Just Peachy
April 27, 2012. Time: 10:15 AM
"Oh my god, this is just a flying nope!" Leia announced, moaning as she walked towards a boy in the baseball field. "Hey! You in the black shirt!" Hela screeched, making the boy turn around. He narrowed his eyes at the approaching girls, turned back around, and threw a "No." over his shoulder.
"'Kay, thanks!" Leia screamed back, already striding away. They met up with two other girls. "Niah," Hela said, getting the attention of a girl with ombre hair, brown to caramel, pale-skinned girl. She was almost like a vampiric pale.
"I dare you... Snyder. James Snyder," Hela smirked as the girl standing next to Niah giggled. She was hazel-eyed and had a light tan. Kylie, the girl with hazel eyes, always wore a sparkling sweater, leggings, and a hair bow almost every day, hence her nickname- Sparkles.
As Niah stomped off to face Snyder, the whistle blew, signaling that school only had 4 more periods left, leaving Kylie, Leia, and Hela to walk slowly until Niah came back.
Kylie and Niah, whom Leia introduced, shortly became close friends. They were loyal and always messing around. Hela had only known them for a few days, and she felt like she could trust them.
"Hey? Er... I... Um... Need to tell you something." Hela stuttered awkwardly. The three girls turned to her, deadly silent as he continued.
"Well, um...," she paused, inhaled, then let out a long string of words. "I... liveinS.H.I.E.L.DandatStarkTowerandI'manAsgardianwhoisrelatedtoThor'causehe'smyuncle."
While Leia processed the sentence, Kylie looked at her confusedly and Niah simply asked "What?"
Leia's eyes widened. "Oh my god... You... Thor... Asgard?" She stuttered.
"Er... Yeah?"
Niah and Kylie whispered in her ear, and Leia grinned. "I'll see ya later, Hela. Oh, and tell Coulson I said hi."
Hela scrambled to her desk in her final period, thirty minutes of homework time and relaxation. She set her backpack down underneath the table, and turned to Mrs. Moore, who was clapping her hands. Eyes snapped to her as she began to speak with that powerful, yet fragile, voice she had. "We're going to watch the broadcast today, so if you need to do homework, I suggest you go to Mrs. Davies."
Moore turned her attention to her Apple laptop and booted up the video, projecting it onto the Smart Board. A few kids grabbed their math notebooks and walked out, heading to the other side of the hall, where Mrs. Davies' classroom was.
The broadcast started, and it was a little bit of a blur. She remembered the teacher telling that class it was time to go, and herself reaching for the matte black backpack, slinging it over her shoulder, then sprinting to the front doors. As she had burst out into the Manhattan air, she found Tony, slipped into the car, and watched the streets pass.
"... Hey, green-eyes? You okay there? You look a little... Not you." Tony asked, worried about how Hela had just nodded to his questions. He parked in the garage and made their way to the elevator.
"Yeah, Metal Man. I'm fine. Just... School, ya know?" Hela mumbled, almost inaudible. "Rough day?" Stark asked, hoping to get a little more out. "You better believe it." Hela stated, pressing the button for the rooftop. "Anything going on in your crazy little head?"
Hela froze.
She had been thinking about her father- well, at least eliminating possibilities for people being her father.
Hela gulped, bit her lip, then turned to Tony in the elevator. "Hey, Stark? Have you guys found information on who my father is, or maybe mother?" She whispered, a hopeful glint in her eyes. Stark frowned.
"No kiddo, sorry."
All at once, the glint faded, and she left the elevator with a hard expression. She reached the quinjet, eyes furrowed, and closed her eyes, still thinking, until the plane touched down on the flying base.
Hela stormed into the Bridge, feet determined. Just as quickly as she had come, she had gone. Her feet fled down the futuristic halls, glinting with their steel surfaces. She slowed to a stop in front of sealed doors, and her expression changed from hard to calm as she stepped through them. In the middle of the room was the prisoner.
She stepped towards the control panel quickly and quietly, waiting.
"So, the one-eyed man sent one of his pathetic mortal soldiers to interrogate me?" The man said, back to her. Hela frowned.
"One, I'm not pathetic- I've been trained in multiple ways of martial arts and I know how to snap your neck several different ways, and still keep you alive as you suffer pain; two, look who's calling names- you're the one stuck in a cage. Three, I'm not mor-." Hela stopped, frowning. She was going to give away that she was Asgardian, but she didn't trust him.
But who would?
By now, she had Loki's full attention. "You insolent-." He too, had stopped suddenly, not expecting a young girl. "You insolent child." He spat, walking up the the glass wall separating them. "I am a god, I am Loki, of Asgard, and I am-."
"Yada yada. I get it. 'I'm this person, going to destroy the world and enslave man kind.' Look, I've dealt with worse." Hela growled.
She calmly strode up to the glass, her expression as calm as a sea on a sunny day. Her emotions suddenly erupted, turning her mouth into a snarl as she banged her fist on the glass.
"You compromised Clint Barton," Hela seethed. "I will make you suffer. I will hurt you in ways you've never imagined. I will take away your courage, pride, and strength from you, watch you cripple, then I will put two daggers into your heart, and a bullet into your head. Then I will feed you to the maggots. I will watch you suffer painfully, then I will kill you. I will watch you die," Hela hissed, every syllable startling Loki. He took a step back as she stood up straight, glared fiercely at him, then walked past the controls. "I do hope you enjoy your stay." She said, her voice dripping with sarcasm that was all too sickly sweet.
As the doors shut behind her, Loki recovered from the shock of her threat. It reminded him how a simple thing could destroy everything.
It reminded Loki of himself, and that was hard to even scare Loki, much less remind him of someone.
Thor stopped Hela in the halls, glancing at her deadly expression. If looks could kill, everyone would be dead at Hela's feet. He wanted to know if she had figured it out yet, considering she was his brothers daughter. Odin had warned him about the shock that was to wash over Hela, and he said it might not go away until she experiences a certain thing, a memory that is regained over a small object, or even in the dead of the night, if she just realizes it.
"Are you alright, my niece?" Thor asked as Hela regained her composure. She smiled sweetly at him.
"Yeah, I'm just peachy."
Hello my wonderful CloudFoxes! I am so sorry for not updating for THIRTY DAYS!!! Please! I'm so sorry!
I know this is a really bad chapter, but it mostly revolves around the death threat. Also, does everyone remember that reallylongstringofwords?
Yeah, that actually read:
I live as S.H.I.E.L.D and at Stark Tower and I'm an Asgardian who is related to Thor 'cause he's my uncle.
So now you know!
Also, Odin knew, that by sending Thor down to Midgard, Hela would find out, one way or another, that Loki was her father(yes, it's a total spoiler alert. So is the title. And the prologue. Duuuhhh.), so he was telling Thor that the shock might not let her brain actually register: 'if Thor is my uncle, and Loki's his(adopted)brother, then that means I'm Loki's daughter!'
Anyways, sorry, I love you, peace purple puppies.
OH!! AND THE NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE THE START OF THE WAR. IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN, SOMEONE WILL DIE<Hint hint, Coulson's dying in the next chappie. War is war, deal with it.>
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