6- Clutches
As the brunette held the Miraculous Box in his hand, he looked at Tikki who was gleaming at him; a twinkle in her eye. She chuckled, "I knew you'd make the right choice!"
"Well, I'm not one hundred percent sure I'm up for it, but my friends are in danger... I need to save them!" Will exclaimed with determination and uncertainty. He'd sworn to himself to NEVER become Elytron again, but the safety of his friends outweighed his past promises... he needed to do this!
The Kwami smiled warmly, congratulating him, "Still I'm proud of you Will!"
Will's eyes softened but then he looked at his leg, "What about my leg? I'm limping from being thrown at the wall." he said, casting his eyes to the whiteboard that now had a visible crack in it.
Tikki shook her head, "The Miraculous will aid your injured leg, don't worry about it!"
"Really?" The brunette questioned with a furrowed brow.
"Yes, Miraculous enhances all human abilities and gives you a higher pain tolerance and protection," Tikki explained.
Filled with gratitude Will smiled, placing the earring on his earlobes, quietly apologising, "Umm, by the way... I'm sorry for giving up the first time..."
"Will, there's no need to apologise. What's important is that you wanted to come back and protect your friends... that was you without the Miraculous... that's the working of a real hero!" her every pore oozing encouragement,
The brunette nodded in agreement, his voice filling with resolve. "Okay! I can do this." clicking his earrings securely into place.
"You already know the special words!" Tikki chuckled,
With the preparation needed to transform, Will took a deep breath, remembering his Kwami's guidance, saying, "Tikki, Spots On!"
The Kwami chuckled being pulled toward the jewels, and in a sudden burst of pink light, his clothes transformed, once more being splattered with the familiar red and black suit that covered his body, feeling a rush of power and responsibility... and a little nauseous... It was the nerves.
Just then, a distant scream grew louder, serving as a grim reminder of the imminent danger his friends were in. He walked to the crack in the wall, talking to himself, "Woah, my leg does feel better!"
He shook his head; he shouldn't be thinking of his leg...
In the distance, he saw a cloud of smoke; that must be where Mecha-Tank and his friends were! He heard many rumbling footsteps; those of Mini-Mecha-Tanks following their leader; there must have been at least fifty of them approaching from all around town.
Narrowing his eyes, he threw his yo-yo, catching it on the roof of a building, mumbling a promise, "Don't worry, I'm coming!"
Meanwhile, Claw Noir just arrived at the scene, running parallel to the villain to overtake him. He was not losing any stamina or speed; the Miraculous really kept that all in check.
The trio in the villain's hands, though scared, felt relief upon seeing the cat-dressed superhero approaching; they would be saved!
Max and Dustin cheered, meanwhile, El pulled out her phone that was somehow not broken in this whole kafuffle; she was recording this. The redhead was the first to speak, "Claw Noir! Help!"
"Yeah, me and the tarantula are scared!" Dustin exclaimed with nervous laughter.
"Why did you bring that spider with you?" Max retorted, trying to wriggle from the metal hands holding her.
"It's my baby tarantula! He gets lonely! I'm gonna call him Dartanian... Dart for short!" the curly-haired boy cooed, yelling from the other robot hand; it seemed like he was using it to cope with the current stressful situation.
"Oh, for fuck's sake! He's named the thing..." Max rolled her eyes with a sigh.
"Max!" El exclaimed next to her. "No swearing in the video!" she pouted.
"Why are you recording? Have you forgotten where we are?" she retorted in a sarcastic tone.
"The heroes are here anyway..." the doe-eyed girl exclaimed, "Besides when are we ever gonna be the centre of an Akuma attack?"
"Girl, I think you're focusing on the wrong bit!" Max joked a tad panicked.
"Don't worry; I know you're stressed but everything will be fine!" El replied softly, interlacing her fingers with Max's to offer moral support.
"F-fine," The redhead was stunned, blushing slightly with a nod, turning back to the events occurring.
Before them, landing on the ground, Claw Noir yelled confidently. "Okay, Nuts-and-Bolts; this was fun the first time... but how about we put the civilians down!"
