Chapter Six: Whistle
I was left slack-jawed as the door slammed behind Leira. Sighing and pushing my hair out of my face, I surveyed the room. There was glass everywhere. This is going to be a disaster. I thought to myself as I picked up the dustpan and got on my hands and knees, sweeping away.
As my wrist flicked back and forth, it reminded me to a rhythm of a song. 1-2-3-&-4-&-5-6-7-&-8, I hummed, trying to remember the tune. At last, I remembered it was. The song "Whistle"! Instantly, the lyrics popped into my head and I was, well, whistling while working.
When I had almost all the glass cleaned up, and was quite into the groove of the song if you ask me, a group of lacrosse players stumbled into the room.
"Woah, woah, woah!" I jumped up and rushed to the door, trying to prevent them from breaking any more beakers. "What do you think you're doing?!"
The shortest was the first to speak up. He had glasses- or goggles, since they clearly just got out of practice -and short hair. "Sorry, we're just trying to figure out a way to reverse what the cheerleaders did to our sticks." He held up his lacrosse stick, which was completely bedazzled. I snorted. "Is there some sort of glue unfastening paste in here?" Glasses Guy looked around me to the lab, searching for the 'glue unfastening paste'.
"We figured we could sell them online or something, maybe make a quick buck." One of the players joked.
"Yeah, like that'll work." Another mumbled, crossing his arms.
One of the players didn't seem to be doing much of anything. When he realized I was staring at him, he started waving his hands around like he was doing some sort of Bollywood dance.
"He's deaf." Glasses Guy clarified. Deaf Dude smiled and stuck his tongue out in a goofy fashion.
"Okay, so who are you guys?" I asked, walking to the back classroom cabinets to look for 'glue unfastening paste'.
"The Slick Seven." Glasses Guy replied, making me stop dead in my tracks and slowly turn around.
"What?" I asked, furrowing my brow in confusion.
"The Slick Seven! But we go by our nicknames. That's Dope," Glasses Guy motioned to Deaf Dude, who crossed his arms and leaned back, showing off his 'cool side'. "Grouch," He pointed to the guy who thought that they wouldn't gain any money selling things online. Grouch gave a distasteful face and flipped the bird to Glasses Guy. "Joy," GG (Glasses Guy, my new name for him) motioned to the more positive person on their team.
"Wait, wait, wait. I want to guess the rest." I cut GG off and started naming off the rest of the guys. "Gesundheit," I pointed to the boy next to the tissue box. "Shrinking Violet," My finger moved to the guy who was hiding behind everyone else. "Professor," I moved to GG. "And Dead Tired!" I pointed to the boy who was nodding off against the white board. I clapped my hands, happy with my answers.
"Close." Professor held up a finger as if to stop me from talking. "It's Dog Tired." He corrected.
"Whatever. The Slick Seven! I like it." I smiled.
"Hey, did you have any of that paste?" Gesundheit asked, before blowing his nose for the tenth time.
"Yeah..." I wandered back over to the cabinets and shuffled a few things around, pretending like I actually knew what I was doing.
"Is this it?" A whisper came from the back of the group.
"Shrinking Violet! Yes, that's it." Joy gave a jolly old grin to Shrinking Violet and plucked the paste from his hand, giving it to Professor.
"Well, we will be on then. Off to the jewel mine!" Professor joked, pretending the bottle was a pickax and stabbed at his stick a few times.
"The Slick Seven." I whispered to myself and smiled as Whistle came back into my head. I went back down to the ground, scrubbing away a possibly toxic chemical spill that had ended up all over the linoleum from one of the beakers.
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