Miserable Migraines
Lucas knew he was going to have a bad day when he woke up this morning, stretching he found his neck was stiff. Sitting up he suppressed a wince as his head started to pound. He knew the headache was going to go three ways, either one, it stayed a headache, two, it developed into a migraine or three, he would become sick. Being in the middle of a zombie apocalypse was possibly the worst time to have any of the three. Especially with David and Brandon, or Leo as he likes to call himself, around. Those two are noisy when they are awake, or just all the time considering David snores.
Lucas got out of his sleeping bag quietly, glad that he always got up first. He has about an hour before the others get up. Getting a change of clothes he slowly climbed down the ladder and walked towards the area designated as the bathroom. Once there Lucas gave himself a quick wash and got changed. Bundling up his dirty clothes he put them in the washing box with the other dirty clothes that are ready to be washed. Stumbling slightly when walking towards the kitchen area Lucas realised that it was not going to stay a simple headache as he felt like he hadn't gotten any sleep and was therefore low on energy.
"Wonderful," Lucas muttered, "I'm either sick or getting a migraine."
Grabbing a tin of peaches he opened it up. Finding a fork Lucas started to slowly eat. Thinking, Lucas knew that he had to leave before the other two awoke. He knew that he was most likely getting a migraine by the way his head was starting to feel heavy and his neck was stiff, unluckily for him he had had enough migraines to know. Lucas put down the tinned peaches, even though he had only eaten half of the tin, onto a box in plain sight for when David and Brandon woke up. They could have the rest. Waste not, want not and all that jazz. Walking over to the door he grabbed his backpack and checked to make sure he had everything he needed. Water, check. Food, check. Knives, check. Walkie talkie, nope.
Lucas strolled over to the radio and grabbed a walkie talkie. Pausing for a moment he grabbed a sticky note and wrote that he would be going on a supply run/explore the area and that if they needed him they could radio him. Sticking the note next to the tin of peaches, Lucas walked out the front door snagging his backpack on the way.
His trip to the city was uneventful but his headache had gotten worse, telling him that it was going to be a particularly bad migraine. He needed to find a quiet place and quickly. Walking through the outskirts of the city, Lucas looked for an easily defensible place. Coming up upon an abandoned apartment complex he knew he had struck gold. As he walked to the front of the complex he kept his ears and eye open in case a zombie appears even though they aren't really that active during the day. Better to be safe than sorry. Glancing through the windows as he walked on the sidewalk Lucas saw that the first floor was abandoned. Most of the zombies must have wondered out the front door and onto the streets.
Lucas slowly opened the door to the complex and saw three zombies towards the back of the lobby. He palmed a knife as he snuck closer to the one by himself. Grabbing the handle firmly he threw it at the zombies head. It hit directly and the body made a thump as it hit the ground drawing the other two zombies' attention. Grabbing two knives he waited until they were in throwing range. He threw them one after the other watching as they each hit their targets with a small thud. Walking towards the bodies he pulled the knives out of the heads and wiped the blood onto a rag he brought with him just for this.
Taking a look around Lucas saw that there were no more zombies on this floor. Winching as he moved Lucas walked towards the stairs and picked a number between one and ten. Picking the number seven, he slowly walked up the stairs towards the seventh floor. Moving quietly he listened carefully in case there were zombies in the stairwell. Lucky for him there was no one in the stairwell.
"Shit," Lucas said as he collapsed against the wall about halfway up. "Come on Lucas just a few more floors, you can make it." Standing up he slowly walked up the stairs to floor seven, still leaning on the wall for support. Once reaching the seventh floor he paused to gather strength before moving away from the wall. Grabbing a knife, he slowly pushed open the door.