Mecha-Tank stopped in his place, scowling, "I guess the kitty wants to be roadkill!" he said, lifting its large mechanical boot, and stomping down on the ground where Claw stood.
But the ravenette moved out the way gracefully joking, "Was that supposed to threaten me? I've seen scarier cat litter!" smirking.
Taking more steps, the villain repeatedly attempted to bring down Claw Noir. With each powerful step, the floor cracked and crumbled, shaking slightly. The trio in the robot's grip were feeling slightly nauseous from all this shaking.
Yet, the ravenette was unaffected, dancing around the impending destruction with a little prep in his step, "This is still so awesome!" he chuckled to himself as he ran on all fours; really getting into that feline-like mindset. With a smirk he called out, taunting the villain, "You're too slow for this cat. I'm sure there's something else you can step on!"
"Trust me kitty, this is no game of 'Cat and Mouse'." The villain seethed, frustrated with the ravenette's agile evasion and relentless banter, and attempted to land another blow. But as the mechanical leg descended, Claw Noir gracefully flipped through the air, landing elsewhere. He wouldn't admit it, but despite all the remarks he was struggling to actually fight this thing... claiming under his breath, "Where are you partner?" he questioned to the void, hoping somehow Elytron would hear him.
However, amid his thinking, the battle heated up and the villain landed a devastating kick to Claw Noir, sending him hurtling through the air. His signature staff fell from his grasp clattering to the ground below. With that powerful blow, Mecha-tank launched him over the cityscape, disappearing into the distance.
The villain then casually continued his route...
Elytron was now running nimbly through the town across the rooftops; staying out of sight of the Mini-Mecha-Tanks that were patrolling for his Miraculous. Suddenly hearing distant screaming growing louder, he stopped. Following the sound with his eyes, he saw a familiar cat-like superhero hurtling through the air. His eyes widened, and with perfect timing, he leapt, catching Claw Noir in his strong arms...
"Hello, there!" the ravenette teased. As Claw Noir was safely cradled by Elytron, the two heroes found themselves in an oddly intimate situation. The ravenette threw a dumb smile on his face, teasing, "Do you make it a habit going around catching falling heroes in your arms? Or is this just my lucky day?" this suit had such a weird effect on him... he would never normally have the confidence to say this in real life.
The brunette rolled his eyes, "You're quite the jokester, huh?"
"Well, I try my best,." Claw replied nonchalantly.
"So, tell me exactly why you were flying through the air like a football?" Elytron raised his brows.
"You know... just chilling!" The ravenette awkwardly chuckled.
"You're indeed a weird little man!" The small boy said.
The ravenette pouted, admitting quietly, "Mecha-Tank kicked me..."
"And here I thought Cats always landed on their feet." Elytron smirked with a sarcastic comment.
"Well, this cat wasn't supposed to be airborne," he said
"Well with that attitude you won't be!" Elytron replied jokingly.
"Well, atleast I'll have you to catch me, right?" Claw said placing a hand on the brunette's chest... but upon realising what he was doing, he blushed deeply, retracting his hand in embarrassment, "Sorry... I didn't mean to-"
Elytron tilted his head, not understanding the reason for Claw's embarrassment. "Don't worry," he said unthinking. "Which way did he go?" placing him down to the ground.
Claw Noir blinked, standing tall once more with the never-fading blush, "Who?"
"The villain!" the brunette face palmed.
"Oh, yeah..." The ravenette thought for a second before pointing in a random direction, "That way!"
"Okay then let's not wait! Let's go!" Elytron said, ready to take off when Claw grabbed his shoulder.
With a guilty expression, the tall boy sheepishly admitted, "Umm... so funny story, but I have actually seemed to misplace my stick... you know, the one that turns into my super cool weapon? Its lost."
Elytron turned around confused, "What do you mean lost?"
"I dropped it and don't have it on me!" The ravenette exclaimed with a guilty shrug.
The small boy sighed, scrunching his face in mild annoyance, "How did you even manage to lose it?"
