Today had a very big, very weird plot twist, and I need to share.
So someone posted some bullshit on their story, and in hindsight, I think he was trying to say democrats don't care about BLM and are using it as a mechanism to garner more support, but what he said was that BLM doesn't care about black people. His proof? He said (and I shit you not) if they supported black people, they would try to reform the criminal justice system and get equal education. Damn. The level of brain power. How could none of us think of that. He's totally right and I can't believe how the great idea passed the rest of us by.
This is what they're trying to do already.
Furthermore, he said he doesn't think black suppression is a thing, and finally, "can we respect our officers that are doing good?"
I responded because we're not really about allowing people to continue to be ignorant if we're in the right mental place to be able to help them.
Something I have learned about arguing with people: People feel attacked v e r y easily, and if they feel attacked, they won't listen to you, in part out of spite. It's a natural human thing, and I do it too, but I try to at least be aware of it. This happens even more with guys usually because society puts a shit ton of pressure on them not to be wrong. So I try to be as calm as possible to them and then scream rant to my friends about how dumb they're being :)
It came to him saying that trump "is racist sometimes but it's not like he's enslaving people." literally he said that. I mean that's why it's in quotes, but like bruv the bar isn't SUPPOSED to be on the floor.
Then I said a bunch of bad things trump has done because wow trump actually is a bad person, and then he said that banning trans people from the military was valid, and I brought up the viagra statistic.
And he was like wow that's a lot.
And I think here is the cause of the plot twist, and I'm not fully sure why I said it, but I sort of wanted to lighten it slightly because he was starting to agree with me and yeah, so I said damn people really do be horny
"ur like the first person I've peacefully argued with"
"every other person just repeats the same thing"
"and doesn't use facts but feelings"
"anyways have a good day I learned a little from this talk"
and then he started liking my messages after that and being f a r more agreeable
And on a surface level, yay agreement, but he turned from argumentative to You're Not Like Other Girls: The Debate Edition™ real quick, and we all know guys will say whatever they think girls want to hear without meaning it
Anyway that was very weird.
Also I got a covid test (not because I have symptoms or anything, just as a measure for camp), and Holy Shit it's not fun. They have a long skinny cotton swab and push it up your nose and swirl it for ten seconds in each side and my eyes started watering (I think this is a natural instinct when something painful gets shoved up your nose? Because it hurt but like not enough to warrant crying).
I would recommend trying to avoid situations that may end up with you needing to get tested if possible (but if you need to get tested, get tested)
Also I'm dying my hair again today, so that's fun
Have a good day!!
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