Crouching slightly he moved into the hallway, seeing a zombie Lucas crept up behind it before grabbing its head and slamming the knife into its head. Lucas then quietly lowered the body onto the floor as to not attract any attention from other zombies. Searching the body, Lucas hoped that they used to live in an apartment. Finding some keys, Lucas was in luck as the apartment the zombie used to live in was on the seventh floor. Number five to be exact. Lucas walked down the hallway looking for apartment number five. Finding the apartment Lucas grabbed the key and unlocked it. Pushing it open slowly in case there was someone inside, Lucas gripped his knife. When the door hit the wall and he had an unhindered view into the entryway of the apartment Lucas made a loud banging sound on the wall next to him, wincing as it made his head pound. Luckily for him it appeared that the person lived alone.
Shutting the door behind him and locking it, Lucas made his way into the apartment with the intent on searching through all the rooms. When that was done he grabbed the blankets from the cupboard in the hallway and staggered to the bedroom where he made a nest in a corner. He didn't feel right sleeping in a dead guys bed, so on the floor it was. Though he will take the pillows. Lucas took off his backpack and collapsed onto the blankets his migraine starting to develop quicker. He knew he should have some water and food especially since he didn't eat a lot that morning and it's been a few hours since then. Shutting his eyes Lucas was glad that the bedroom had small windows, the light was starting to hurt his eyes. Rolling onto his side Lucas curled up on his side preparing himself for a few hours of pain.
Meanwhile back at the barn Brandon and David have woken up and finished their morning routine of waking up and bathing. Finding the half tin of peaches Brandon called out "Lucas? Where are you?"
"Didn't you see the note, he's gone for a supply run. Wonder what he will bring back? Probably very little, this is Lucas we're talking about." David laughed as he paused in sharpening his axe, which he does every morning before breakfast.
"I have a feeling something is wrong." Brandon replied, slightly worried. Not that he would say he is.
"What makes you say that?" David asked as he walked towards Brandon, checking how his axe swung as he did.
"He hardly ate anything for breakfast. You know the rule is to eat at least one tin of food in the morning, in case there is nothing to eat during the day."
"You're right, he knows better than to leave food lying around and he always follows the important rules." David said as he stared at the tin of peaches. He grabbed the tin and started to eat the peaches. "What?" He shrugged when Brandon stared at him, "No wasting food, you know that rule. Anyway have you had your breakfast?"
"Yep! Ready to leave and find Lucas when you are." Brandon replied walking to where he placed his bag and grabbing it along with David's. "Here you go."
"Thanks." David said as he grabbed the bag Brandon handed him. Finishing off the peaches he placed the empty tin on a box to deal with when they came back. "Let's go find Lucas, the little shit, wondering off without telling us where he is going."
Brandon rolled his eyes at Davids muttering, "If you had to go for a supply run where would you go? Oh and where's the note I want to look at it."
"The notes by the radio and to answer your other question. Oh, I don't know. QUITE LITERALLY ANYWHERE!" David shouted in frustration.
Brandon walked over to the radio, seeing the note he grabbed it and read it out loud. "Hey guys, I'm going on a little supply run. Don't know when I'll be back but it should be before sundown. If you guys need me, I brought a walkie talkie with me, so just radio. Lucas. Should we try the radio first?"
"If we need him, more like if he needs us, am I right?" David laughed, "but yes we should ask him where he is so we can find him."
Picking up the radio Brandon said into it, "Lucas? Where are you?"
Hearing the radio crackle, Lucas groaned as the pain in his head spiked, distracting him from the first half of the message. Opening his eyes he winced at the light stinging his eyes. Taking a moment to think he gathered that someone was asking him where he was. He fumbled for the radio, gathering up energy to reply. "I'm in the city."
Hearing Lucas reply, David grabbed the radio. "Where in the city squirt?" Looking at Brandon he said, "Something's definitely wrong, he shouldn't have taken that long to pick up the radio."
Wincing as the radio crackled out a reply, he put a hand to his head hoping he could massage some of the pain away. He brought the radio up to his mouth and said, "On the outskirts, near the area with the swimming pool." Bring the radio away from his mouth he goes, "I think."
"Isn't that the area that we kinda cleared out a couple of weeks ago? And by cleared out, I mean lured the zombies to a different area." David panicked slightly.
