Hey guys! The not blurry version of this cover is above, JSYK.
Word count: 2267
This is for the April 2018 Disney Rebel contest by Fanfic.
And now, on with the story!
Moana ran the hair straightener through her naturally curly brown locks, feeling the heat slightly burn her skin as the last section of now straightened hair dropped against her neck and shoulders.
She straightened out the black T-shirt she was wearing, representing her favorite band, Slayer.
She had just moved from the Caribbean to Indianapolis for her father's job, and it was a drastic change.
Her view overlooking the beach was replaced with skyscrapers towering above her, the smell of the ocean had been replaced with the smell of gasoline, the sound of wind rustling the trees and seagulls was replaced with sirens and people yelling.
She turned on her phone and started trying to call her best friend, Maui. However, the time difference meant that he was asleep. So she opted to send him a quick text before running down the stairs in order to get to school on time, even though she knew that her many tattoos and piercings would immediately set her as a outcast. Just like last time.
Merida let her red curls bounce wildly as she heard her mom call for her to get to school, which led her to roll her eyes as her mom yelled again.
"Coming!" She yelled, grabbing her headphones off her nightstand and letting the sounds of Slayer pound through her ears while she rushed down the stairs, passing her triplet brothers on the way down, who were not in school yet. "Don't go in my room!" She yelled, pushing down her sleeve to conceal her large bear tattoo, a choice her mom was unimpressed with.
She slid her backpack over her shoulder, hugging her dad bye before leaving, ready for what the day had to offer.
Elsa slipped her black earrings in her ear lobes, smiling at her look for the day. Her frozen heart tattoo on her shoulder was just peeking out, and her black hoodie was just that. A plain black hoodie. No logos, no designs, just black. The way she liked it.
She trailed her finger across the picture of the one person who would never feel the same way about her that she did, sighing internally.
"Elsa, let's go!" Her younger brother, Tarzan, who was just now a freshman in school yelled as he pounded on the door to her room.
"Coming, Tarzan!" She yelled, slipping her grey earbuds into her ears, following her two chipper younger siblings to the bus, trying to ignore her sister making out with Kristoff and her brother flirting with Jane.
Cause if it was up to her parents, she would never be allowed to feel that same happiness.
Pocahontas slammed her scrapbook of her and her boyfriend closed as her father came up the stairs. After all, he was not okay with her dating at all.
"Come on, sweetheart. I'm driving you."
She nodded, putting on her necklace that once belonged to her mother, and straightening out her jeans and long sleeved shirt, before following her father to his car.
When they had started the drive, he shook his head at her newest tattoos, a skull on her neck, another skull on her wrist, and a pair of lips on the same wrist, motioning at her to pull her sleeve down.
"I understand you getting a heart tattoo for your mother, a butterfly and horse for your love of animals, and the tribal tattoos, but the others are just...unladylike. Not to mention your piercings."
Pocahontas put her head down, feeling ashamed at the tattoos and piercings that covered her body, while her father continued.
"I'm not trying to scold you, but is Kokoam okay with this?"
"Yes, he is." She lied. She had been set up with Kokoam at a young age, but neither of them were interested in each other. He was interested in a girl named Nani, while she was in love with John Smith, who her father had deeply disagreed with due to him being white.
They pulled up to the school, and she got out, smiling at her dad. "Love you."
"Love you too, Sweetheart." He smiled as she went inside, watching the white Chevy from the window.
As soon as it disappeared, she went into the bathroom, put on her black T-shirt and jeans, as well as her makeup, before exiting the bathroom to feel John's strong arms wrap around her.
"Hey, baby." He smiled, kissing the side of her head. "Want me to swing by your place at 8:00 for our "study session"?"
"Make it 10:00. That's when my dad will be too tired to care."
"Sounds good." John smiled, wrapping his arm around Pocahontas as he led her to their first class.
Moana took a deep breath, going into her first classroom where several other 10th graders were texting while waiting on the teacher to show up.
So, she put his large backpack on the floor, putting her textbook on the desk, and making sure she had everything in place before looking at her phone, smiling when she saw that she had a text from Maui, which was surprising, as she expected him to still be asleep.
None the less, she opened it and just saw it was him wishing her a good first day, and to text him when she was out of her first class.
She put her phone up when her teacher came in, who had the standard brown hair and brown eyes, who identified as Belle, shortly followed by a red hair with out of control red hair, which had Belle shaking her head.
"One more offense, Merida, and you'll get detention."
"Sorry, ma'am." Merida apologized, which Belle just shrugged off, while Merida sat down behind Moana, and she started her lesson.
Fifteen minutes into the lesson, Moana felt a light tap on her shoulder, which had her slowly turn around to see Merida staring at her before whispering.
"You're the new kid, right?"
And no sooner then Moana had nodded, Belle slammed something on her desk, making both the girls jump in their seat.
"Merida and Moana, I'll see you later for detention!"
"B-but I didn't do anything!" Moana protested. Which was true, she had just answered a question!
"You interrupted my class. And yelling during class is extremely disrespectful, young lady. I'm not sure how things were done in the Caribbean, but this is America, and we take things seriously. One more offense, and I will send you to the principal's office. Understood?"
Moana responded with a polite but passive aggressive "yes, ma'am" before sitting down, reminding herself to take a jab at this Merida girl later.
"Where are we going, John?" Pocahontas asked with a smile as he gently held her hand, jogging with her following behind to the empty locker room.
