Chapter Seventeen
–There... we... go! – Menace's huff reverberated through the training grounds, as the last soldier was tied up and lifted onto one of the bigger logs. Thankfully, their Servant uniforms always packed a coil of rope. Mirror suppressed a wry chuckle. She'd once thought the ropes were useless.
Little did she know in two years she'd be tying up Empire soldiers in their base. With Sunbeam of all witches.
And, speak-of-the-Banished-Goddess, there she was, two fists raised in celebration, a satisfied grin adorning her features. Giant was somewhere taking down the earth walls, apologizing profusely for all the damage, but for once, Sunbeam didn't take this as a chance to get favors out of them.
For once, Sunbeam actually seemed... happy. Granted, there were four gagged, unconscious soldiers at their feet, but still.
Mirror felt the tiniest smile creep in. And promptly shook herself.
"Wait- wait, wait. This is Sunbeam I'm talking about, right? Sunbeam, the murderess? Sunbeam, the cold, unfeeling daddy's daughter? Sunbeam, loyal to the Servants that made me-"
Fortunately, Menace was there to catch the infinitesimal change in Mirror's expression. Her look wasn't questioning, exactly; it just seemed to say I'm here if you need me. And right now that was all she needed.
–Right – Mirror said with a breathy sigh – Now... what?
–We find Father, obviously. – Sunbeam's high-pitched voice almost seemed less smug than usual, like a brisk order as opposed to a cruel taunt. Mirror found she didn't mind the change.
–Uh, Sunbeam. We... saw your father in that vortex.
Giant's comment was met with baited breath. How would Sunbeam react, knowing her father was a non-elemental magic user, knowing he prioritized revenge over the safety of his people – knowing he was probably too far gone to be saved?
Sunbeam merely frowned.
–That wasn't the original plan. But I suppose it could work, Father knows best after all. – She began walking towards the door with a purposeful confidence, gesturing for them to follow.
Mirror and Giant exchanged surprised glances. Well, that was easier than we thought.
But would they follow the red-haired witch into the vortex?
Or would they take their chances and escape, leaving everything behind?
–Sunbeam, you go on ahead – Menace ordered, her voice revealing nothing. – We have some matters to discuss – I trust you can defend yourself without us?
"Smart Sunbeam-dealing tactic," Mirror thought. "Appeal to her independence and combat skills. Sunbeam sees others as a weakness." And, true to form, the technique worked. The witch simply shrugged and walked on, disappearing behind the heavy steel doors.
Mirror tried to ignore the pang of guilt in her belly – manipulating Sunbeam was just what you had to do sometimes.
–Alright – she continued, making sure Sunbeam wasn't listening in – what do we do now?
–I vote we escape – Giant whispered, lowering his voice on the last word. – Ditch her and the others, knock out some soldiers on the way. It's the perfect opportunity! We could look so cool doing it, too, like pew pew, earth magic, then we'd...– Menace cut him off with an exasperated look. Mirror was glad he was back to his old self.
–It could be dangerous, though – Menace pointed out, a pensive look on her face. – I mean, this base is all but abandoned now... – She mumbled to herself, something about the "Fourth Quarter" and "Azila Point", whatever those were.
–There's got to be some sort of emergency shaft. – Giant's confidence was palpable, his posture relaxed. He didn't seem half as worried as Menace. – Some place we're supposed to escape in case of a breach, you know?
–Oh, Giant. – Menace sighed. – Did you ever wonder why there was no mention of that in breach training? This place is the emergency shaft. Or panic room, backup, whatever you want to call it.
Giant blinked, his brow furrowing.
–Huh. That. That makes sense.
–So... how do we escape?
The two of them paused, hearing Mirror speak up. Suddenly she felt small again, just a novice witch among two experienced fighters. "Don't be silly Mirror, Giant isn't that experienced," she tried to remind herself.
–Well, we could always use the exit. But that would probably be very crowded. And we wouldn't be able to put any distance between us and the base... – And there she was, talking to herself again.
Mirror glanced at Giant, who seemed just as deep in thought.
–We probably need to avoid the center. And Sunbeam. And really everyone, actually...
–The upside is, with all this chaos it'll probably take much longer to send a search party. They'd probably assume we'd been captured by enemy soldiers, what with all the–
–Wait! That's it!
The two paused again, curiosity written all over their faces.
–N-not the enemy soldiers. Well, actually, kind of. – She steeled herself and started over. – We could sneak out through enemy lines. Wear their uniforms. Everyone would assume we'd been captured.
–You mean, through the giant hole in the ceiling? – The corners of Menace's mouth twisted upward in amusement.
–No! No, of course not. They have to be leaving through somewhere. We find that place, make up something about needing supplies, and bolt. By the time they find out I'm not a soldier, I'll have air-boosted myself through miles and miles...
She trailed off, noticing Giant's grin.
–We, uh, I mean we'll have ran far away. Sorry – she choked out, wishing she could dig a hole in the ground and bury herself in it. – I just, uh, usually don't make escape plans for anyone other than me.
–Are you kidding? – Giant's joy was infectious as he placed his hands on her shoulders. – That plan is brilliant. I would never have enough brain cells to come up with that. Isn't that right, Menace?
–Indeed – she replied. The two of them were making Mirror's face burn with all their attention. – But please, call me Grace. I don't know about you, but I'm certainly not a menace.
Both of them blinked, Giant removing his hands from Mirror's shoulders. Was that her attempt at making a joke?
Well, Mirror couldn't say it hadn't worked, as Giant burst out laughing not even a second later, clutching his belly and wheezing "I can't, I just can't" as Menace – Grace – looked on, progressively more confused.
She didn't even know if he was laughing at her half-hearted attempt at humor, or the joke itself. But she could get used to the warm feeling that spread over her as she basked in their company.
She tried to push away any lingering thoughts of Sunbeam. Her mind mostly obeyed.
"pew pew, earth magic" - Giant 2020
ok but real talk sorry I've been gone, I had a bad case of Writer's Terrible Self Esteem
anyways they're finally escaping!
istg this plot line took so long why did no one tell me writing was this hard smh
I definitely have some stuff to refine in this book, but mostly I like how it's coming along.
Don't worry, their escape is not the end. It's kind of the midway point, but not really? I don't knowww
Leave your opinions below, I really appreciate any and all advice :)
-Min :>
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