Chapter 12
"Hey Prongs, Moony. What took you so long?" Sirius greeted between mouthfuls of food as James and Remus sat down.
"We had a run in with a certain greasy Slytherin. Well, Moony did."
"He shoved me against a wall and threatened me with his wand." Remus said nonchalantly, heaping several sandwiches onto his plate.
"Nice to see you're eating again, Moony." Peter said, smiling at the taller boy.
"He did what?" Sirius asked, cutting across Peter. Remus shrugged.
"He threatened me with his wand cause I have to sit next to Lily in Potions. That's how this happened." Remus pointed to the small burn marks under his eye.
"I'm surprised he didn't threaten Evans." James said, flipping his wand between his fingers. "It's just as much her fault as yours. But I handled it and Moony's fine now, aren't you?"
"Yeah, I'm as fine as I can be after someone's threatened me with magic." Remus muttered, rubbing the burn marks. "And Severus-"
"Severus wouldn't dare blame anything on Lily. He's obsessed with her, it's really creepy." Remus shivered slightly and rubbed the burn marks again.
"Maybe you should go to Madame Pomfery about those." Sirius said. "Magical burns can be a lot worse than normal ones."
"I can't today." Remus said. "I've got Herbology and then I've got DADA. Maybe tonight but I've got to catch up on my homework and-"
"And you are in some serious need of pranking." James said, leaning across the table and plucking Remus' timetable out of his hands. "You can skip Herbology, Padfoot's already taken it, he'll catch you up to speed. And we obviously can't miss DADA, most important lesson-"
"Apart from Maths."
"Maths is boring. And we can get planning tonight. Screw homework."
"No, don't screw homework." Remus said, snatching his timetable back. "And I'd really love to play pranks with you guys, it'd be awesome, but I want to focus on my school-work for at least a term. Please."
"Fine. Do what you want, Moony."
"But we're all still going to get you to the Hospital Wing after lunch."
"You really don't need to do that. I'm perfectly capable of walking." James laughed good-naturedly.
"Moony, you're talking to us like you have a choice."
Remus squinted against the light from Madame Pomfery's wand.
"Hm. He seems fine. Pupils are a little odd but I think a little rest should do just fine." The light from the wand disappeared and Remus shook his head, blinking fast. "You're all good friends for being worried about him. Now, off to lesson, the lot of you."
"Thank you, Professor." Peter waved at her as Sirius slung his arm around Remus' shoulders and they all left the Hospital Wing.
"Yeah, thanks guys. You really don't have to be that worried about me."
"It's fine, Moony. Friends worry about friends, it's normal." James grinned. "Now, you and Wormtail are going to class, me and Padfoot are gonna skip. So... bye."
"Don't expect us to do your homework for you."
"You're going to get a detention!" Peter called after them. Sirius laughed and turned around, walking backwards and facing the other two boys.
"We're counting on it, Wormtail."
...Hi. I'm bored and I've got nothing to put here... did you Kings, Queens and Non-binary Royalty like Spotify's re-write of American history?
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