She wrapped her arms around his neck as they slammed their lips on each other. They continued to kiss, only stopping to breathe, before they heard someone yelling, making them stop.
"Lovebirds! What are you doing?! You're supposed to be in class!"
It was the basketball coach, John Rolff. Pocahontas put her head down while John tried to talk his way out of it, which did not work.
"You can pick between me calling your parents or detention."
"Detention!" Pocahontas yelled, not wanting her dad to know ANYTHING about her dating John.
"Very well. Back to class, you two."
Pocahontas left the locker room, refusing eye contact as she made her way to class, thankful she had been given the choice of punishments.
Elsa peered around the corner, watching as her crush switched her books out in her locker and brushed the blonde hair out of her hair, making the ice powered teenager blush lightly, falling more and more in love with her by every movement.
Charlotte LeBouff knew very well that Elsa wasn't straight. In fact, they had been friends from 3rd through 10th grade, until Elsa explained her powers and came out to Charlotte, knowing she couldn't tell her siblings or parents about either of those things. But they hadn't had a deep conversation since Elsa came out to her.
It wasn't that Charlotte was homophobic. That wasn't it AT ALL. She was just confused almost as much as Elsa had been. Elsa originally told her in eighth grade she liked boys and girls, but that changed two years later, when she admitted the truth. That she was a lesbian.
Charlotte originally did want to stay friends with Elsa. But she had several friends who found out about Elsa and threatened to out her best friend if she didn't stop hanging out with her and she knew very well that the ice powered teen could barely muster up the courage to come out to her in the first place, and she had lied for two years about it.
So, she stopped hanging out with her for her safety and privacy.
She turned around, smiling when she saw her boyfriend, Hercules, and grinned widely as he laid his hand on the locker beside her.
Elsa, however, was shocked. She didn't know Charlotte was dating anyone. Let alone the captain of almost every sports team at the school.
Then after chatting about school for a few minutes, Hercules kissed her and Elsa felt her heart shatter on the inside, knowing there was no way that she and Charlotte would end up together...and while she knew it was likely, this sealed the deal.
After Charlotte and Hercules left, his arm around her and neither of them acknowledging her, she stormed to Hercules' locker, and kicked it in, yelling as she kicked it a second time, before hearing a yell from the teacher that hated all the students , but focused on the ice powered teen, Hans.
"Elsa, I will see you in detention!"
Elsa screamed as soon as she left, before storming to class as best as possible with a bruised foot.
After school had ended that day, the four girls filed into the history classroom, sitting on opposite ends of the room while Hans started working on grading the tests for the 11th graders, which Elsa was the only one in that room who was in that age range, and completely drowning them out.
"I can't believe you got me in trouble." Moana seethed at Merida. "Now my dad will want to have a conversation about me about changing hormones and how adolescence is hard."
"Hey, at least he's trying to help you. My dad is gonna try and blame it on Mrs. Belle being ridiculously strict and my mom is gonna argue that I can't behave so they'll be fighting all night."
"Well, I can't even tell my parents why I destroyed school property, so I'm gonna have to make up some half hearted excuse. Any ideas?" Elsa questioned from the back, her green eyes piercing into the two younger girls souls.
"Tell them Hercules cheated on you?" Moana suggested , but Elsa shook her head and explained.
"My siblings will disprove that faster then Tiana turned human after kissing Navien a second time."
"Why did you destroy his locker?" Pocahontas asked, looking up from the biology homework she had been doing since the girls piled into the classroom.
Elsa bit her lip nervously. She had only told one person about her sexuality and she was the reason she had destroyed the locker. She couldn't even muster up the courage to tell her siblings, let alone these random kids in the grade below her. So, she decided to be as subtle as possible.
"My crush kissed someone else."
"Hercules kissed someone else?" Merida asked, wide eyed , and Elsa decided to go with it.
"Yeah...yeah. He did. I knew I couldn't be with him anyway, b-but this felt like a stab in the gut."
"Tell you what. If my dad doesn't take away my entire social life for a week after he has his conversation about hormones and all that with me, we have a girls night tonight. Sound good?" Moana offered, knowing her dad would go the easiest on her.
"I'd like that." Elsa smiled, wondering if Moana would end up being her crush...But she knew that she couldn't do that to herself again, especially if Moana was straight.
"You guys have fun. I'll sneak my cell back to face time you guys while my parents yell at each other." Merida grinned happily, not even bothered by the fact her parents fought all the time anymore.
"That'd be great. I'll give you my number." Elsa insisted, scribbling it on a piece of paper and handing it to Merdia, who folded it into her pocket.
"Pocahontas. Wanna join us?" Moana asked the Native American, who looked up before shaking her head.
"Sorry guys. I'm having a study session tonight with John Smith. We have a chemistry test." She insisted, brushing her hair behind her ear.
"The same John Smith who got you into detention in the first place?" Elsa questioned, which only then made Pocahontas consider the offer.
"I'm in."
"Alright, girls. You can leave." Hans told them, the girls being amazed at the fact an hour had past. They quickly grabbed their backpacks and fled the school as fast as possible.
Elsa had her excuse, Merida's parents wouldn't notice if she took her phone back, Pocahontas would reschedule with John and Moana had more then one friend for the first time ever.
And they were a band of rebel, emo misfits...But they were gonna survive high school as tight as a pack of wolves.
Moana just had that feeling.
The End.
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