The New Miraculous Signer
Ladybug and Chat Noir were out searching for anyone with a Millennium Item to regroup at The Louvre when they spotted a duelist they first saw duel a victim earlier wad starting to duel another victim. "Felix we need to take a look at this duel!" Ladybug said to Chat before heading towards the duel. "My name is Daniel Ackerman and you'll pay for what you've done to my friends who's final actions were giving me their decks and I'm going to use one of them right now!" "I have no idea what your talking about but do you really think your brave enough to fight us, but fine have it your way." The victim scoffs as they activated their Duel Disks.
Daniel (4000 x5) Duel!
Victim (4000 x5) Duel!
Victim (4000 x5): I'll let you go first!
Daniel (4000 x5): Fine then! Feel my anger towards your kind with my friends' Heroes' Deck. I activate my spell card 'Polymerization' to fuse 'Dragonball Hero Goku' (atk 1800 Lvl 4) with 'Dragonball Hero Vegeta' (atk 1700 Lvl 4) to fusion summon Dragonball Hero Gogeta (atk 2600 Lvl 8) next I set two cards facedown and end my turn.
Victim (4000 x6): Draw! I'll set 1 monster facedown and I'll set 2 cards to end my turn.
Daniel (4000 x1): Draw! I activate one of my facedowns: The Spell Card 'Fusion Recovery' which will allow me to bring to my hand from the graveyard 1 monster used as a Fusion Material and 1 'Polymerization'. Next I play 'Polymerization' once more this time on 'Dragonball Hero Goku' (atk 1800 Lvl 4) and 'Dragonball Hero Bardock' (atk 1400) Lvl 3)to fusion summon 'Dragonball Hero Barrot' (atk 2400 Lvl 7) Now Barrot destroy her facedown monster! Victim's facedown got destroyed. Now Gogeta attack her lifepoints directly with 'Gallick Kamehameha'
Victim: (4000 > 1400) Gahh
Daniel: I'll end my turn.
Victim (1400 x4) Draw! I'll play the spell card 'Swords of Revealing Lights' next I play my facedown 'Call of the Haunted' to bring back 'Gate Blocker' (atk 800 Lvl 4) Next I summon 'Stygian Security' (Lvl 1) to Synchro Summon 'Stygian Sergeant' (atk 2200 Lvl 5)
Next I set two cards facedown and end my turn
Daniel (4000 x1 Swords 3): Draw! I'll end my turn.
Marinette/Ladybug: Ladybug he was duelung strong what happened.
Egyptian Ladybug: I don't know but I believe that he is part of something greater which you'll see because he's no signer but he's brave enough to duel against the shadows and is a good candidate for a Miraculous.
Adrien/Chat Noir: You bet and by the way that duelist this guy's dueling doesn't she sound like Sabrina?"
Marinette/Ladybug: You're Right it does sound like her.
Sabrina (1400 x1): Draw I summon to the Field 'Akuma' (Lvl 2) Next I tune 'Stygian Sergeant' with Lvl 2 'Akuma' to Synchro Summon 'Miraculer' in attack mode (atk 2000 Lvl 7) Now I activate my monsters effect when which means that I can take half your monster's atttack points and add it to my monster's attack points and also use it's effect as well so I think I'll do it to 'Dragonball Hero Barrot' (atk 2400 > 1200). 'Miraculer' (atk 2000 > 3200) Now! Miraculer attack Barrot!
Daniel: (4000 > 2000) Gahhh! You've triggered Barrot's effect which means that once its destroyed, its fusion materials return to the field.
Sabrina: I'll end my turn.
Daniel (2000 x2 Swords 2): Draw! Dragonball Hero Gohan's in my hand and he's a Lvl 3 along with 'Dragonball Hero Bardock' to bring out 'Rank 3 Zeno Sama' from my Extra Deck but I also feel like link summoning an Xtra Hero that I gave to one of my friends before the tournament and to bring back a Dragonball Hero, I have The Spell Card 'Dragonball Ressurection' but I need at least 7 Dragonball counters to bring back a monster so I'm going for The Link summon. I summon 'Dragonball Hero Gohan (atk 1200 Lvl 3) Now its time to open the circuit to the future inorder to Link Summon with the requirements of at least two heroes. Now go Dragonball Heroes Gogeta, Bardock, and Gohan to the designated arrowheads to link summon 'Xtra Hero Dread Decimator' (atk 2500 -3) Next I play the continuous Spell Card 'Dragonball Ressurection' with it's effect is active for each Dragonball Hero on my grave, it gains a counter and since I have only 5 it has 5 counters and aldo for every hero type monster is in the Graveyard this monster along qith those it points to as long as its a hero type gain 100 per monster on my grave:
'Xtra Hero Dread Decimator' (atk 2500 > 3000 -3)
'Dragonball Hero Goku' (atk 1800 > 2300 Lvl 4)
Sabrina (1400 x1): Draw! Good its Assault Dog but I'll play it in defense. I set a monster. And now its time for Miraculer to activate her effect and I'll use your 'Xtra Hero Dread Decimator' to power up my monster (atk 3000 > 1500) Miraculer (atk 3200 > 4700) Now! Miraculer attack his 'Dread Decimator'
Daniel: I activate my trap card 'Half Unbreak which allows your attack damage be cut in half and my monster's not destroyed. (2000 > 400) Gahh! Ladybug noticed Daniel's arm was glowing and from her bag, she grabs a tuner monster and a Miraculous ready to throw it to him as Chat was getting his Duel Disk ready.
Sabrina: I'll end my turn.
