Chapter 19
Gigo left the pair after reassurances that Morgan was really ok. He would report to Tony on the safety of his daughter. Once he was gone, Morgan went to see what kind of supplies he had brought for them. Loki peered over her shoulder like an overgrown curious cat. Morgan thought it was adorable how curious he was. "Did it bring us anything useful?" He asked, unsure what the boxes and containers in the box really were.
Morgan nodded and turned her head to look up at him. "He brought us supplies," she told Loki. Supplies, especially in the form of food were vitally important for two magic wielders. "Do you like pasta?" She asked the god. Thankfully Gigo had sent them something she could make.
Loki lit up and nodded. There were times that he seemed his hundreds of years old and times, like now, when it was clear those hundreds of years only translated to roughly 18 human years. "I love pasta!" He told her enthusiastically.
Morgan nodded, clearly amused at Loki's enthusiasm for such a simple dish. Or perhaps he was just a bottomless pit teenager and would be excited for anything to fill his stomach and replenish his magic. Morgan didn't cook often, her father always made sure she was well cared for, and that usually involved the housekeeper making them food or a large quantity of takeout. She'd learned how to make the basics, though, and with Loki watching every move over her shoulder like the overly curious overgrown cat he was, the pair soon had spaghetti, meatballs, and garlic bread to eat. They worked together to split the meal between two plates and set the table
The chatted while they ate. Morgan noticed how Loki was purring loudly. He'd let his guard down enough for her to hear his purrs, to hear that vulnerability and show her who he truly was.
Morgan smirked at him as they were finishing eating. "Dishes are your job," she informed him with mischief in her eyes. She'd cooked. He got to clean up. It was only fair and she really didn't want to do it. So she would put the god to work. She was likely the only one who could get away with it too. Anyone else would get stabbed for trying.
Luckily, Morgan didn't get stabbed. Instead, Loki chuckled and raised a hand. He made a gesture like he was turning an invisible doorknob above him. There was a shimmer of green magic and the dishes returned to their places, perfectly clean, and the leftovers were packed up and put away. "You gave me the easy job, little fox," he teased warmly.
Morgan giggled, still delighted with the arrangement. "Still saved me an hour of work," she said with mischief still glinting in her eyes
Loki chuckled. "Are we sure you're not a minx instead of a fox?"
"I think the fox tail clearly says fox," she reminded him, swishing said tail.
Loki laughed, open with her with a way he wasn't with anyone else. It felt so easy to talk with her. "Well, you're the cutest fox I've ever seen."
Morgan blushed. She couldn't imagine that. He was hundreds of years old and had presumably seen grown kitsune. He had also likely been with women before. "You think so?" She asked softly, unable to truly comprehend that he would be interested in her. Or that he was actively flirting with her.
Loki nodded, giving her a gentle caring look. "I know so," he said firmly, making Morgan's tail swish, even as she blushed a deep red. It appeared she was interested in him as well.
"So what do we want to do with our evening, since we're stuck here?" Morgan changed the subject before either of them did something stupid or she embarrassed herself further.
Loki considered, but didn't really know much about leisure activities on Midgard, besides reading, of course, but he doubted that would keep the kit entertained for long. "Whatever you wish, as long as it does not get us in trouble with your father,"
Morgan giggled and nodded her agreement. "Definitely not." Loki was already going to be in deep shit with Tony for her suddenly being half-fox. They didn't need to solicit more trouble.
Loki thought for a moment and then brightened. He knew what might pique an overly intelligent lady's interest. "Ever play Asgardian chess?" He asked enticingly.
Morgan shook her head, looking interested. She'd taken the bait, just as Loki had expected. "I've played chess, but not Asgardian chess. I'm definitely willing to learn." She was always willing to learn new things, especially new things about Asgard.
Loki smiled and sat on the couch, facing the opposite end and patting the cushion across from him. "I'll gladly teach you." Morgan took the seat on the couch, leaving room for the board between them. She sat cross-legged and faced him, definitely willing to learn. Loki folded up his long frame and summoned the board and pieces. He explained the game to her, making the rules clear about which piece did what and the basics of strategy. Morgan absorbed all the information, nodding along to the explanation. The intelligence in her eyes was clear. They walked through a trial run. Loki was a patient teacher and Morgan was distracted from worrying about her family. She was incredibly bright, and soon they were playing for real. It took a few games, but she finally managed to best Loki in a match. Loki beamed when she bested him, very proud of her. "Well done, Darling!"
Morgan grinned at him, clearly proud of herself as well. Loki was a worlds renowned strategist, besting him was clearly a fluke or beginner's luck, but she appreciated it and the praise all the same. "Thank you!"
Loki set up the board again. "Think you can do it twice?" He asked with a smirk. He doubted she could, but it would be fun to try.
She smiled and set up her half of the board. She had a knack for the game now. "I'll try,"
The two were matched intellectually, though Loki had much more experience. Still, it was a fun evening for them both. Loki actually swept her up in a hug when she managed to beat him again. "That was brilliant! It's nice to have a challenging partner for once." Loki had never gotten enough praise and he was quick to give it to those he cared for when they deserved it.
"I take it Thor is too much of an oaf for chess?" Morgan asked, her arms around him, cuddling close as he hugged her.
Loki chuckled. "He's hopeless at it," he agreed easily.
The pair played late into the night, until Morgan started making stupid mistakes due to exhaustion. It was no surprise when Loki won the last game. He vanished the board and the pieces and stood when it was clear she was too tired to play anymore. "Let's get you to bed, little fox. You need to sleep," Loki told her gently and took her hands to help her to her feet. She didn't protest. It was late and even the stubborn little fox had to admit that she was tired.
Loki walked her to the bedroom and to the bed. He used magic to change them both into pajamas, since the robot had neglected those in the supplies it had brought. Loki had dressed her in an adorable set of fox pajamas that left room for her tail. He was wearing soft black sleep pants and no shirt. Most Asgardian men slept in the nude, but that would be highly inappropriate at the moment.
Loki helped the sleepy fox climb into the bed with a gentle care that he rarely showed to others. "Would you like me to stay with you, or sleep in the next room?" Loki would stay to keep her safe. Or tell her he was staying in the next room and sleep right outside the door. She was his charge and in his care. He wouldn't let her go unprotected.
Morgan may have been a bit distracted ogling his bare chest. It was a perfect bare chest, at least in her opinion, and was quite the sight for ogling. It took her a moment to stop ogling to understand his words and be able to answer. She felt that was an understandable reaction. "I-I don't want to be alone," she admitted softly. She had been attacked and nearly died. They were in a safehouse and not her real home. It was a logical reaction to being attacked and nearly dying.
Loki nodded and laid down atop the covers, making sure she was tucked in under them. He was a perfect gentleman. "I'm here, little fox. You're safe," he reassured her, raising his arm to let her snuggle in, leaving his chest open to be her pillow. She instantly snuggled close to him, using him as a pillow. He gathered her close, into a position comfortable for them both. "Good night, little fox," he bid her warmly when she was settled in his arms, mostly asleep already.
"Goodnight, Lokes," she murmured, her voice a soft purr. Loki smiled at the nickname and kissed her hair. Yes, this was the perfect way to fall asleep, in the quiet with a little fox cuddled up with him, one whom he cared for.
And one who seemed to care for him in return.
Care wasn't a strong enough word for the emotions either of them felt.
Not strong enough at all.
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