"Shit, hopefully the zombies haven't come back."
"Mhm." Grabbing the radio Brandon brought it to his mouth and said, "We'll be there soon." Putting it in his pocket Brandon turned around and started walking towards the front door. "Let's go."
Lucas stared blankly at the walkie talkie for a moment before going, "Shit. Hopefully the migraine will be gone by then." Putting the walkie talkie down beside the nest, Lucas curled back up and pulled the blankets over his head to help block out the light. He struggled to go to sleep with his head pounding. Getting frustrated he shoved the blanket away and struggled to get up. When he was up Lucas swayed alarmingly and had to lean against the wall to stay upright.
Slowly, using the wall a support, he made his way into the kitchen. Hissing as the light burned his eyes and causing his eyes to water, he blinked rapidly making the tears fall down his cheeks. Lucas looked around the kitchen trying to decide where the medicine would be. Frowning he opened the closest cupboard, seeing that there were cooking pots in there he shut it and moved onto the next one. This pattern continued until he found the medicine in the cupboard above the stove. Grabbing the basket full of medicine, he pulled it down and sat it on the counter. Rummaging through the different boxes he squinted at the labels trying to read what it said.
"God, I hate migraines. I can't read for crap," mumbled Lucas, "Ah ha, found it." Grabbing the box, he left the rest of the medicine on the counter and stumbled back to the bedroom. Once back in his nest Lucas got the medicine box and popped two pills from their capsules, swallowing them dry. Leaving the box next to the nest he curled up facing the wall and pulled the blanket up over his head hoping to get some sort of rest.
"Here we are!" David said while walking through a hole in the fence. "We should radio Lucas again and see where he is."
"Good idea," Brandon replied, reaching into his pocket he grabbed the walkie talkie and brought it up to his mouth, "Lucas, we are in the area near the swimming pool. Where exactly are you?"
Groaning as sleep evaded his grasp, he blindly reached behind him for the radio. Finally finding it he brought it under the blanket to speak into it. "An apartment complex, why do you want to know?"
"An apartment complex? Why is he in one of those?" David asked while looking around for any sign of zombies, "There's like no supplies there."
"I don't know," Brandon said frustrated, rolling his eyes. "Maybe he's just exploring?"
"No, you know the rule. No exploring by yourself! And as I said before Lucas follows the important rules."
"He does, doesn't he." Brandon replied before bringing the walkie talkie back up to his mouth, "Which apartment building Lucas?"
Once again staring blankly, this time into the darkness of the blanket covering him, he said out aloud to himself, "Which apartment building? I don't know I wasn't looking at the name of it when I went in here. Crap what do I tell them?" Rolling over he brought the radio back to his mouth. "I didn't look at what it was called. It was the one that had blue on the front though. You still haven't told me why you want to know."
Staring disbelievingly at the radio, they then looked at each other. "What does he mean he didn't look at what the apartment is called? That's, that's, like the first lesson of supply running 101, or even survival 101." David questioned looking frustrated as he absentmindedly swung his axe.
Brandon didn't reply for a moment before saying, "Do you remember any apartment complexes that are blue cause I don't."
"No! No, I don't know any apartment complexes that are blue, I would have said if I did!" David said outraged a little bit.
"Guess we're wondering till we find it." Brandon sighed, "What do we tell Lucas about wanting to know where he is?"
"That we want to join his supply run, duh."
"Right, of course, I should have known that," Brandon replied sarcastically, once again rolling his eyes at David.
David snatched to radios out of Brandon's hand while giving him a glare and brought it to his mouth, "Cause we want to join you for the supply run squirt. Together we'll hold more supplies."
Lucas knew he was screwed. He didn't want them near him, he hates it when people are near him when he is either sick or has a migraine. He always shut himself away when he got either, Lucas knew that it probably wasn't healthy to do so but he didn't care. "Nah, there's not much here, so you guys can find somewhere else to look for supplies." he said into the radio, before sighing and closing his eyes.
