Chapter 20
"Is everyone 100% on the plan?"
"I still don't see why you can't be there." Remus looked up at Sirius.
"What d'you mean?"
"Well, I know you've got a thing on already but... can't you just cancel it?"
Remus shook his head. " 'Fraid not. Not something you can cancel easily."
"But surely-"
"I said I can't, Padfoot." Remus snapped. "I am busy tonight and I can't be here for the prank, okay?"
"Yes, fine, whatever." Remus nodded slightly and looked back at the parchment. He rolled it up and gave it to Peter. "If you get a detention, snitch on me, okay? I'm not letting you guys take the blame for something I did too."
"Nu-uh, I'm not snitching on one of my friends." James shook his head.
"It's not a 'whether' or 'whether not' situation. Tell. On. Me. Okay?"
"Yeah, sure." Sirius said, crossing his arms.
"I'll feel bad after but okay."
James sighed. "Fine." Remus nodded and cracked a grin.
"Tell me how it went in detention." He said before standing up and leaving the dorm room. Sirius watched him go.
"Where d'you suppose he's going?"
"Who cares, Padfoot? Friends don't pry." Sirius sighed.
"Fine. Gimme the cloak." James dug about in his trunk and threw the cloak to Sirius. Sirius cracked a small smile.
"Let's go do this."
Sirius pulled the cloak over himself and pushed his hair out of his eyes.
"This is gonna mess up my hair." He hissed.
"Who cares?" James hissed back. "No one's going to see you."
"What's my que again?"
"When Dumbledore stands up to do his speech. And remember, project and then get out of there."
"I got it, Prongs." Sirius hissed. James shut his mouth as a small group of Ravenclaws walked by, talking.
"Good luck." Peter whispered.
"Yeah, you too." Sirius followed James and Peter into the Great Hall and stood just by the door as they made their way over to the Gryffindor table. They sat at the very end and Peter looked over at where Sirius was standing. He winked before starting a loud conversation with James.
It creeped Sirius out slightly that Peter had known exactly where he'd been. Still, he didn't late it faze him and he waited, watching the staff table like his life depended on it. And it kind of did. A little.
Dumbledore clapped his hands twice, his twinkling eyes reaching even Sirius at the back of the Hall. Briefly, Sirius wondered if Dumbledore could see him. Shaking off the thought, Sirius whipped out his wand.
"Dear students of Hogwarts-"
"Nox." Sirius whispered. All the candles in the Hall went out. A couple of people screamed. "The Witching hour is upon us." Sirius used the voice he'd always used to creep Regulus out, only on a louder scale. A couple of the screamers whimpered, probably more at his voice rather than the poem. "The moon is full and round. It's time for children-eating creatures to stalk the grounds." Sirius left it for a beat before opening the Great Hall doors with a bang and rushing out. Peter and James quickly ran after him before anyone could see.
"That was brilliant!" James said as Sirius came into view, laughing and grinning.
"It nearly scared me, you were really good Padfoot." Peter said admirably.
"Why thank you, both of you."
"What is the meaning of this?"
Ah yes, the cliff-hanger that no one cares about.
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