Chapter 25
Morgan grabbed her bag and headed out of the tower with Loki at her side. Ever the gentleman, Loki escorted her out. He was the perfect escort, the perfect bodyguard, and there was no doubt in anyone's mind that he could protect one little Starklet.
Morgan tried not to stare at him. He was wearing a sharp suit that accentuated exactly how good he looked in dress clothes. She had to remind herself to focus—Loki was here as a bodyguard, not for her to ogle.
As they left the tower together, it was hard to deny that Loki made an exceptional bodyguard when he put his mind to it. He certainly felt like one that day. Having been trained to protect those in his care—and having taken pointers from any Valkyrie willing to train him—Loki was nothing short of formidable. Plus, he adored Morgan. He protected those he cared for.
Morgan, in turn, treated Loki far better than her usual babysitters, which was no surprise. He was more than a friend to her. As they walked, Loki stayed a step behind and to her left—the traditional guarding position used by Valkyries for their charges.
When they arrived at school, Morgan led Loki to the office so he could sign in as a visitor. Ever charming, Loki bribed the receptionists with fresh roses so the principal wouldn't be alerted to his presence. Not that it was strictly necessary—Stark had already ensured the principal was aware of Loki's arrival—but Loki thought the roses were a nice touch. Bribery was always worth it to get secretaries on his side.
Loki escorted Morgan to her classroom, his expression serious and intimidating. His presence drew plenty of stares, particularly from the female students and staff, but he ignored them. As attractive as he knew he was, his focus remained entirely on Morgan. A brief scan of surface thoughts around him assured him that no one meant her harm—at least, no one outside the cheerleading squad. Those girls, he decided, would find itching powder in their gym clothes later. Worse if they actually did more than just think about harming his charge.
Morgan, noticing the attention he was attracting, tried to distract him by chatting about the latest book she was reading. Loki listened attentively, asking questions and making comments that showed genuine interest. Her tactic worked; the girls backed off, and Morgan relaxed, pleased to have protected her volatile and stabby friend from unnecessary drama.
At her locker, Loki stood protectively behind her, watching her back while she dug out the books and supplies she needed for her first classes.
"Are these embarrassing pictures of the team?" he asked, noting the collage on the inside of the door.
Morgan laughed and shifted so Loki could get a better view. "They are. They cheer me up at school."
Loki chuckled softly as he examined the pictures, his eyes catching on one of Thor in a shop clerk's uniform, sweeping the floor. "Oh, Norns. What happened here?"
"Thor nearly got arrested for attacking the store's mascot, thinking it was a real monster. He had to work there for a month as penance."
Loki burst into laughter. "Oh, I wish I'd been there!"
Morgan giggled. "It was hilarious. He hated every moment of it."
"I'm never going to let him live this down," Loki promised, snickering.
"Didn't think you would." Morgan grabbed her books, and Loki escorted her to her first class, his large hand resting gently on her back to reassure her of his presence as the school became more crowded.
The morning passed uneventfully until lunchtime, though Morgan couldn't shake a sense of unease. As they walked to the cafeteria, Loki slipped into her bag in snake form.
"Lokes?" she asked, confused.
Shh. I think something's about to happen, he replied telepathically. The cheerleaders are jealous and planning something.
Morgan reached into her bag and pet his scaly head. Sure enough, as she entered the bathroom, the cheerleaders cornered her. Loki's snake form poked out of her bag, hissing, and the girls shrieked.
Morgan turned, adopting a fighting stance, the watch on her wrist transforming automatically into a repulsor. Before she had to act, Loki shifted back into himself and stepped between her and the group, shielding her weapon from view.
"I'd suggest you leave before I decide to press charges for assault," he growled.
The girls fled, shrieking, as Morgan's latent magic flared in response to her fear. Her emotions sparked her magic past her conscious control, and a ball of witchlight formed at the tip of her tail—a common occurrence for kitsune.
Loki noticed immediately and turned his attention back to her once the girls had fled the bathroom.
"Darling, rein it in. Your tail is about to show." His tone was gentle, soothing, calm, and in control. He could rein in her magic for her, but she needed to learn to do it herself—she needed to prove to herself that she could, even when afraid.
Morgan, fear evident in her eyes, nodded and slowly pulled her magic back, concentrating as Loki had taught her.
Loki smiled gently. "Good girl," he praised. Something in her melted at those two simple words coming from him.
Though her tail still swished anxiously, Morgan managed to calm herself and slowly made it vanish again.
"It still feels like something is going to happen," she murmured.
Loki nodded. "I believe you."
Morgan frowned, picking at her hands. "I don't know why I feel this way."
"Intuition," Loki replied. "Don't fret, I'm staying with you. You're safe, even when something else happens."
Relieved, Morgan nodded. With Loki there, she knew she was safe.
The climax of the day came in the locker room before gym class. Loki had transformed into a female form to accompany Morgan while she changed. The other girls protested her presence, but their complaints were silenced when a group of Hydra agents burst into the room, weapons drawn.
"Seriously? A school? Have you no shame?" Loki growled, the sound no less formidable coming from a female form.
The agents demanded Morgan, but before Loki could respond, a sultry voice interjected.
"Do hand over my kit."
A regal kitsune stepped forward between the Hydra agents, nine tails fanned out behind her, witchlights dancing above their red tips.
Loki rolled her eyes. "Oh, please. And who the Hel are you?" She stood firmly between the assailants and Morgan, keeping her charge safely behind her. The rest of the girls had fled to the back of the changing room, hiding near the showers.
The kitsune smirked. "The kit's mother, obviously."
Morgan shook her head, peeking around Loki to see the woman.
"I don't want to go with you."
Loki seized the moment when the woman's eyes were off of her. Whirling, she grabbed Morgan tightly and teleported them both from the school back to the tower.
Once home, Loki lifted Morgan into her arms and carried the trembling girl into the common room, where Stark met them.
"What happened?" he demanded as he ran over to check if Morgan was okay. Loki carrying her didn't indicate that she was, so he had to see for himself.
"Hydra attacked the school," Loki replied grimly. "And Lady Morgan's mother was with them."
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