everything is kinda blurry right now cause i'm laughing a lil bit too hard so apologies for any typos.
right, so something not so great happened to me a few weeks back and i was really angry about it for a while and i fell out with one of my closest friends because i lashed out at her.
so we hadn't talked in a while, and i thought today was the day to apologise and make old wrongs right.
i sent her a massive paragraph explaining what happened and how i was feeling and how sorry i was about how i'd been treating her and i really hoped she'd forgive me.
and you know what i got back??
you know what she fucking replied.
yup that's it.
like what the fuck does that mean. you didn't respond to a single thing i've said.
k like potassium? does she want a banana?? k as in the letter before l? k as in the letter after j? ik means i know, so k as in know? k as in jk, meaning kidding? k as in k/o? as in i can knock you out and draw patterns on your body with a knife? knife has a k in it.
at this point i just
id fucking k.
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