"I-I don't really want to talk about it."
TW: Physical abuse, Slight verbal abuse, swearing
As he reached out to touch me again, I put my hands out to stop him.
But I was stopped by an invisible wall.
I looked around.
All around me was black. And a screen like image of a cold twisted snake face.
'He's gone.'
A cold twisted laugh echoed around me as he walked out of the room.
Roman POV
"And remember honey, your father and I are away for the rest of the week, and Maddie is at Ishi's house tonight." I nodded in response as I got out of the car.
"I'll be fine, Mum, it's not like I'm going to burn the house down." (Cough cough looking at you Zara)
I looked up to see Patton and Logan waving at me.
"I got to go Mum. See you later!" I said. She smiled and drove away. I walked over to Patton and Logan and hugged them.
"I haven't seen you guys in forever! How are you?" I asked. Patton beamed at me in response.
"I'm great! How are you, Roman?"
"I'm fine." I said. "Do you know what we have first?"
Logan spoke up.
"Algebra, then health. Although, you will be pleased to know that we are learning a topic that interests you in health." I smirked at him.
"Yas! Finally learning about my inner gayness." I said. Patton giggled into Logan's arm.
"Let's get going, shall we?" Logan said, holding out his hand for Patton. These motherfuckers are so gay for each other. We walked over to Maverick Wing, where algebra was held. The whole time I was distracted by something, yet I didn't know what. But the unknown distraction wouldn't leave me alone.
~~~{ Time Skip }~~~
I got off the bus and started walking back to my house. I got the key out from under the flower pot and unlocked the door. As soon as I got inside, I heard a call from upstairs.
"Roman? Is that you?"
I almost shit my pants, then I remembered Virgil. I dropped my bag on the couch and ran upstairs, bursting into the bathroom. When I looked up at the mirror, I saw a very angry and scared Virgil glaring back at me.
"Sorry." I said guiltily. He huffed and crossed his arms. I sat down on the toilet and looked across the room at the mirror, and him.
"What are you doing?" Virgil asked. I shrugged.
"I want to ask you some questions, so we're gonna be here a while. Might as well get comfortable."
"O-okay then."
I smiled at him and clapped my hands.
"Alright then, here's how the game works. I ask you a question, then you ask me one. Got it?" He nodded in response.
"Ok. First things first. How did you get stuck in the mirror?" I asked. He looked away.
"I-I don't really want to talk about it." He said.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to awake bad memories."
"It's alright." He replied. We sat in silence for a few moments until he spoke up.
"O-okay then, my turn. Why do you wear makeup? And why do you like rainbows so much?" I smirked at him.
"Hang on, that's two questions. But I'll still answer them. I wear makeup because I want to, and I like it."
"Are men allowed to wear makeup in public?" He asked. I nodded eagerly.
"Oh yes! Tons of people wear makeup, regardless of their gender! Which leads me onto your next question. I like rainbows so much because I am something called gay. It means that I like other men, not woman. Rainbows are the symbol that gay people use."
"A-are men allowed to like other men?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. He looked at me and smiled in return.
"And your not punished because of it?" I shook my head. His smile broadened.
"Really?" He said.
"Yes, really! In fact, two of my friends, Patton and Logan, are dating and they're both boys." I answered.
"Do you like boys?" I asked him, hesitantly. He smiled and nodded.
"It's actually part of the reason I'll stuck in here." He said. I stared at him.
"You don't need to tell me if you don't want to." I said quickly.
"I know. But I think it would be good to finally tell someone after all this time. It's not like he could come and hurt me anyway." By now I was overcome with curiosity. I needed to know more about his past life. He took a deep breath and started his story.
"It all started one day..."
~~~{ Flashback }~~~
"Where are you going after this, Virgil?" He asked me. I shrugged as I turned away.
"Probably back to my folks place. Lay low for a while, ya know?"
"Or you could stay with me? Ya know, we could stay together and keep our relationship a secret. No one needs to know, alright." I could hear menace in his voice, but I ignored it.
"Where are you going."
"I'm just going out. I wanted to get some fresh air." I said pathetically.
"You can't go outside. They'd kill you if they knew what you are. You have to stay here with me. You can't leave." I nodded slowly and walked back to him. I was stupid, thinking that I would be fine out there. The only place I was safe was with him.
"Now, what do to do?" He asked, his yellow eye glittering with amusement, as if he found this funny. I took off my belt and handed it to him, then I bent over and waited for the pain. I didn't have to wait long.
~~~{ End of Flashback }~~~
"He was abusive towards me. One day, he shoved me onto the mirror and then I was stuck here." He finished. His eyes were glistening with tears. I wanted so badly to reach out and hug him, and I cursed myself for being physically unable.
"Virgil, I-I'm so sorry that happened to you. I can't imagine what it must have been like, and I'm glad that you managed to escape, even if it was my getting stuck in a mirror. He smiled at me.
"Yeah, well, if I hadn't gotten stuck in here, I wouldn't have met you, and he probably would have killed me. So, it's for the best, right?"
I nodded. "How old were you when you got stuck?" I asked. He shrugged.
"I don't know, I think, 16 years old?" He said. I smiled.
"No way! I'm 16!" I said. He grinned at me. I felt my phone buzz so I pulled it it of my pocket to see what the notification was. Virgil stared at it with a confused expression on his face.
"What's that?" He asked. I looked up at him.
"Oh this? This is a phone. People use them to message each other. They're pretty different from what you might have known." He nodded. I looked up at the time on my phone and stared in disbelief.
It was 5:26
We had been talking for nearly 2 hours.
Then, as if planned, I heard the door open as Maddie arrived home.
I looked at Virgil and tried to contain my laughter.
"Sorry, but I have to go see her." He smiled at me and waved as I walked out the door.
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