Chapter Nine
Mirror woke up the next day to Vertigo's watch's annoying beep.
–Gah!- she exclaimed as she realized her trainer was mere inches from her face. "What an embarrassment!" she thought as she quickly got out of bed. "How long have I been asleep?"
Mirror had had to take a sleeping pill, just like all the witches did before a mission. Half a sleeping pill, to be exact – she'd shared hers with Giant. Nothing was plentiful within the Servants, so no surprises there.
–Get up. Your mission's in an hour.- She turned to face Sunbeam and Giant, who were also talking to their trainers.- It's not every day a new trainee gets their first mission. I wish you luck.
She handed them "civilian costumes" which Mirror could bet were just the Leader's old clothes. Mirror changed into them without even glancing at the others. She wasn't embarrassed or ashamed.
After getting ready, the three of them walked single file to Menace's office, which of course she shared with three other troupe leaders. The witch was deep in conversation with an older man, who radiated an air of authority only matched by Sunbeam or the Leader.
–Everyone, meet Tempest- she announced.- He's my superior, and the one who decided to grant us this mission. Mirror, Giant, please be polite.
She didn't have to ask twice. Mirror had seen this man before – he was one of Maelstrom's cronies, always silently obeying his every command. That already made her loathe him with a passion. But it also made her wary. If he found out her plans for freedom, who knew what could happen...
–Alright. I'm gonna be honest with you here, you show promise.- His deep, throaty voice was the exact opposite of the Leader's.- But let's not get carried away.
Mirror and Giant nodded. Sunbeam fiddled with her ponytail, knowing that no warnings would ever apply to her.
–Today's mission is about proving your worth. The Leader himself has issued this warning: a dangerous criminal prowls the streets of Isadaro, whispering our secrets in the Emperor's ear. Today, we capture him. Alive.
Sunbeam sighed, disappointed.
–Is he a former Servant?- Giant asked. His eyes seemed like they were trying to understand the criminal's reasoning. Mirror didn't bother. She just wanted to go free.
"Isadaro" she thought. "That's way up north. Nowhere near my home." Disappointment weighed like a stone in her belly. But going home was unrealistic anyway... At least there was civilization in Isadaro, even if she didn't speak the language.
–No. He's not a former Servant. He was, however, involved in stealing the shipments for various goods, including the salt.
Giant nodded, his expression unreadable.
Mirror frowned. There weren't any salt mines in Isadaro. "Maybe it's sea salt" she thought. It didn't matter anyway.
–You may use whatever means possible to find him and bring him to us. However- he raised up one finger- you may not destroy any property.- Seeing Sunbeam's scowl, he clarified.- You may use fire to cover our tracks or to threaten our target. That is all. I will not let a bunch of trainees run loose with fire. Even if you're our Leader's daughter.
Menace nodded, seeming satisfied with his explanation. She led them out of her office, stopping in the main hall. Witches walked past them, some staring curiously. A more experienced troupe winked at them, as if to say First one, huh?
Mirror was undoubtedly curious to see how they'd get out of the tunnels. But she was even more curious to see what had changed in the last two years. How many scientific discoveries had been made? Was that creepy old man still mayor? And how was her mother...
She shut down these thoughts as they took a sharp turn down a narrow passageway. The walls were no longer moldy concrete – they seemed to be made of stone. A staircase took them up and up, so far that Mirror's feet ached, her lack of resistance showing as she lagged further and further behind.
The walk lasted minutes, at least twice as long as the tunnel to the training yard. Mirror was beginning to think her legs would give out...
–Hey, you need any help there?
Giant's kind voice brought her out of her thoughts. Mirror felt a bit guilty for never replying to him, so she decided to be kind in return.
–No, thanks. I bet it's almost over, anyway.
He laughed. She smiled, happy that she'd made another person happy as well. Even if it was her ration-stealing, hyperactive troupmate who couldn't shut up to save his life. With a start, she realized she'd probably miss him. And maybe Menace.
They finally stopped, coming to an iron ladder. Mirror stared at the trapdoor above in wonder. "That's freedom," she thought. "That's my way out." Menace pulled out a silver key. She was the first up the ladder, unlocking the trapdoor. Mirror closed her eyes as she climbed it, rung for rung. It was nothing like the wooden ladder she used to get to the training grounds. This one was clearly made to last.
She caught a whiff of fresh air. And opened her eyes.
They stood at the base of a mountain, a prairie surrounding them on all sides. Birds (birds!) flitted to and fro, rabbits frightening them as they hopped by. The sky was a beautiful, clear blue. She heard Menace sigh.
–Long trip from here to Isadaro... At least there's no boat. Come on, let's get going.
Mirror and the others silently followed. "No boat, huh?" Mirror thought. That firmly placed them on the Anigania continent, where Isadaro was. She knew she probably wouldn't have more information than that- until Menace pulled out a map.
–Alright... if we're here... and Isadaro's there... I guess we could... But we can't afford horses...- she mumbled.
Mirror peered over the map, hoping Menace wouldn't notice.
What she saw astonished her. Gilvicon had grown almost twice as big as when she left home. And their location... The Porreid Empire? Apparently not, no longer. In fact, this stretch of land had now been completely covered by Gilvicon. "The Emperor we used to work for."
–W-wait! Menace? Aren't we... in the Emperor's land? In... enemy territory?- Giant seemed mortified by the mere prospect of it. Menace sighed.
–Yes, Giant. We are. When tensions started to rise, the entirety of the Servants moved to the Porreid base. That's why everything's so crowded. There were four bases in total – all crammed into our smallest. We thought we were safe, we could start a new contract with the Porreid emperor. Until... well, Gilvicon conquered half of it.- She folded up the map and continued, a determined expression on her face.
–But that won't stop us. We have magic. We will act on our own terms. And no Emperors can control that. Understood?
They nodded.
–Good. Now let's get this mission started.
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