Chapter Two
Vertigo's voice echoed in the open field.
–That's no way to practice your speed! I want those laps in less than a minute, you coward!- she yelled in her raspy tone.
She was angrier than usual, that was plain for all to see. In her head, Mirror pictured her trainer Vertigo as a middle-aged woman, probably named after a famous queen or noblewoman by her parents in an attempt to sound fancy. The image always gave her courage.
–Go, go, go!- She slapped her leg in exasperation. Mirror was glad she was only slapping herself. A mighty, air-boosted slap from a powerful witch could dislocate your shoulder, or worse.
She used the fear to run faster. Wind-gifted witches needed to excel at speed and agility; only then would their punches and kicks be effective. Mirror understood this. "Then why aren't I keeping up?"- she thought, frustrated. The other Servants were two laps ahead.
Again, Mirror wondered if she should've picked ice or earth. "I know I'm too much of a coward for fire"- she reasoned, in an attempt to distract herself from her burning lungs- "but ice would've been a better fit." It was no use regretting what two-years-ago-Mirror had chosen, though.
"Aris knows I've made some bad choices."
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Vertigo's old pocket watch began its signature, annoying beep. Mirror had gotten used to it, though. The shrill, high-pitched alarm that frightened the youngest witches had become numb to her. Just like everything else.
–Time! Typhoon, that was a stellar performance.- She nodded to the blue-haired witch.- Vixen, your time was barely an improvement over yesterday's.- The young Servant stared at the floor. Mirror had seen her try to fight Vertigo... it never went well. "I'm glad she's learned, or we'd all be in trouble"- she thought.
–And Mirror... We need to talk.
The other witches pointedly stared at anything but her. She'd never really impressed Vertigo, so this wasn't anything new. Mirror got up with a sigh. "Here we go again."
She watched Vixen and Typhoon leave as Vertigo shook her head slowly. Mirror strengthened the image of the trainer in her mind. "She's a powerless 50-year-old lady"- she thought, hoping with all her heart that it was true.
–You're ready. Come.
Vertigo's words sparked unease. Was she teaching her something new? Was it some sort of test? The questions swirled in her mind as Mirror followed Vertigo down a metal ladder.
The Servants of the Gods lived underground- Mirror didn't know where. A web of tunnels and rooms littered the mountainside. As far as she knew, the training yard for the Wind-gifted was outside, in a sheltered forest. She could only piece together some bits- seasons did seem to occur, and the climate was temperate, but she had no idea which continent- or hemisphere for the matter- their hideout was located in.
Vertigo was a Trainer, which meant she carried a map of the tunnels on her person at all times. So they probably wouldn't get lost, at least. Anxiety pricked at Mirror's stomach. Would they get lost?
To her great relief, they stopped at a circular room about three times as large as her team's quarters. An object stood out in the very center, contrasting its lively green with the gray walls. It seemed to be a model of a human person.
Horror clawed at Mirror's heart. "Anything but this."
Vertigo droned on about the model. Every word went through one of her ears and right out the other. "It's bright green", Mirror realized. "It's bright green, to make me forget that I'll be doing this to a person." One of Vertigo's phrases stuck with her, though.
–You will have to do it eventually. Might as well start now.
Mirror stared at the model, trying not to let her panic show. "Don't I want to be a true wind Servant? Don't I want to help keep justice?" Her vows came back to her, word by word. I will give my mind to the Air Goddess. I will give my strength to the Air Goddess. I will make justice for the Air Goddess.
She needed to do it. If only to appease herself.
Mirror copied Vertigo's stance. Each of the complicated steps that led to a Snap had to be executed perfectly. She followed the Trainer witch as Vertigo touched the ground, then spun and arched her back. She chanted the usual verses that she'd been told would speed up the process. They were nothing more than gibberish to her. Oh, well.
She recognized Vertigo's feet placement as a final stance, so she stretched her hand to the ceiling and snapped her fingers.
For a brief moment, she had control of everything.
The moment passed, as every moment does. The seconds after the Snap were when the power was strongest, and she'd missed them. Classic old Mirror. The power would dwindle from now on, but she could still make this worthwhile.
Inhaling, she pictured what she wanted in her head. All the air inside the mannequin. All to her. Immediately, she felt a weak current coming from the air bags inside. Horror welled up again. "Do you want to let the poor thing die a miserable death?"- she asked herself. No. Air witches were merciful. She had to initiate a stronger pull.
But her power had dwindled to a mere fraction. The Snap was wearing off. Sighing, she unclenched her fist and let the air back in. Suddenly she was very aware of Vertigo watching. The older Servant raised an eyebrow.
–Not bad. They'll have you in missions in no time. -She mumbled to herself: -I figured she'd be good at something.
Mirror relished the praise, but she couldn't help questioning it. "This is that something I'm good at"- she thought. "But what if I don't want to be good at it?"
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