Another Asgardian
21st Of April, 2012. Time: 3:30 PM.
There was a knock on the door, earning a groan and a muffled 'go away' from the mountain of blankets on the bed. "Hela! Time to get up kiddo." Steve knocked on the door until he met he gaze of a very tired teen. "What time is it?" She yawned, folding the blankets.
"Its almost three," Steve replied as he grabbed a blanket and began tucking it into a storage box. "Either you get almost a full day of sleep or five minutes, huh?"
Hela chuckled, and pushed Steve as she handed him another blanket. "Please, Capsicle. Either sleep is for the week, or sleep is for the weak. My revolves around three things: training, becoming an agent, and having fun. Now shoo, I have to get dressed." She scooted him out the door and waved goodbye.
Hela opened her dresser- a tall, ebony gift she had gotten for her tenth birthday from- surprisingly- Natasha, and pulled out her uniform, which was a simple, black tank top and leggings. She carried the clothes and her portable speaker to the bathroom. Her reflection stared at her in the mirror.
Hela's sleek, black hair fell onto her face, her pale skin and high cheekbones contrasted against her midnight colored hair, and her emerald green eyes brightened her face. Frowning at the reflection, she turned away and twisted the knob in the shower, watching as the water hit the floor, draining away. The steam filled the room quickly, enveloping the once cold air into a warm embrace. Hela stepped into the shower and began to think.
Nick Fury gazed out the window as his workers ran around him, setting courses and preparing for cloaking. Steve walked in, looking casual with his blonde hair slicked to the side, wearing a tan jacket, and his blue eyes darting around. He quickly handed Nick a $10 bill, and the director took it, a faint smile on his face.
"Where's Hela, Rogers?" Fury asked, turning back to the glass window. Steve looked away from the glass and opened his mouth to reply.
"Right here, thank you, Capsicle," Hela said, cutting Steve off as she stood behind Director Fury. "Reporting for whatever you're making me do, sir." Hela did a fake salute, standing as straight as she could with a ridiculous smile on her face.
"Your station is next to Agent Sitwell, and your task is to monitor Agent Romanoff and Rogers' vitals, and Hela," Fury added, making Hela pause.
Great. I'll be doing nothing, then.
"Use this headset to communicate with them." Fury handed her an earpiece and nodded. Hela fumbled with the earpiece and put it in quickly. She hopped over the railing and swung the chair around, stopping next to Sitwell.
Over the years, everyone was busy. Steve was constantly training to cope with the 'you've been asleep for 70 years'; Bruce was in Calcutta, helping with the diseases and sickness that were rampant in communities; Clint and Natasha were in Budapest, doing Director-Fury-knows-what, and Tony was at Stark Tower, not sleeping for days and passing out in his lab, leaving Pepper and Hela to find him(Normally they'd ask Jarvis where Tony was at, but Jarvis, being the little shit he is, would tell them that 'Tony has asked me not to disclose that information, Ms. Potts').
Hela would spend every chance she got at Stark Tower, invited over by Pepper or Tony on the days they weren't ridiculously busy or out of town. Bruce rarely had the time to check up- he didn't want to be traced by S.H.I.E.L.D. either. Steve didn't really know how to work the smart phone Hela got him, and Natasha and Clint were far too bush to chit-chat.
Phil would sometimes take her to Dunkin' Donuts if he had the time, and they would talk about Captain America, or how Tony Stark was such an idiot sometimes, and other things.
Sitting on the roof with Coulson always helped cheer Hela up.
Hela saw two flatlines running across the screen, labeled 'Steve Rogers' and 'Natasha Romanoff'. The vitals were stored into their suits so everything read as 'dead'. Hela was about to make a joke about how Steve was dead on the inside, and now he's dead on the outside, but Agent Sitwell interrupted her before she even spoke.
"We've got a hit! sixty-seven percent match. Wait, cross-match; seventy-nine percent."
Sitwell turned from his computer to Coulson, while Hela took a look at the picture of the man on the screen. "This dude is hiding something... you can see it in his eyes," Hela mumbled.
"Location?" Coulson asked, glancing at Hela, then back to Sitwell. "Stuttgart, Germany. Twenty-eighth Konigstrasse. He's not exactly hiding." Sitwell clicked and scrolled, bring up a map of the mansion.
"Cap, you're up." Hela said, turning in his direction. She sat down at her computer, setting up the body cams and getting the vitals ready to go.
"A word, Hela." Nick's voice rang clear. She pushed the chair away from the computer and walked up to see Fury.
"You know something about this man?" Fury tapped something on his control panel.
"Yes sir."
"How can you tell?"
"Its in his eyes, his smirk. He knows something we don't. You gotta trust me on that, sir." Hela said, glancing at Fury's panel.