"Seriously, he thinks we're actually going to just leave him by himself? Who knows what could happen to him!" David quietly shouted, as he started to pace around Brandon.
Brandon sighed once again, "Come on, let's start looking." Together they started to walk up the street, on the lookout for any blue buildings. Approximately half an hour to an hour later they found a blue apartment building.
"Do you think this is it?" David asked surveying the area.
"Well, we won't know unless we check." Brandon replied walking towards it. Carefully entering through the front they saw that there were no zombies in the lobby. Spotting some bodies at the other end of the room Brandon said, "Look, there's some bodies over there."
Walking over they checked the bodies searching for how they died. "They died due to a knife to the head." David pointed to the wound, "I'd say we're in the right place."
Brandon walked over to where the managers office was and knocked lightly on the door, hearing no noise on the other side he slowly turned the doorknob and flung it back, softly so that it didn't bounce of the wall, and jumped back so that if there was anything in there it couldn't grab him. Seeing that nothing was coming out Brandon raised his baseball bat ready just in case and went in. Looking around the office, he saw that there was no one in there. Brandon then walked towards the desk and started opening the draws, searching for something.
"What are you looking for?"
"The managers keys. They open every door in case of emergencies, remember?" Brandon replied distractedly, rummaging through the mess inside the draws. "Aha, found them let's go."
"What floor do you think he's on?" David questioned as they walked towards the stairs.
"Guess we'll have to check them one by one," Brandon sighed, "cause Lucas isn't going to tell us."
"I gathered that by how hostile he was starting to sound."
When there wasn't a reply, Lucas put the walkie talkie down and curled into a tighter ball. He shut his eyes and hoped that they were going to gather supplies on their own. Hopefully he'll be able to sleep this migraine away without interruptions.
"Ugh, I hate this." David whined, as they checked the fifth floor for any sign of Lucas. Seeing that there were still zombies on this floor they concluded that Lucas wasn't on this floor. Together they turned around and walked back towards the stairwell and up to the sixth floor. Seeing it was boarded up, they continued up towards the seventh floor. Entering the floor carefully they slowly walked down the hall searching for any zombies.
"Look, there's a body." Brandon pointed out. Getting closer, he knelt down and saw that the zombie had been stabbed in the brain, "He's on this floor."
"Which apartment though?" Walking over to the closest apartment, David knocked on the door. Hearing movement behind the door, he waited, before a banging sound was heard. "Whelp, it wasn't that one."
Brandon got up and went to the opposite door and repeated the process. When there wasn't any noise from the other side, he beckoned David over. Getting the managers keys from his pocket he slid the key into the lock, twisting it he unlocked the door. With David at the ready with his axe, Brandon opened the door. Sweeping the apartment they concluded that there was no one there. They quickly scavenged what was necessary before leaving. Walking out Brandon locked the door behind him. They continued this pattern down the hallway.
Knocking on the fifth apartment, Brandon unlocked the door when there was no noise on the other side. Swinging the door open, Brandon let David go in first who had his axe at the ready. Quietly they searched the rooms, finding medicine on the counter in the kitchen, Brandon put them in his backpack.
"Brandon, quietly, over here." David whispered as he beckoned Brandon over from where he was standing at the end of the hall in a doorway.
Brandon walked over to David, peeking out from behind him, he saw it was a bedroom. Spying the bundle of blankets, he quietly walked over and knelt down. Reaching out he slowly pulled the blankets down, revealing Lucas's face. "It's him. He's sleeping."
David moved over to Brandon and sat down next to him, leaning back against the wall. Looking at Lucas, David watched as Brandon gently brushed Lucas's hair behind his ear revealing his face. "Does he look pale to you?"
"Yeah, he's also been crying." Brandon commented, gently tracing the dried tear tracks on Lucas's cheek. Brandon grabbed Lucas's shoulder and carefully shook him. Lucas's eyes fluttered before he buried his face into the pillow below him, letting out a groan. "C'mon, wake up."
