Yusei meets Ladybug
The mysterious turbo duelist with a mark on the arm accepts the duel as a spirit came out of an earring to talk the mysterious duelist. "Marinette this duelist has a familiar aurora just like yours but its somewhat different as he is or was a signer like you." Marinette looks at her and said. "I hope you're right because I've started patrol for any corrupted miraculous signers and their victims and whoever you are you're messing with the wrong Miraculous Signer and my
Yusei (4000 x5 SpeedCounter0): Duel
(4000 x5 SpeedCounter0):
Miraculous Signer (4000 x6 SpeedCounter0): Draw! I'll set a monster then I set 3 cards facedown and end my turn
Yusei (4000 x6 SpeedCounter1): She looks like the girl in the dream the Crimson Dragon showed me. My turn I draw! I'll set a card then I'll release it to summon Card Breaker (atk 100 Lvl 2) and the card I sent to the graveyard is Limiter Overload when sent to the graveyard I can special summon Speed Warrior in Attack mode (atk 900 2) Next I summon Junk Synchron (atk 1300 Lvl 3) Now Junk Synchron give Card Breaker a tune up to synchro summon Junk Warrior in Attack mode (atk 2300 Lvl 5) now I activate my monsters effect which can allow it to gain attack equal to the attack of my Lvl. 2 or lower monster and since Speed Warrior is a Lvl. 2 it gives Junk Warrior a 900 atyack boost (atk 2300 > 3200) then I'll set two cards facedown. Now Junk Warrior attack with 'Scrap Fist' on her facedown monster.
Miraculous Signer: I activate my monsters effect when when attacked while its facedown, the opponent which is you gets hit by a 1000 points of damage!
Yusei (4000 > 3000) I end my turn.
Miraculous Signer (4000 x3 SpeedCounter2): Draw! Finally a speed spell. I activate the speed spell 'Angel Baton' and can be used when I have 2 or more SpeedCounters and I am allowed to draw two more cards as long as I discard 1 to the graveyard. Finally my favorite Tuner. I send to the graveyard a Tuner monster. And I'll equip my Marshmallon with Valkarie Chariot (atk 500 Lvl 3) Next I play the Trap Card 'Call of The Haunted allowing me to bring back 'Miraculous Synchron Tikki' (atk 500 Lvl 3) from the grave and I changed my mind with Valkarie Chariot and special summon it. I then set two cards and end my turn.
Yusei (3000 x2 SpeedCounter2) My turn. I draw! No good cards in my hand. Now Junk Warrior attack her Miraculous Synchron Tikki with 'Scrap Fist'
Miraculous Signer: I activate my trap Draining Shield allowing me to gain lifepoints equal to the attack of the attacking monster (4000 > 7200)
Yusei: Speed Warrior destroy Tikki with Hypersonic Slash!
Miraculous Signer: I activate my trap 'Mirror Force' which means that all attack position monsters are destroyed.
Yusei: Its your turn.
Miraculous Signer (7200 x1 SpeedCounter3): Draw! I'll just set a card for now.
Egyptian Ladybug: Don't feel down Marinette I'm sure that you'll get the right cards next time.
Miraculous Signer: Thanks I'll keep that as hope if we surivive the encounter
Yusei (3000 x3 SpeedCounters3) Draw! I'll play the Speed Spell Angel Baton allowing me to draw two more cards as long as I discard one to the graveyard and the one I'm sending out is Quilbolt Hedghog. Next I release Sonic Chick from my hamd inorder to bring out Quickdraw Synchron and now I activate Quilbolt Hedgehog's effect when a tuner's out on the field I can special summon it. Now Quickdraw tune with Lvl 2 Quilbolt Hedgehog to synchro summon a monster with a lit of anger issues Come Forth 'Junk Beserker' (atk 2700 Lvl 7) Now Junk Beserker send Longg to the scrap yard.
Miraculous Signer: (7200 > 4500) I activate a trap card which gives me for every 1000 life points lost I gain 1 Lvl 1 token and since I lost 2 I have two tokens out on the field.
Yusei: Go ahead I end my turn.
Miraculous Signer (4500 x1 SpeedCounters4): Draw! Now Tikki Time to Transform Marshmallon and both Lvl 1 tokens to become a copy of myself 'Miraculous Hero Ladybug' in attack mode (atk 2800 Lvl 8) Now I play Ladybug's Special Ability 'Lucky Charm' which allows me to draw a spell or trap onto my hand and I can also activate traps on my turn when summoned when Ladybug's on the field and I summon the trap card Fiendish Chains preventing your monster from attack moi and it aldo loses 700 attack points. (Junk Beserker 2700 > 2000) Next I play her second effect 'De Evilize which allows her to gain 100 attack equal to the opponents monster on the field. (Miraculous Hero Ladybug 2800 > 3500) Now Ladybug destroy his junk Beserker with 'Wire Cut'.
Yusei: I think not cause I activate my trap card 'Scrap Iron Scarecrow' allowing me to stop your attack amd it returns to its facedown position after I use it in this turn.
Miraculous Signer: I end my turn.
Yusei (3000 x3 SpeedCounter4) I surrender this duel and I have questions and answers for you.
"What do you mean about questions and answers for me?" She asked as she went up to Yusei. "I suggest that you should take your green-eyed partner whose dueling a Psychic with you to 'The Grand Paris' cause believe me, we're both Signers with or without the Marks. I was part of The Crimson Dragon and my Mark was shaped like a head." "I've heard of what this Crimson Dragon was on the news and it somehow coincided with the dissapearance of the Nazca Lines a few years back." She said as Yusei smiled and your's must be from ancient Egypt due to the fact that I can see someone in ancient Egyptian clothes and I've wonder if Yugi is still dueling strong since the last time I saw him was nearly 2 decades ago in the first Battle City in my hometown of Neo Domino City when I was about 18 or 19." "But how could you have met 'The King of Games back then if you're like about that age as a baby?" The female asked. "Its Time Travel which is complicated." She nodded in agreement as she remembers a time travelling duelist whose code name was Bunnix who was sent to stop a victim from the future. "Before we head to the hotel let me introduce myself. My name is Yusei Fudo and yours?" He said to the Miraculous Signer. "My name is Marinette only between us Signers but on the field call me Ladybug." Marinette said with a smile. "Well then Ladybug lets get you to the hotel." Yusei said as he hopped back in his Duel Runner and calls Jack. "WHAT IS IT YUSEI?" Jack asks before clearing his throat and apologizes once more. "Could you wake up the others if they have'nt gone to sleep and because we've got company." "You've got it YUSEI AND I'LL MAKE SURE TO WAKE THEM UP (Clears Throat) sorry about that again and don't worry we'll be ready for your guests." "Thanks Jack see you then." From now on until I can find a way to get rid of The Abridged Syndrome I'm gonna have to text Jack cause his yelling is ringing my ears. Yusei thought as soon as Akiza and Ladybug's partner caught up to them.
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