Daniel (400 x1 Swords 1 Dragonball Ressurection Counters 5): Draw! I activate the Spell card 'Scapegoat' which will allow me to bring out 4 Lvl 1 scapegoat tokens in defense mode next I link summon with the requirements of one Lvl 1 monster to bring out 'Linkuriboh' (atk 300 -1) and end my turn.
Sabrina (1400 x1): Draw! Stygian Street Patrol will keep it on defense for later. I set a monster and now Miraculer finish him off by attacking his Linkuriboh!
Daniel: I activate my monsters effect when which allows me to lower the attacking monster's attack power to 0 as long as I tribute this card. Miraculer (atk 4700 > 0) but since this card was the target, and sent to the graveyard your attack has bren negated. Daniel feels a little pain on his right arm and he looks to see it while having a feeling of something calling him. What's this mark's on my arm!?
Ladybug: Go in Chat! And guve him those two things that I took out of my bag!.
Felix: You've got it Bridgette so its time to join the duel. Computer activates the intrusion penalty. Ahhhh Not Again (4000 > 2000) but here kid use these. Daniel places the tuner inside his deck before it automatically shuffles as he puts on the Miraculous.
Daniel (400 x1 Dragonball Ressurection Counters 5): Draw! This is the card that the one with a black hoodie with a green pawprint alomg with this pendant he gave me. I summone the tuner monster 'Miraculous Synchron Roarr' (atk 400 Lvl 1) Next I tribute one of my tokens to bring back 'Linkuriboh' (atk 300 -1) Daniel's Extra Deck starts to glow. Now 'Roarr' tune with Lvl 4 Dragonball Hero Goku and one of the tokens to Synchro Summon 'Miraculous Hero El Tigre' (atk 2200 Lvl 6) and since Dragonball Hero Goku's in the Graveyard not only my Dragonball Ressurection Counters are now 6, my Dread Decimator also gains 100 attack (atk 1500 > 1600) along with my 'Miraculous Hero El Tigre' (atk 2200 > 2800) and I'll end my turn for now. Your turn hoodie. What's happening to me?
Felix (2000 x6): You hold The Mark of The Miraculous: Bravery but I'll explain later cause its my turn! Draw! I special summon 'Sphinx' in attack mode (atk 1800 Lvl 5) Next I play the Tuner Monster 'Miraculous Synchron Plagg' onto the field (atk 800 Lvl 3) Now its time for 'Plagg' to transform 'Sphinx' into the embodiment of Destruction 'Miraculous Hero Chat Noir' (atk 2600 Lvl 8). I then set four cards facedown and end my turn for now.
Sabrina (1400 x1): Draw! I summon 'Command Knight' in attack mode (atk 1200 Lvl 4) then I activate its effect which means that all warrior type monsters gain 400 attack 'Command Knight' (atk 1200 > 1600) I activate my monsters effect on your 'Chat Noir' (atk 2600 > 1300) 'Miraculer' (atk 4700 > 6000) Now 'Miraculer' destroy that cat.
Felix: Not so fast I play my facedown 'Stop Attack' which will stop your attack.
Sabrina: I play a facedown 'Double or Nothing'. You see if my monster was prevented an attack it gains double its attack for this turn only (atk 6000 > 12000) Now! Miraculer destroy his cat once more.
Daniel: I activate my trap card 'Draining Shield' which will-
Sabrina: I'll activate one of my monster's effects 'Cataclysm' which will destroy your trap cards.
Felix: Good cause I play my other Trap 'Mirror Force' which will destroy all monsters in attack mode on your side of the field.
Sabrina: Fine I'll end my turn
Daniel (400 x1 Dragonball Ressurection Counters 6): Draw! Yes an equip spell! I pay the equip spell 'United we Stand' onto my 'El Tigre' cause for every monster on my field, it gains 800 attack and since I have 4 and with 1 on my partner's side of the field it gains 4000 attack 'El Tigre' (atk 2800 > 6800) Now El Tigre destroy her lifepoints
Sabrina: (1400 > 600) But that means it's counter effect activates for when it's destroyed, all monsters regain their attack points!
Xtra Hero Dread Decimator (atk 1600 > 3100) Miraculous Hero Chat Noir (atk 1300 > 2600)
Daniel: Its your turn Partner.
Felix (2000 x1) Draw! I set a card for now. Next Chat Noir use your Special Ability 'Cataclysm' on one of her facedown monsters.
Sabrina: You've triggered 'Assault Dog's' effect for when its sent to the grave, I can special summon any number of 'Assault Dogs'! 2 Assault Dogs appear on the field.
Felix: Now Chat Noir destroy her 'Assault Dog' with Fencing Baton.
Sabrina: (600 > 0) Noooo!
The Akuma left Sabrina's Dueldisk before it disintegrates into dust as both Ladybug and Chat Noir walked towards Daniel who took the 'Locator card' from Sabrina and was about to drive off on his Duel Runner until they stopped him. "I know we've just meet but we are going to need your help to stop the evil from destroying the world and You've been granted by 'The Order Of The Miraculous' The Mark of The Miraculous: Bravery which is represented by The Tiger because you were able to show bravery during your battle against the darkness even if the odds were against you." Ladybug said as Chat came up. "With that Link of your's we could use it to our advantage with our 'Miraculous Hero' Synchro Monsters." "I will be glad to join against this fight and in memory of my best friends." Daniel agreed as he shook hands. "Before I forget our names are Bridgette and Felix also known as Ladybug and Chat Noir." Bridgette said as she hops on her Hoverboard. "While we find Yugi or any of the Millennium holders we'll tell you what we know about our powers." Chat said to Daniel who just nods as the three of them went on to search for The Millennium Holders.
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