Claw Noir replied with a mischievous glint in his eye, "Hey, let's not blame me! My stick has a mind of its own!"
"So your baton grew legs and ran away?" The brunette placed a hand on his hip.
"Something along those lines." The tall boy chuckled,
Elytron shot a deadpanned look, "Look if u dropped it when you got your ass kicked by the villain just say so." he crossed his arms.
The ravenette pouted whispering, "I got my ass kicked by the villain!"
"See, was that so hard?" the brunette said with a little chuckle, taking a deep breath, deciding to roll with it; they needed to manage. "Okay, jump on my back... we're going for a ride!"
"Aren't we going to deal with these Mini ones?" Claw asked.
"No!" Elytron passed a sympathetic, sad gaze, still blaming himself for the first fight, "If we want to save all these people... we have to go to the source!"
Claw Noir nodded eagerly, leaping onto Elytron's back, wrapping his arms around Elytron's shoulders. The brunette said, "You secure there?"
"Very!" Claw Noir chuckled, holding tight.
"Okay! Get ready for the Elytron-Express!" The brunette grunted from the added weight before throwing his yo-yo, extending it with a powerful swing to fly through the air swiftly approaching the scene of havoc.
As the pair soared over the city, the wind whipped around them and Claw Noir couldn't help but continue their banter... he liked Elytron; as a friend of course... maybe Elytron could be his second friend? "You know, this is so much better than my stick... I should lose it more often."
"Well enjoy the ride while it lasts, we have a job to do." the brunette smirked,
"Are you always this serious?" Claw asked inquisitively.
"No... but then again there aren't usually villains with hostages!" The brunette replied, feeling the wind on his face.
"I mean... you are kinda a cool dude overall." The ravenette admitted quietly.
The small boy couldn't help but smirk once more, "Careful Claw, I might think you're starting to actually enjoy my company." he joked.
The ravenette rolled his eyes, "Well, we have to get along if we're gonna be working together from now on!"
"You make a valid point..."
"Besides it's not every day you get chauffeured by a superhero." the tall boy added
Elytron rolled his eyes but didn't respond. Instead, they were growing close to the villain's location. Soon spotting the familiar mechanical menace wreaking havoc below by crashing through the streets.
"Prepare yourself, Claw," the brunette warned as they took a last turn descending toward the ground. Claw Noir braced himself for the fight, still holding on.
The heroes landed with precision behind the villain, ready to face the familiar foe... hopefully it would be just like last time. Elytron released Claw Noir as the pair stood side-by-side ready to fight.
The cat looked around; a bit uneasy without his stick but determination shone in his eyes.
Elytron nudged him, whispering, "You find your stick, I'll distract him!"
"What? No! That's dangerous!" The ravenette replied.
"Yes! Now go!" he said, pushing the ravenette away to go in the opposite direction... seeing Claw search under rubble for his staff. The brunette turned to the villain, spinning his yo-yo, "It's just you and me, Tin-can!" he whispered to himself, sneaking up on the robot, climbing it body to land on its arm.
The villain seemed oblivious to the superhero's presence until Elytron reached a crucial spot-on Mecha-Tank's arm, the villain felt the unexpected weight claiming, "Cockroach!" he seethed, attempting to throw off the hero. "Stop trying to foil my plans again."
Elytron didn't move, merely shaking side to side with the sway of the arms. Mecha-Tank realised that physical force alone wouldn't be able to remove the pest from his arm, deciding to deploy a different strategy. Homing missiles emerged from compartments on his shoulders, launching toward Elytron with surprising speed. The tiny missiles swarmed the hero, creating a distraction.
One grazed Elytron's leg causing the brunette to growl, using his yo-yo in a mini-rage to snag a missile. With a flick of his wrist, he caused two tiny missiles to collide, creating a miniature explosion of sparks.
"WOAH! AWESOME!" a familiar female voice called. The small boy turned, seeing the voice belong to his best friend El who was recording the whole event with one hand and holding Max's hand with the other.
