Chapter 11
Blake walked over to Betty's the next morning. She needed someone to talk to who wasn't a guy for once. Also, it wasn't as if she hadn't heard about Betty and Veronica's fight the night before at cheer practice. Blake walked up and knocked on the Coopers front door.
"Hi, Blake." Betty's mum, Alice, smiled. Alice may have disliked most of Betty's friends but she couldn't help but like the female Andrews twin.
"Hi, is Betty in?" Blake questioned returning Alice's smile.
"Yes, she is." Alice said before turning and calling upstairs. "Betty? Blake's here for you." She then turned back to Blake. "You can wait in the hall for her to come down."
Blake smiled and steeped through the door. "Thank you." Alice smiled again before walking back into the kitchen. "Hey, walk to school with me?" Blake asked as Betty came downstairs.
"Of course." Betty smiled and the pair departed from the Cooper residence.
"So, I heard you and Veronica had quite the fight." Blake side-glanced the blonde.
"Yeah, it was stupid. She was right about everything she said though. What about you? Anything knew happen last night?" Betty questioned the brunette.
"Jughead and Archie seemed to be having some kind of fight outside the house but neither of them will talk about it." Blake sighed. "Why do boys have to be so goddamn stubborn!"
"That's a good question." Betty smirked.
Before school started a few of them were gathered in the rec room. Betty and Kevin were sat off to one side; Veronica was sat on the arm of Chuck's chair; Reggie, Moose and a few other jocks were sat in the middle and Blake and Jughead were stood leaning on a table next to the vending machine.
"And Sheriff Keller's grilling me, Mantle the Magnificent." Reggie was saying to the jocks as Archie walked into the room. "'Cause I'd want Blossom dead. When he was, like, the only good quarterback we had. And speaking of offensive tight-ends, I should've sent the cops to you, Moose." Reggie gestured with a football. "Because here's another unsolved mystery. What exactly were you and Kevin doing at the river, huh? Or does being with the sheriff's son give you a free pass? Keller?" Reggie turned to look at Kevin.
"Reggie's just being a blowhard, Kev." Betty muttered.
"I don't care what he says." Kevin assured her.
"I mean, let's think about it. If a kid at Riverdale killed Jason, it's not gonna be a jock, right?" Reggie threw the football across the room. "Now let's be honest. Isn't it always some spooky, scrawny, pathetic Internet troll, too busy writing his manifestos to get laid?" Blake knew this was going to come around to Jughead. She side-glanced Archie who was having a fight with the vending machine. "Some smug, moody, serial killer fanboy freak, like Jughead?" Reggie laughed.
"Reggie." Blake warned. But he ignored her.
"What was it like, Suicide Squad? When you shot Jason?" Reggie continued. "You didn't do stuff to the body, did you? Like After?"
"It's called necrophilia, Reggie, can you spell it?" Jughead shot back.
"Come here, you little..." Reggie launched himself at Jughead but Archie side stepped in font of him and held him back.
"Hey shut the hell up, Reggie." Archie said.
"Boys." Veronica called as she stood up.
"What do you care, Andrews?" Reggie queried.
"Nothing, just leave him alone." Archie retorted.
"Holy crap." Reggie exclaimed with a smile. "Did you and Donnie Darko kill him together?" Reggie laughed. "Was it some sort of pervy, blood brother thing?"
Archie snapped and pushed Reggie backwards. Reggie stared at him before tackling him into the vending machine behind. The glass smashed and Jughead tried, and failed, to break the two apart. The pair ended up on the floor; Reggie on top of Archie. Moose tried to pull Reggie off but Reggie shoved him back. Reggie then punched Archie who temporarily blacked out. As Reggie stood he was not expecting the right hook to his jaw that almost sent him to the floor.
Blake shook out her hand as Reggie cradled his split lip and everyone stared at her. "Try anything like that again, Mantle, and I'll break your jaw." She dared him as the other jocks pulled him out of the room.
Archie groaning on the floor pulled everyone out of their trances. "What just happened?"
"Blake punched Reggie, hard." Kevin muttered in disbelief.
"It's nothing. C'mon we need to get some ice for your eye." She shot everyone a look as Jughead helped her pull Archie off the floor.
Blake and Archie walked through the door to an empty house. Their dad wasn't back from work yet so Blake walked over to the freezer. She pulled out two ice packs and filled them with fresh ice before refilling the trays and putting them back in the freezer. She threw Archie one as he sat at one end of the kitchen island and put the other on her hand as she sat down on one of the other stools.
"So, apparently, you have quite a right hook." Archie smirked. "And you threatened to break Reggie's jaw."
"Well those self-defence lessons mom made me take as a kid payed off." She smiled back.
They heard the front door open as their dad walked in. "Ooh." Fred exclaimed as he looked at Archie's face. "I hate to ask this, but did you get that in a fight with Jughead? Or did Blake punch you for trying?" Fred smirked looking at her knuckles.
"Nah. No, it was with Reggie." Archie said.
"And I punched Reggie." Blake clarified.
"It's a long story." Archie said seeing the look Fred was giving the pair.
"Jughead and I, we were disagreeing about a girl." Archie started.
"Hmm." Fred hummed in agreement.
Archie sighed and sat up straight on the stool. "Because there's this girl."
"There usually is." Fred shot Blake a look; worried about where this conversation was headed.
"But it's not about me and Jughead, it's about me and this girl." Archie said sensing his dad's worries. "I think we should do something. And it's the right thing, Dad. But the girl says that if we do or if I do this thing, it'll ruin what we have. That doesn't make any sense, does it?"
"You know, this is the most honest talk we've had in a while. And I'm glad that you want to do the right thing. I can see that. Even under the shiner." Fred chuckled. "Archie, if you know it's the right thing to do, even though it's tough, even though it might It might cost you. You gotta do it."
Archie nodded and stood. "Thanks, Dad. I'm going to get ready for the pep rally."
He departed the room and Fred turned to Blake. "You got any idea what he's on about?"
"Absolutely not a clue." She said as she also stood. "I need to get ready too. I said I'd meet Jughead."
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