Lucas opened his eyes and stared up blearily at them, hissing slightly at the light even though the curtains were shut. Seeing David and Brandon looking at him, he lets out a confused noise. "What are you guys doing here?" Lucas whispered, shutting his eyes again.
Above him Brandon and David exchanged concerned looks. "We were looking for you." Brandon quietly replied.
"I told you to look for supplies without me."
"Doesn't matter now. What's wrong?" David replied, stretching his legs out in front of him.
"Hmm, what do you mean? You should leave and get supplies, weren't you doing a supply run?" Lucas deflected as he started to tug the blanket back up over his face.
Brandon stopped it though by grabbing it and ignored the last question. "We're not stupid. You're pale and have been crying, something is wrong."
"Hmm, that's nice. You can leave now." Lucas replied carelessly, tugging at the blanket more insistently.
"Lucas! Answer us!" David said sternly, unfortunately his voice was too loud for Lucas's migraine. Lucas flinched and let out a whine, curling tighter into a ball. "Lucas?" David questioned in a quieter voice.
"It's nothing to worry about." Lucas whispered.
"Just tell us what's wrong Lucas." Brandon told Lucas as he tugged the blanket away again. "Are you sick?"
"No, not sick. Just a migraine. I have the worst migraines." Lucas replied giving up on trying to get them to go away.
"Oh, is that why you left?" David questioned seriously, looking at Lucas who was curled up in a tiny ball.
"Yeah, I hate anyone seeing me in a weakened state. Whether I was sick, hurt or had a migraine I would have left to find a place to hide away anyway. Not to mention you guys are noisy." Lucas told them truthfully, though he joked slightly at the end.
Brandon sighed as he looked at Lucas who had his eyes closed. "Have you had anything to eat or drink today, apart from half a tin of peaches?"
"No, I'm not hungry." Lucas replied as he started tugging at the blanket again.
"You need to eat something. It's been hours since breakfast and drinking water will help your migraine." Brandon stated seriously before letting Lucas tug the blanket back up over his head.
"Not hungry." Lucas replied.
Sighing Brandon stood up and beckoned David to follow him outside the bedroom and into the kitchen. "Let's see if we can find some soup. I doubt he's going to chew anything and at least this way he will have something in his stomach."
"I'll check if the water works and get him a glass of water if it does." David said as he walked towards the kitchen sink. Twisting the handle David was surprised that the water worked. He turned the tap off and began searching the cupboards for a glass. Finding them in a drawer next to the sink he picked the biggest glass before returning to the tap to fill it up.
Looking in the pantry Brandon search for some type of tinned soup. Seeing that there was no soup he sighed. Turning to look at David he said, "There's no soup here. One of us is going to have to search the other apartments."
"I'll do it," David said as he held out his hand, "Give me the keys and you take the water to Lucas, I think I saw soup in the apartment across the hall."
Exchanging the keys for the glass of water Brandon looked at David, "Be careful."
Winking David replied, "I will, just try to get Lucas to drink some of that." Before leaving the apartment.
Nodding Brandon turned around and headed back towards the bedroom. Walking in the room Brandon sighed as he saw that Lucas was still under the blanket. Kneeling next to nest of blankets and setting the glass of water next to him, Brandon tugged the blanket down and shook Lucas again. "Lucas, open your eyes."
Lucas slowly opened his eyes and blinked dazedly up at Brandon, "Hmm?"
"C'mon, sit up." Brandon gently tugged on Lucas's hoodie.
Lucas groaned before slowly sitting up with the help of Brandon, who had put his arm around Lucas's shoulders. Blinking rapidly, Lucas decided that it was too bright and turned and buried his face in Brandon's neck, shutting his eyes again.
"Lucas, I need you to have some water." Brandon gently tugged at Lucas's hair to pull him away from his neck. "Lucas, look at me."
Lucas blearily looked at Brandon, "Hmm?"
Brandon picked up the glass of water and held it up to Lucas's mouth, "Drink."
