A Date with the Skateboard Boy Pt 2
(Y/n)'s P.O.V
We arrived at the movie theater and as I got off the motorcycle I started to see three people that looked so familiar to me. As I looked closer I noticed it's Shiro, Kuroh, and Neko, my best friends."Hey Shiro, Kuroh, Neko!", I yelled out and they turned around to see me, I see Neko running up to me with her arms wide open and hugged me.
"It's been forever since we haven't seen you (y/n)!", Neko said still hugging me."It's been only 2 weeks Neko", I replied. "Who's this?"she pointed to Yata. "Oh that's my new friend, Misaki Yata, but call him Yata he doesn't like called by his first name", I said, "Hi Yata!", she said. "Hey!", Misaki replied back to Neko. "Hey Shiro what movie did you guys watched?", I asked Shiro.
"Beauty and the Beast live action, it was beautiful totally recommend watching it with your new friend", Shiro replied. "Hey Yata, break my best friend's heart and I'll kill you", Kuroh said to Misaki."KUROH!"I growled. "Uh we've gotta get going,Yashiro and Neko, bye (y/n)!", Kuroh said before leaving.
"Uh (Y/n) ,so which movie you wanna see?", Misaki asked me with blush on his face. "Beauty and the Beast live action"I replied back. "Good choice!I'll be right back!", Misaki smiled at me before leaving to go buy the tickets. •Time-Skip•
Misaki and I headed to the room where we suppose to go. I was carrying the popcorn and he carried the two sodas. As we went to the room and sat down on our seats, Misaki and I were on time for the movie as we saw the lights turning off.
"This better not suck just like the Alice in Wonderland remake", Misaki whispered and I replied,"It wasn't really that bad".
•Time-skip 1hr 15 min•
(Sorry I'm kind off lazy today)
Misaki's P.O.V
The movie is pretty awesome as (y/n) and I kept watching the movie we were at the part where Gaston gets killed and Belle is at the Beast's side. (Y/n) started to cry as she saw the Beast started dying and the furniture frozing.
I hugged her with my arms, "There, there, we all know the Beast gets to turn into a human again"I whispered to her and smiled back at me. Now we're at the part were the Beast gets to turn into a human once again by the enchantress and (y/n) started to smile and wiped off her tears.
"Oh my god I love this part", (Y/n) said as we saw where Prince Adam (Human Beast) and Belle kissed. I blushed as I started to daydream of how (y/n) and I would kiss just like Adam and Belle. "Uh hello", I snapped out of it as (y/n) started waving her hand in front of my face.
"What is it?", I answered back. "The movie ended, and it's 5:30, and my father said I have to be home by 6:15 or else I'm grounded again", she replied. "Let's go then", I replied back as I grabbed her hand and started heading to the parking lot. As we got to my motorcycle, well actually Rikio's motorcycle. I hopped onto the motorcycle and making sure (y/n) also hoped on as she hold onto my chest and I blushed.
I turned on the motorcycle and started heading to Scepter 4 head quarters, (y/n)'s home. It was like 30 min from here so she'll be okay. As we arrived to her home, she got off and said, "Thank you it was fun",and I replied back with"Your welcome, by the way I know we just went out but would you like to come to the Homra Bar?".
She hugged me and kissed my cheek,"Sure, it's like 2 blocks away from here and gotta go bye!"she said waving at me and blushed from the kiss she gave me on the cheek.
(That's part 6 of this story! Next chapter " Video Games")
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