(A/N: Hi! I'm Slippy, the creator of what you're reading. Just as an excellent heads-up, the following chapter is a bit... Well, crappy. I had written this a long time ago, and I promise, the story will get better, so bear with me! AN: I updated this chapter on January 22, 2019. Enjoy!)
"You can't take her, Thor! You cannot take her!"
Shadowed by the setting sun, the man called for his brother, far ahead of him. The two were illuminated by the changing colors of the bridge beneath their feet. His eyes glinted with tears as he saw the small hand of a child in his brother's arms. The man raced after him, catching up, a few feet away.
"I will do what is best for her," Thor whispered, just loud enough for him to hear. He took off his red cape and wrapped the infant in it, bundling it tightly.
"No, Thor- stop- she is mine!" The man stuttered, reaching out to touch the child. Thor drew her away, and the infant's hand brushed the man's finger. She giggled melodically, happy to be warm.
"Loki, you know it must be this way."
"No! It doesn't have to- no, just- let me-" Loki choked, memorizing the child's face, her touch, her laugh. If he was going to lose his daughter, what keep him sane, he wanted to drop into madness with his memories of her.
It would be the last he ever heard of his daughter. The last time he would see her again. He would never feel her touch, see her smile, or hear her first word.
Thor nodded to the guardian of the Bifrost, Heimdall, who slid his sword into the slot on the platform. The bridge pulsated, feeding energy into the warp. The galaxy twisted before them, and endless tunnel through space and time.
"She is my daughter, Thor! You cannot take her! Please- don't-" He stumbled, starting to run his hands through his hair frantically. He was panicking; hyperventilating. The world started to become blurry. Loki could feel the vibrations of Thor's footsteps as he stepped closer to the tunnel; he could feel his heartbeat in his ears, pounding away his thoughts and words.
"I am sorry brother. Forgive me."
Loki had lost his wife, Sigyn, and now his daughter. The blood rushed to his head, filling it with nothing but the pounding of his heart, drumming away at his skull. Dropping to the ground, he curled into a ball, forehead on the cool, metal floor. He dug his fingers into the back of his skull until they drew blood, and then pounded the ground once, a desperate, weak action.
He would never see her again, never enjoy her smile or her laugh or her childhood, never see her grow and be bold and strong and loving and fierce and-
With a thud, Thor landed on Midgard, and the tornado-seeming warp disappeared from existence. He looked around to see that he had fallen on the Helicarrier, silently thanking Heimdall.
The smoldering design of the warp had left some of the rubber burning, and those who came out to see Thor regarded him with guns and gas masks. He was escorted by the rather small Midgardians into the flying base, with the child in his arms now sleeping peacefully. Fury glanced at Thor with his good eye and motioned for him to follow- he had been informed of Thor's actions on Asgard and allowed him to leave the child in care of S.H.I.E.L.D.
"Are you sure about this, Director Fury?" Thor asked as he walked alongside him. Agents jumped out of their way as they rounded the corridors.
The Director scoffed. "Yes. We have the best facilities to keep an eye on her and if she gets out of hand," he glanced at a passing, glass chamber, "we have the equipment to keep her in check." He finished, walking out to the Bridge. Thor was silent for a moment.
"We cannot tell her about her heritage," He muttered as his niece wrapped her hand around his pinky, making small, sleepy noises.
If this child was ever allowed to discover her true bloodline, she would search the nine realms for her father. Loki would do the same.
Loki is doing the same.
Thor could not allow that, not after the death of Sigyn. Loki had grown distant, spending more and more time with the link to his late wife. He would skip meals and would walk the palace at night. His temper grew short and his power quick. Thor saw the destruction first hand- it took weeks to rebuild part of the west wing.
They all feared for Loki- or feared him. Thor worried that Loki would accidentally harm his only daughter, and he would never allow that to happen to his niece. He looked down as the child wriggled in the cape, settling down and sighing. Odin's solution was to separate father and daughter and to bring her to Midgard. Thor pleaded to keep both of them in the palace, at least in the same planet, but Odin refused. He meant the best for the two.
Fury nodded, and the two men strode over to the glass table.
"Well, let's see her," Steve said, his shield placed in front of him. He, besides the few glances that Tony made, was the only one of the five who seemed almost entirely interested. Bruce had shifted uncomfortably in his seat when Thor came in, unsure of what was going to happen.