Lucas shakily raised his hands to grab the glass. Opening his mouth Lucas started to have little sips of water. Brandon's hand was helping hold the glass steady, his other hand entwined in Lucas's hair. It was a struggle to get Lucas to have more water as after a few sips he refused to have anymore.
"Come on Lucas, just a little more." Brandon coaxed putting the glass back near Lucas's mouth.
Lucas sighed and had a few more sips before refusing to have anymore and tucking his head back into Brandon's neck. Brandon let him as he knew that Lucas wasn't going to have anymore. Putting the glass down next to him he started stroking Lucas's hair. Lucas let out a little mummer before leaning more on Brandon, curling up against him.
"Aww, how cute." Hearing that Brandon looked up and saw that David had returned.
"Did you find any soup?" Brandon asked, still absentmindedly stroking Lucas's hair.
"Yep. Tomato, I figured it would be easier to get him to swallow as it has no chunks in it to chew." David replied, "I checked the stove and it still works, surprisingly. I put the soup next to it."
"Good, it's your turn to take care of Lucas." Brandon said beckoning David over, "Lucas I need you to sit up for a moment."
Lucas groaned but did as he was told, sitting up he still had his eyes closed. Brandon stood up and pushed David down to where he was sitting next to Lucas. He then gently guided Lucas to lean on David. Lucas buried his face under David's chin and curled up against him.
"I'll go heat up the soup. You stay here and look after Lucas. We'll have trouble trying to get him to eat." Brandon said before turning around and walking to the kitchen. Finding the soup can he search the kitchen for a pot to put it in. Finding one he grabbed it and poured the soup into it. Setting it on the hot plate he turned the stove on. Brandon then searched the kitchen for a bowl and spoon. Once it was heated up Brandon poured the soup into the bowl. Picking up the bowl and spoon as well as a towel he brought it back to the bedroom. Sitting down in front of David, Brandon placed the bowl between them.
"Lucas. Sit up." David commanded as he gently forced Lucas to sit up. Lucas whined but did as he was told. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at them bemused. Lucas waited for them to tell him what they wanted so he could go back to sleep to try and get rid of his migraine.
"I want you to eat some soup Lucas." Brandon said as he looked at Lucas who was blinking blearily at him.
"No, I'm not hungry." Lucas muttered back at him as he started to slump against David. David pushed him off lightly before standing up and moving behind Lucas, who was still in the nest. He slid down the wall, leg on either side of Lucas. David carefully pulled Lucas backwards to lean against him.
"Please Lucas, just a little bit, for us." Brandon pleaded as he watched as David rearranged himself and Lucas.
"Just, just a little bit than." Lucas said in a soft tone as he sat up straighter against David. Brandon smiled softly and scooted closer to the pair. Putting the bowl on his lap he gathered a small spoonful of soup. Brandon then brought the spoon up to Lucas's mouth, "Open wide."
Lucas opened his mouth and swallowed the soup, this pattern continued until Lucas refused to eat anymore soup.
"Well done Lucas." David praised him as Brandon set the bowl on the bedside table. "You managed to eat half of the soup. That's good."
Brandon went into the bathroom and got a face washer and wet it with cold water before walking back into the room. He placed it on Lucas forehead making sure it covered his eyes.
"Thanks." Lucas whispered as he settled against David more. Brandon then joined them in the nest of blankets next to David. Lucas's breathing evened out signaling that he had fallen asleep.
"Hopefully, next time he gets a migraine he won't leave the barn for a dangerous city." David muttered as he lightly stroked Lucas's hair.
"Probably not, you know he can get stubborn about certain things. Especially when it concerns himself." Brandon replied softly leaning slightly against David. "Maybe we can make a little safe house for himself. For when he gets sick or a migraine. You heard him earlier, if either of those happen he is more likely to hide himself away then admit what's wrong with him. At least if we have a safe house or area for him we will know where he is."
David nodded, "Yeah, we should explore the area around the barn more. Maybe there will be a small building we could renovate for him, or even us if we become sick or whatever."