Fury nodded. "I'm trusting you know what the hell you're saying. Don't make me regret it."
Hela let out a sigh she didn't know she was holding, and walked the few paces back to her computer. She pressed the mic button on her headset. "Hey, Capsicle, Romanoff, these microphones can pick up other voices if they're loud enough, right?" A flurry of fingers rushed across the keyboard as Hela searched the map of the mansion, checking for hidden cameras. She sent a bug into all wired cameras within a two block radius.
This'll give me a better view of what's going on.
A second later, she saw the mansion in the dark, with limos pulling up to it. Fancy.
"Hela, we're taking off and heading to Germany," Natasha interrupted Hela's thoughts.
"Yeah, Hela, they can...," Steve paused, then stammered, "well, err, I think they can."
Hela smiled. "I've got visual of the building. Vitals are steady." Hela stated, zooming in out the building, looking for anything standing out.
A limo pulled up and it caught her eye as a lady with an elegant gown and a man, linking her arm with his, in a tuxedo stepped out and walked up the steps. Hela pushed a button in her headset, allowing her voice broadcast on the speakers in the quinjet.
"You might literally need to suit up, or in your case Romanoff, dress up." Hela grinned, hearing Tasha swear in Russian.
"I think someone forgot to mention that it was a party at debriefing. Are you sure, kiddo?"
"How could this be anything else? Always unlucky, huh?"
As Hela switched from camera to camera, she noticed guards, armed and on the rooftops. She also saw the bottom of a tube-ish tunnel, and guessed it was so the sentries could switch positions.
"Romanoff, Rogers, you have two sentries, one on the ground, one on the roof, armed and possibly dangerous," Hela spoke, then took her headset off and looked at Sitwell.
Hela adjusted her headset and focused on the sentries. The sentry on the ground was killed as something shot out of the dark and into his chest. "Ground sentry is killed, shot by a third party. The other is-" Hela pauses as the roof sentry was killed by another bullet, but as she saw him topple off the roof, and she caught a glimpse of what killed him.
They weren't bullets that killed them.
They were arrows.
"Both sentries are down, third party closing in on the east side," Hela swallowed, sending the video feed to Director Fury. "You need to get to Stuttgart now."
"On it! We're almost there!" Natasha replied.
Hela turned to face Director Fury. "Sir, both sentries were killed by arrows. We have reason to believe that this could be Agent Barton."
"Let them finish their job," Fury tapped the panel.
Hela nodded, turning back to her computer, only to find about a hundred or so people running out of the building, with a man in a tuxedo calmly walking, a shimmering light engulfing him. His tuxedo changed to armor, and the camera slowly fizzed out, showing nothing but static.
"Rogers, Romanoff, I had visual on the target, but cameras are showing static, it's tampering from the other end, I can't fix it," Hela frowned at the screen, then switched to their vitals, which were steady. Steve's heart rate was slightly higher than his normal- adrenaline is tough.
"Natasha, where's Steve?" Hela asked, replaying the feed before it cut off. "Right here, ready to jump," the Super Soldier cut in, and a static appeared in the background, and for a second, Hela thought the line was going to go out.
"Can you try to pick up his voice? I want to get a recording for the files." Hela questioned, but got no response from Steve, but instead a voice cut through the silence.
"I said, kneel!" A voice, faint but loud, crackled through her headset.
"I got you covered Hela, or at least until Rogers goes out." Romanoff's voice came through, and Hela smiled. "Thanks, Tasha."
"Is this not simpler? Is this not your natural state? It's the unspoken truth about humanity- that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power. You were made to be ruled, and in the end, you will always kneel."
"Oh please." Hela rolled her eyes, finishing off his speech with a 'click' from the recorder.
"Not to men like you."
Romanoff's voice came through again. "There's an elder standing up. Captain, grab your shield. Don't try to put on the parachute; you'll put it on upside- down and you don't need one; your shield is made of Vibranium, it should take away the shock of the impact."
A grin forced its way to Hela's face. "The target we're going after- he's either the bravest or stupidest man ever to walk the Earth.
"There are no men like me."
Hela scoffed, amused at the words. "That's because no one else is trying to take over the world, that's why no one is like you. This guy is officially the most idiotic guy I've ever seen."
"There are always men like you."
"Look to your elders, people. Let him be an example."
"Captain, now!" Natasha yelled, making Hela wince at the volume. "Romanoff, I don't have visual. What's happening?" Hela quizzed, but Natasha didn't answer. Instead, Steve's voice broke through.
"You know, last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing."
Hela's eyes widen, grin widening. Ooooh shit Cap, you best step up to those words. It's about to go down!