Skilfully dodging and weaving through the aerial assault using the given powers of the Miraculous to enhance his normal abilities, Elytron got closer. The missiles were unable to reach their target as the brunette seized this moment to expertly navigate through the remaining barrage,
With precarious steps, he finally managed to get to the girls, speaking in a reassuring tone, "You guys okay?"
"Yeah... we're just chilling!" Max said sarcastically,
"Sorry for taking so long to get here!" The brunette said nervously.
"It's fine!" El said aloud, shoving the camera in his face.
"Just help us please, this hand isn't exactly comfortable." The redhead said impatiently.
The brunette glanced around, assessing the situation, "I'm, um, working on it. Just hang in there for a second!" he assured them, skilfully wrapping his yo-yo around Mecha-Tank's colossal metal finger, manipulating the thumb to open.
"Hold on!" he grunted as he pulled on the thumb, "I'll get you out!"
However, focused on his task, El's voice rang out with urgency, "WATCH OUT! BEHIND YOU!" she yelled.
The brunette turned to see an incoming threat, preparing for impact. Yet in the nick of time, a swift baton swung through the air, knocking the missile off its course. To Elytron's surprise, Claw Noir appeared, saving him from the imminent collision,
"I found my stick!" the ravenette said with a dumb smile while whacking another missile.
"Thanks Claw!" the brunette said appreciativly, "You're a life saver... literally!"
"Well, I like to save my damsel in distress." Claw Noir seized the moment to confidently tease Elytron as he fought against missiles with the other hand.
The brunette rolled his eyes, "Damsel in distress? Really?" he retorted, feigning exasperation.
Meanwhile, still trapped in the clutches of the villain, Max face-palmed, unable to hide her impatience, "Excuse me lovebirds! Can we please focus on saving us?"
"Oh, right, sorry." the small boy mumbled a half-hearted apology. Determined to expedite the rescue, he pulled the thumb once more as the ravenette worked behind him, acting as protection as Mecha-tank continued to wreak havoc below, sending seeker-missiles to them; stomping like a stubborn toddler.
In a swift motion, the brunette successfully released the two girls from the villain's grasps.
Now to save Dustin...
However, their victory was short lived. Just as they thought they were in the clear, Mecha-tank let out a deafening metallic roar, signalling its transformation. The mechanical monstrosity morphed into a different form, dropping Max and El unceremoniously to the floor.
Reacting with agility, Elytron caught El in his arms, preventing her from hitting the ground. At the same time, Claw Noir extended his baton, snatching Max from the air and ensuring a safe landing.
Landing on the floor without injury, the group watched as Mecha-Tank changed forms. Elytron could hear the metallic whirring...
"Go! It's not safe here!" Elytron turned to the girls. El was reluctant to agree, however, Max manged to forcefully drag her away; they had too much villain for one day.
The brunette watched in shock as the villain transformed into a helicopter, quickly ensnaring Dustin in one of its seats, strapping him inside.
The villain then proclaimed, "You can't take Dustin from me! Attack them my Metal beings." Mecha-Tank said with a smirk, his arrogance shining through.
With a sinister grin, a horde of Mini-Mecha-Tanks surrounded the pair of heroes. Elytron looked around, trying to figure something out; he observed their mechanical limbs whirring ominously closer. Claw Noir, usually confident and composed, appeared genuinely flustered as the small robotic foes surrounded them.
"Oh no, we're in a real 'cat'-astrophe now," Claw Noir stammered, attempting to infuse humour into the tense situation.
Elytron rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress a small smirk. "We need a plan, and fast."
Claw Noir, regaining some composure, nodded and drew his baton, holding it in a fighting stance. "Alright Elytron, any ideas?"
Elytron quickly assessed the situation. The Mini-Mecha-Tanks were agile and numerous, making direct confrontation challenging. He didn't know what to do and so used his power,
"Lucky charm!" he yelled throwing his yo-yo to the air and producing...
2911 Words
This chapter is dedicated to my amazing, wonderful, talented friend lost_in_some_fandoms for these amazing drawings guys, like she's the best fr <3
love u bestie <3
Stay Safe <3
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