With the first book I forgot to have like a hello page, so I just added it onto the end of the first chapter, but we learn from our mistakes in this house, so here's the welcome page. The welcome back page I guess.
If you haven't read my other book, you should probably go read that first, especially if you're a new ace. That was more of a record of me figuring out the world of asexuality and apparently I'm "helpful" and "relatable"
So hello y'all!! Here is the sequel!!
I feel like I don't rant that much anymore, so I think I might change this book's title. Ideas?
Also fun fact I can't do graphic design for shit, so the first books cover was designed by the lovely pluefora. Wattpad's being annoying and won't let me @ them, but thanks :)
Anyway, I think I deleted the cover from my laptop after that lest anyone find out I'm ace or that this book exists, so then I screenshotted the cover of the original book and after four tries, I added the 2.
I feel like I should add the baseline things people have in the first chapters of their books?? Y'all already know them, but let's write them again!!
1. I still love comments. I know I don't respond to most of them, but I read them and love them. Also a lot of the time I get intimidated that y'all are funny and start overacting about what you think as if I haven't just told you half of my life story. Anyway yes please comment I appreciate it :)
I think comments is sort of it actually? Don't be a dick and comment, and that's about it.
Alright then, baselines have been established.
Also for future reference, it's June 16, 2020.
I think I might start including dates and word counts in the future if I remember to.
Bye, and for anyone in Asia and Australia, go to sleep
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