Mischievous Ideas
April 20th, 2012. Time: 7:30 AM
Hela grunted, rolling her hands into fists as she swung her leg with speed that could not have been acquired by a fifteen year old girl.
She hit the dummy square in the chest, resulting in it falling to the ground with a satisfying thump. Wiping the sweat off her brow, she moved onto the next wooden dummy, positioning herself in front of it, moving into a fighting stance.
"You should go roam," Steve huffed, punching his own punching bag. "Be a kid and have fun, not train like me." His white tee was teeming with sweat, and his forehead as well. However, on the other hand, Hela had hardly broken a sweat.
Then again, he had been up since four, and she woke up thirty minutes ago.
Hela shrugged, deftly punching the next wooden dummy in the chest, sending it skidding to the floor. She had been training for years, before Fury told S.H.I.E.L.D. that an 'item' was stolen, before Project Pegasus became a thing, before all of the chaos that happens in S.H.I.E.L.D. almost regularly now. She heard Bruce whisper something about a tesseract, but as far as she understood, it was a small blue cube with the ability to control -or destroy- anything, or anyone. Barton was compromised as well, something she confirmed with Agent Hill.
Before Fury was able to inform Stark, Rogers and Banner who was behind it, Hela fell from the vents. She was escorted out, and vowed to herself that, later, she would hack in and find out who took Clint.
And she was going to make them suffer. No one took out a S.H.I.E.L.D agent from Hela, much less her family.
"Nah, I like it in here. The smell of hard work, punching stuff, and stealing your.. What is this? Fist tape?" Hela lazily tossed the roll into the air. Rogers glanced at where he had put the sports tape, then looked at Hela, who was chucking it into the air and catching it with equal grace. He walked over to her and gave her a noogie before taking the roll.
"Ah, right. It's called 'sports tape', I presume?" She asked as he studied his fists. Bloody. He was being reckless.
"You've done enough, soldier," The Super Soldier said, grimacing. "You're still a kid, enjoy it."
"An Asgardian, mortal," Hela corrected, earning an eye roll from the blonde man before her. He playfully pushed her to the door. "Shoo, just don't get into any trouble, okay?" Rogers looked at Hela, receiving a mischievous grin.
"I make no promises!" Hela sung off-key as she slipped out of the room, making a beeline for Tony and Bruce. She walked down the helicarrier's halls, waving at the few agents down for lunch.
Walking down the corridors gave her a twisted feeling in her stomach. Hela didn't appreciate the feeling.
Humming, Hela waved at Agent Hill and Coulson. Only Phil acknowledged her, giving a small smile before returning to talk with Maria. Hela slid into the lab and stood at the entrance.
"Tony! Bruce!" She yelled, perfectly aware of them sitting right next to her. Bruce grumbled something, and gave Hela a quick smile before returning to his work.
"What's up Helly?" Tony looked up, grinning from ear to ear. He pushed the holographic screen away casually, but of course Hela noticed it. He wasn't the most subtle person to grace the planet.
Hela saw the profile of someone and waved it off, returning Tony's smile. She could track the profile later.
"So, Hel?" Tony questioned, sitting back down and doing something really scientific-y and complex that she didn't understand.
Hela frowned. "That's the best you can do, Stark?"
"I don't have a name for you."
"Does anyone else have a name?" Hela brought up the holographic screen and studied the cube, pinching it between her fingers.
"Sure, sure," he waved his hand dismissively, "Green Machine over here, Capsicle for Rogers, Legolas for... Barton." He paused, looking at her carefully, "And Natasha and you still need a name." Tony rolled his eyes as Hela stuck her tongue out at him. He threw the images off, casually leaning against the table.
"What do you think of Tin Can, for you?" Hela smirked. Bruce chuckled softly in response to the name. "Ooh, we got Banner to smile! Think thats a keeper?" Hela asked, flicking Tony's ear.
"Very funny, Hel. Very funny. Blueberry?" Stark asked. Hela took a few and threw one at his Arc Reactor. It flared for a moment and returned to its normal pulse, softly beating like a heartbeat under the AC/DC shirt. She chucked one at the back of Tony's neck and got a blueberry to the head for it.
Not unlike the scientists in the room, Hela's gears were turning. Without warning, she waved goodbye and ran out the door, racing along the halls.
---------------------------------------------------Hello, Skyy here!
Kudos to @TheAuthorofBooks101 for the new nickname for Tony- Tin Can!
Have a good day! Or night! Bye!
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