film and looked at her worriedly.
"What happened?" he questioned as he knelt in front of her and put his hands on her arms.
"Alice Cooper found out about Archie and Miss Grundy." She clarified and Jughead's eyes widened. "Then he asked if I knew and long story short I may have run away for the night." She said in-between breaths. "Can I stay here?" She asked sheepishly.
"What kind of person would I be if I said no." He chuckled.
Jughead through off his jeans leaving him in his t-shirt and boxers. Blake looked at him awkwardly and he threw her one of his flannels. She turned around and pulled her shirt off and put the flannel on before kicking off her jeans. Jughead laid down and pulled her down with him. He pulled her backwards so, her back was flush with his chest and his arm was slung around her waist. She interlinked their fingers as they dropped off to sleep.
Blake got up early the next morning as dawn broke and pulled her jeans back on silently. She sat down and did up her shoes. Her eyes glanced at Jughead sleeping soundly. His hair stuck up at all angles. She grabbed her shirt from the day before; leaving Jughead's on. She quickly scribbled a note and left it on the side. She walked over and pressed her lips to his forehead before walking out.
Jughead woke up not long after. He stretched out; expecting to come in contact with the brunette. But his hands reached empty air. He shot up and looked around the room. His eyes landed on the note on the side and he quickly grabbed it.
Gone home. You should too.
Blake's handwriting was distinctive enough and he ran his hand over his face. He quickly changed and grabbed his bag that he had packed the night before when Blake had left. He shoved the last few things into it as he glanced around the room nostalgically. He picked up a photo of him and Jellybean stood outside and shoved it in his back pocket. He was about to walk out when he noticed the other photo of him and Blake. He looked at it and also shoved it in his pocket. And with that he walked out of the building that had been his home for the last couple of months.
Jughead picked up a can of spray paint and quickly wrote: Jughead Jones wuz here, on the side of the building before drawing a crown above it. He threw his bag on his back again as his dad walked up.
"They'll tear that booth down, too." FP said. "Raze the whole place. Send it to the junkyard. And us with it."
"Yeah Maybe they'll save it. All the pieces. Store it in the town hall attic, and rebuild it in a hundred years. Wonder who the hell we were." Jughead smiled and FP chuckled.
"So where are you gonna live now?" FP queried.
"I'll figure it out, Dad. I always do." Jughead muttered as he walked away. FP watched him go with guilt sewn through his features.
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