"Let the witty-comments-before-people-fight-begin." Hela mumbled as Phil, who was standing next to the wall, cracked a smile at her comment.
"The soldier; the man out of time."
"I'm not the one out of time."
Hela heard a whir as Natasha's voice was projected into the quinjet's megaphone.
"Loki, drop the weapon and stand down."
Loki? Interesting name choice. Does he have a weapon, or just the ability to make speeches?
While Hela was thinking, she checked their vitals. Rogers was higher than Tasha's, and Hela could hear the clash of metal-on-metal through his mic.
"Hela, Steve keeps hitting him, but he's not going down," Natasha commented. "Oh, Loki? His armor is probably made of something pretty strong, its blocking most of the hits." Hela cautioned.
"Oh no..." Nat sighed as Hela heard 'Shoot To Thrill' blast from the speakers, undoubtedly making Loki and Steve pause from their battle. Tony's sarcastic voice cut through the headset, clear as day.
"Did you miss me?"
Hela could practically hear Natasha roll her eyes at his statement. A few moments later, Tony's repulsors fired up, and someone grunted, most likely Loki, as they hit the ground.
"Make a move, Reindeer Games," Tony threatened, and Hela snickered at the nickname. The video feed came back, slowly but surely. She sobered up as she saw Tony and Steve standing over a presumably scared Loki.
"Good move."
"I've got visual! He must have gotten one of his allies to shorten out the video feed to make their escape," Hela muttered.
"We've got him. Heading back to the quailjet." Tony reported, scooping something golden off the ground as Steve took Loki to the quinjet.
"Stark, it's a quinjet, not a quailjet. Gotta know the difference, Metal Man."
"Gotcha. Natasha, take this quilljet off the ground." Tony crackled, chuckling.
"Now you're just getting on my nerves, Stark. I hate you."
"Love you too, kiddo." Tony blew a kiss to the camera inside the quinjet. Hela smirked and pressed a button, broadcasting her voice over the quinjet speakers. "You talkin to me or the jet, Tin Can?"
Hela clicked her tongue and continued. "First impression down for our esteemed guest. Nice job, Stark. Now he thinks you're in love with the jet."
"Alright green-eyes, you got me. This quantum-jet-"
"That's not even remotely correct and you kn-"
"Excuse me, I know what I'm talking about! Of course its the Quakejet"
"It's called a Quinjet! Quin! Jet!"
"Tell Fury we're heading back." Natasha broke in, discontinuing their friendly argument. Hela could only imagine Loki's face right now- probably filled with disgust and confusion. "Got it. Over and out," He replied, then pressed the button. "Bye Tin Can! Bye Capsicle!"
"Sir, Agent Romanoff and Rogers are coming back with the target and Stark as a surprise variable," Hela leaned back in her chair, looking up at the Director. Fury nodded.
"Said anything?" Hela asked, cracking her neck.
"Not a word." Natasha answered, and Hela let out a sharp exhale.
"Just get him here. We're low on time." Fury cut in before they could ask more questions. An alert warning for a severe storm passed over Hela's screen. "Natasha, you've got a storm heading your way. Looks dangerous."
Hela watched as the storm move across the radar. "Where's this coming from?" Natasha mutters, and Steve voice crackles through the headset. "What's the matter, scared of a little lightning?"
Hela sat rigid in her chair, shocked by the words that came next.
"I'm not overly fond of what follows."
Hela slowly pressed a button. "Steve, what does he mean by that?" Natasha spoke quickly as a rumbling thump hit the quinjet. "What was that?"
Hela looked at the storm patterns in the area, scanning it with S.H.I.E.L.D. tech. "That's no storm, this is other-worldly tech! It has a similar patter to that of the Tesseract!" Hela paused in awe.
"Natasha! Seriously this storm could be like... a portal! Or a ship! Or... wait, Tasha?"
Silence again.
Nothing but the static.
Hela choked. They weren't answering, which meant communications went down, and whatever hit them was powerful. She spun in her chair and faced the director. "Sir, something similar to Tesseract energy hit their quinjet, and we lost communications," Hela called out. She knew they would most likely survive, but to lose their communications was bad. Natasha's voice came through, more static than words.
" Asg...ian?"
Fury swore and shook his head. "Damn it. Leave it to them." Hela frowned. This didn't sound right. "But, sir-" Hela began, but Fury snapped his head back to her. "I said, leave it."
Hela remained at the station, wondering whether or not to try and help her friends. "Yes, sir." She answered finally. She got up from her seat and stalked away from the control room. Planning to train for a bit before she went to bed, she walked down the hallway, thoughts swimming around in her head. Changing course, she headed to her room, an idea striking.
I thought I was the only Asgardian on Earth?
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