Chapter 10
Loki spent the next few weeks settling into the tower. He worked out with the team, went out on simple missions, earned the team's trust and respect. It was a slow process, but they seemed to agree that they could trust him as long as he had a babysitter. It was better than nothing, and at least he wasn't in his cell anymore.
Though, really, Loki spent most of his time with the Starklet. She hadn't seem to think him a buffoon after all and still wanted to spend time with him. He was up when she came down to breakfast before school and the pair talked while she ate. He learned a lot about Midgardian culture from her and she definitely had a unique perspective. She left every morning with a SHIELD agent who tried to keep track of her on the way to school. Most of the time, the agent failed. After school, she would work on her homework next to Loki. She never really needed help, but he was a good companion and was curious about what she was studying.
Loki wanted to make sure he had the routine of the team down before he attempted to be Morgan's guard for a day. He wanted to see the school. Really, he wanted to see anything outside of the tower and missions. And Morgan needed protection.
One morning, Loki rose earlier than usual and ate a quick breakfast, also replenishing his snack stash in his dimensional pocket while he was at it. He needed to be on high alert that day.
Morgan came down for breakfast wearing her school uniform, her bag over her shoulder as per usual. She smiled when she saw her father at breakfast and kissed his cheek as she took her seat. She greeted Loki warmly and thanked Cap when he set a plate in front of her. The team was clearly her family and all loved her. They all greeted her warmly, asked about her schooling and social life, showed such interest in her life and growth.
When no one was looking, Loki turned into a snake and slipped into her bag. He'd already eaten and wasn't paid much attention to when he wasn't causing mischief. He reached to Morgan's mind, establishing a careful telepathic connection. It was just outside the barriers of her mind, just a communication thread, not prying into her thoughts or secrets. /Hello, my lady,/ Loki said warmly. /Don't worry if you don't see me at breakfast. I'm in your bag in snake form./
/Why, pray tell, are you hiding in my bag as a snake? You'll get squished by my books/
/So I can come to school with you and keep you safe inconspicuously,/ Loki replied calmly, though he wasn't sure she'd consent to having him with her. He probably should have asked. Oh well. Too late now.
/You don't need to follow me around the school. My usual babysitters just walk me to the door/ if they even kept up with her that long.
Loki curled up, careful to not get squished by the books. /I still want to come. Even if it's just so you have a friend./
/Alright/ she agreed. She knew Loki was cooped up in the tower. And she totally counted as a babysitter. Totally.
/Thank you, my lady/ Loki replied warmly, letting her have her breakfast in peace.
Morgan finished her breakfast, and, as per usual, tried to slip out of the tower without a guard. That didn't work and one of the SHIELD agents walked her to school, which she grumbled about. She hated having such obvious guards. It made her stand out even more than the arc reactor in her chest.
Loki suppressed a snicker. He would succeed where the others had failed. Loki stayed curled in her bag, in a pocket so her books didn't crush him. She was in advanced classes and the books showed that.
She stopped by her locker to drop off most of her books and pet the snake in her bag, keeping him hidden from view. Loki curled around her wrist, enjoying the affection. /I noticed your books,/ he informed her.
/They didn't squish you, did they?/ she asked worriedly
/Nope, I'm perfectly fine./
/Good/ she replied and rearranged her bag with her laptop and books for her first couple of classes. Morgan was careful as she headed to class, not wanting to squish the snake. She didn't really talk to people or seem to have friends. Loki chatted with her over the connection as she walked, trying to help fill that void.
She relaxed and chatted with him, telling him about her classes, how she'd be graduating soon. Loki found himself impressed with the mortal's intelligence. He hadn't quite understood just how much so until he saw her peers and saw how boy crazy they all seemed to be. Or girl crazy. He didn't judge them on that point, though he thought their efforts would be better suited to studying.
Morgan took her seat in her first class tinkering with what appeared to be a watch while she waited for class to start. Loki knew the Starks well and figured it was more than what it appeared. He slipped into the sleeve of her jacket to watch. /What is that?/
/A mini repulsor/ she replied, focusing on her thoughts for a moment. /I have a pair currently, but they only have one shot each/ She indicated the watch she wore on one wrist and the bracelet she wore on the other
/Thanks. I didn't like the idea of not having any kind of self-defense measure/
/Very wise,/ Loki informed her. /I'm the same way./
/But I'd also like for them to have more than one shot before the batteries are spent/
/That makes sense,/ he replied, settling in her sleeve.
Morgan pet his head and resumed her tinkering
When the teacher arrived, Loki wrapped himself around her bicep and settled in to listen as Morgan put her project back in her bag.
Morgan's classes were uneventful. Lunch was lunch. She ate alone, besides the kids who tried to get to know her because of who she was. It was gym class that was the problem. For one thing, she had to change clothes and told Loki firmly that he couldn't watch. Loki respected her wishes and stayed out of sight, invisible and in female form.
Morgan changed into her gym clothes, hating the ugly outfit and headed up to the gym, wondering how Loki was going to follow when she didn't have a bag or anywhere for him to hide. She hadn't seen the invisible Loki, though she felt her touch when Loki placed a cold hand on her arm. She nearly jumped out of her skin.
"Loki?" she hissed, though tried not to draw attention.
"It's me," she replied. Morgan knew that Loki was gender fluid and didn't question her being female. "I'll go back to a snake after this, I promise."
"You're not going to like gym class," Morgan replied. She loathed gym class. She sucked at it.
"It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make."
Morgan nodded and headed over to her class for an hour of suffering. Loki went with her. Loki frowned when she saw that the students had to run a mile that day. It seemed like none of the students were ready for such an endeavor. They had little warmup and no training that she could see.
Morgan was definitely not capable. She fell to her knees halfway through, clutching her chest, arc reactor glowing wildly. Loki rushed to her side and knelt beside her. "Morgan? Are you alright?"
Morgan gasped, trying to breathe, clearly struggling. "I... will... be..." she managed to gasp out. Loki didn't believe her and wrinkled her nose at the lie.
Loki put an illusion over her and set another one, an image of her, running the mile. None of the students or staff noticed. "Come on, let's sit you down before you have a heart attack." Morgan nodded and let Loki help her. She wasn't too proud to accept help when she needed it. Loki helped her to the sidelines and to sit down. She also summoned a bottle of water for her. Morgan was still gasping and clearly in pain, leaning on Loki as they headed to the sidelines and to sit down. Loki placed a hand on her back and eased the pain with magic so Morgan at least didn't have to gasp. "There we go," she soothed the mortal.
"Thanks," she said softly and took a sip of her water
"You're welcome," Loki replied, glad she'd come to school that day.
Morgan was glad for it too. She would've landed in the hospital without Loki's help. She laid her head on Loki's shoulder while she caught her breath and her breathing and heart rate slowly returned to normal. "Don't tell dad," she said softly. Loki knew the rules of friendship well enough to know that she had no choice but to not tell Tony.
Loki agreed and stayed with Morgan until she felt better. "I'm guessing overexertion makes your reactor act up?" She asked gently
"My heart and lungs are still... less than perfect," Morgan said sheepishly. She didn't want Loki to worry. Loki worried anyway, and felt terrible
It was her fault that Morgan was in such a state. She'd caused the battle of New York and that had led to the shrapnel in Morgan's chest, limiting the Starklet's life.
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