The child woke and cried out softly, hearing an unfamiliar voice. She wriggled in Thor's hands as he set her down gently. She crawled over to Tony, who was playing on his STARK phone, unfazed by the entrance of the two men.
Until she tried touching his phone. "Hey! Woah, no touchies!" Tony whined, holding his phone up and away from the toddler.
"She is not my problem right now." Thor chuckled lightly at the child, smiling. He set Mjölnir onto the table and folded his muscular arms as in an if-you-hurt-her-in-anyway-I-will-break-your-neck.
"No, no. No touchies, small baby." Tony said as he tried to make the child go somewhere else. Stark furrowed his brows. What was an infant doing aboard a flying ship? This must be some weird stunt Thor was pulling, Tony concluded.
After a while, she gave up trying to take the phone from Tony- much to his relief- and continued on her adventure.
Bruce Banner tapped his fingers against his knees nervously as she came closer to him. He was always nervous that he would 'Hulk out.' It had become a habit of watching out for other people's safety. The little girl crawled up to Bruce and started to mess with his shoelaces, gurgling happy baby-talk. He froze in his seat. People rarely sat next to him or even looked at him, as though he was emitting some sort of 'dangerous' aura.
After failing to untie Banner's shoe, she continued on her quest to find a toy. After he had passed her line of sight, Bruce smiled slightly. He was sure that they would get along just fine.
Bruce glanced at the others. Surely it wasn't just him that was nervous? Maybe it was. Clint looked anxious when she came crawling over to him. He tried to put his bow behind him, hoping the child wouldn't notice.
Sadly, his bow was not hidden well enough. Hela tugged on the strings as he took away the 'toy,' too.
"No, no. Babies can't have weapons." He said, putting the bow behind him once again, as she had dragged it out from behind the chair. He checked again behind him to make sure that his quiver, full of arrows, was still there. Thankfully, it was.
She crawled over to Natasha and Steve, banging on Natasha's shoes. The assassin smiled slightly, and the little girl looked at Steve's shield and pounded on it, her small hands creating echoes around the room. She alternated between banging on the shield and the shoe.
"What's her name?" Steve asked. Thor smiled warmly.
"Her name is Hela," he answered, and the little girl giggled as she continued to hit Steve's shield. Steve picked her up and sat her on his lap, and she outstretched her chubby arms, wanting to hug him.
"Hey Hela, my name is Steve, and these are my friends," he smiled as she looked at him, her mouth forming words. And spit.
Hela laughed, trying to pronounce Steve's name. All that came out was a few gurgles of joy.
"Thor, why did you bring her here? I thought she was living in- in..." He trailed off, trying to think of the name.
"In Asgard, Sir Rogers?" Thor asked, and Steve nodded.
"That is because of my brother, Loki, is unfit to take care of her at this time. He is causing destruction to the palace of Asgard, and I believe his cause is of his wife, Lady Sigyn, who died in an attack on Asgard.
Lady Sigyn was defending the palace, with other Valkyrie. It was unfortunate that an arrow pierced her during the battle. She was brought to justice, as the archer was killed later by Loki himself, in a successful attempt for vengeance," Thor stated remorsefully. "My father decided to leave Hela in the care of my most trusted friends. He said not to keep her on Asgard, for Loki would search endlessly."
Thor sighed as Hela looked up and smiled, a pit forming in his stomach. "I am sorry, I must leave. I have unfinished business in Asgard." Thor looked at the two year-old child. He hoped she would grow up healthy, as he would not see her for quite a while.
Thor gently took his cape from the floor and Mjölnir from the table, already missing his niece. He walked out, and they could distantly hear him shout as he yelled for Heimdall to take him back, leaving the six people to take care of Hela, who was sitting on Steve's lap with a confused look on her face.
Hela would grow up to be so much like her father. The only difference was, she was half Jötun and half-Asgardian.
Everyone sitting in that room didn't know that seven years later, Loki was to try to create a war with the Jötuns and Asgardians, only to fall into the abyss, and for only another six years after that, for him to attack Earth, with an army of Chitauri.
Oh, what destruction was to become of a simple action.
Hey! Thanks for checking this out and making it this far in. Sorry for.. this. Anyways, yes, the cover does say 'Loki's Daughter' and yes, the actual title is Mischievous, because I wasn't creative when I was.... uh... eleven? Eleven. I couldn't think of a proper title until about a year ago.. so..
P.S- In the next chapter, she is fifteen, just to let you know in case if you were confused about her age. She's two in this chapter.
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