"Hopefully we can eventually convince Lucas that he doesn't need to hide himself away."
"Hopefully." David responded, settling in place more, "I have a feeling we are going to be here a while."
After a few hours Lucas woke up, "What's going on?" he slurred sitting up a bit.
Brandon and David stopped talking and looked at him. "Look who's awake." Brandon commented, "How are you feeling?"
"Lightheaded and my vision is blurry." Lucas answered truthfully, leaning back against David, shutting his eyes as they were still sensitive to light. He let out a sigh, slumping slightly.
"Is there anything we can do to make you feel better?" David asked, feeling useless.
"No, you've done enough already. I've just got to wait this out." Lucas replied quietly.
"How long does a migraine usually last?" Brandon asked, gently removing the now warm damp face washer from Lucas's forehead.
"Depends on the person and situation. A migraine can last from a few hours to a few days. I've only ever had them for a few hours, no longer then a day, but that could change considering the situation we're in. Zombie apocalypse and all." Lucas answered, shifting so he was leaning sideways against David and facing Brandon.
"Okay, we'll stay the night to make sure that it is gone."
"Mhm, that's a good idea. Usually once the migraine is gone I feel tired and drained." Lucas told them, shutting his eyes again as the light was starting to become too bright again.
"Do you feel up to eating some more soup?" Brandon questioned, gently touching Lucas's cheek.
"No, I'm feeling nauseous." Lucas replied promptly.
Brandon and David exchanged a look, "Do you need a bucket or something?" David asked Lucas quietly, smoothing his hair away from his face.
"That might be a good idea. I should have something near in case I vomit." Lucas blushed, burying his face in David's chest. Brandon stood up and went searching for a bucket. He found one in the kitchen under the sink. Brandon gave it a quick wash before returning to Lucas and David. He sat the bucket within reach before sitting back down next to David.
"What would have you done if we weren't here?" David asked Lucas seriously.
"Not eaten or drank anything and if I did throw up I wouldn't have gotten very far." Lucas muttered into David's chest, "I don't have the energy to do much."
"You would've been screwed if zombies appeared. In fact you were lucky you didn't run into any on your way here." David scolded Lucas.
"Next time tell us something is wrong and we can either see if we can set you up in the barn and if we can't let us escort you to somewhere else." Brandon told him with David nodding in agreement, they had been talking about it when Lucas was sleeping.
Lucas just let out a "We'll see." before falling back asleep.
"What are we going to do with him?" David said while shaking his head and looking at Brandon.
"I don't know."
By now it was starting to turn dusk, they had spent hours quietly talking while Lucas was sleeping. Carefully Brandon woke Lucas, "Wake up."
Lucas blearily lifted his head from where it was tucked under David's chin, "What?"
"David and I have to go and eat. It's turning night." Brandon replied, helping Lucas lean forwards so David could move out from behind him. Once David had moved Lucas shifted and laid down on his side, curling up slightly and shutting his eyes.
Brandon and David walked quietly into the kitchen and began to search the pantry for something to eat. Finding some tins of baked beans and spaghetti they sat at the table and ate a tin each, talking quietly between them. Finishing, they set the empty tins on the counter and walked back to the bedroom. They paused at the edge of the nest Lucas was in.
"How are we going to do this? Should we have one on watch or do you feel comfortable without it?" Brandon asked David.
"You get comfy, I'll make sure the door is locked and barricade it." David said as he spun are and left the bedroom. Brandon laid down between Lucas and the wall pulling the blanket over himself. He turned onto his side and rested his cheek on Lucas's head while wrapping an arm around his waist. When David came back, he chuckled at the sight of Brandon spooning Lucas. Brandon glared at David, not that David could see it as the moonlight wasn't that bright and the curtains were closed. David laid down on the other side of Lucas, on his back. Lucas shuffled closer and laid his head on David's shoulder.
That was how they slept that night, all cuddled up to each other.
Hey! This was my first fanfic, please tell me what you think of it. Any ships in here can be read as platonically or romantically, what ever you desire.
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