Chloe's Final Duel
Its been a whole 24 hours since Carly ran off and under his eyes she once again became a Dark Signer which caused him to lose concentration on his duels resulting in the lose of his Locator cards and out of the competition. "Jack I know this is hatd for you but everyone will do everything in our power to get her back." "Thank you Yusei but for now I must get to the Dupain Cheng Bakeries cause I'm late for work." Leo and Luna came up to Yusei once Jack left. "He's still shaken by Carly's return to the Dark Signers huh Yusei?" Leo asks as Luna added. "Even with the worry of what could happem with his child?" Yusei looked at them and sighed. "I know this is-" Yusei's phone rang as he recieved a call from Ladybug. "Yusei come towards La Grand Paris because somone who looks like your friend Carly's is trying to break in!" I'll be there Leo, Luna find Jack and and help him out in case he gets distracted while working." Yusei orders as he hops on his Duel Runner.
"Well well well if it isn't the royal pain in the neck." Dark Signer Carly said to Chloe who ran up to her room to snatch the bee Miraculous along with the Tuner she stole from Ladybug during a duel she was having against the mayor's wife. Carly catches up to Chloe and forced her to a duel by having her mark glow a shadow field around them. "Shall we duel my corrupted queen amd may I remind you that once you lose, you'll be sent to the NetherWorld hahahahahaha!" Yusei, Ladybug, and Chat Noir arrived to see what's going on even the mayor due to the commotion. "What's going?" He asks before looking at Chloe having her arm glow with the mark of the Miraculous (Immobilization) inside a purple field that was glowing and he tried to rush in but was held back by the three others.
Carly (4000 x5): Duel!
Chloe (4000 x5): Duel!
Carly (4000 x5): I'll go first. I summon 'Fortune Lady Light' (atk 0 Lvl 1) Next I activate her effect for every level it has it gains 200 attack (atk 0 > 200)! Finally I set two cards facedown and end my turn.
Chloe (4000 x6): Draw! From my hand, I activate the spell card 'Polymerization' on 'Queen's Knight', 'Jack's Knight', and 'King's Knight' to Fusion Summon 'Arkana Knight Joker in attack mode (atk 3800 Lvl 9). Now Arkana! Attack her Fortune Lady.
Carly: I activate my trap card 'Mirror Force' which will destroy all monsters in on your side of the field that are placrs in attack mode.
Chloe: I don't have a trap card in my hand to activate Arkana's effect, but I do have 'Swords of Revealing Lights'.I activate 'Swords of Revealing Lights' and end my turn.
Carly (4000 x3): Draw! Next I activate 'Fortune Lady Light's ability which means that it's Lvl increases, her attack points do to (atk 200 > 400 Lvl 1 > 2) Now I summon 'Fortune Lady Fire' in attack mode (atk 0 Lvl 2). Next I activate her effect just like 'Light', she gains 200 attack for every Lvl it has and since its a Lvl 2 it has 400 attack points (atk 0 > 400). Then I set 2 cards facedown and end my turn. Jack rushes in after the twins told him to stay put once he heard about Carly's location.
Jack: Carly!! Carly looks at him as the eyes went from Black to White giving him a sorry look.
Carly: I'm sorry about this Jackie but I really need to take care of this problem.
Jack: Carly! You don't understand what you're doing could be dangerous for you and our child.
Carly: What do you mean our child?
Jack: When you ran off to get the charger for your Laptop, I saw an Email from a doctor and you know how I worry about you and when I opened up the Email, it surprised me and just when I was about to tell you the good news, that young lady ruined everything and I scolded her before leaving the hotel with our money back and bags in hand.
Carly: So so I'm- The shadows took over Carly and everyone saw her eyes change from white to purple. Hahahahaha You think you can bring your beloved wife back but the only way to do that is to beat me in a duel.
Chloe (4000 x2): Draw! I summon 'Queen's Bodyguard' in attack mode (atk 1700 Lvl 4) Now Queen's Bodyguard destroy her 'Fortune Lady Fire'.
Carly: I activate my trap card 'Dimensional Prison' making your monster be removed from play.
Chloe: I set a card and end my turn.
Carly (4000 x1): Draw! Both of my 'Fortune Lady's effect activates making them gain 1 Lvl and their attacks points also increases. 'Light' (atk 400 > 600 Lvl 2 >3)
'Fire' (atk 400 > 600 Lvl 2 >3) I'll end my turn.
Chloe (4000 x1): Draw! From my hand, I activate the spell card 'Warrior Returning Alive' and I will bring back to my hand 'Queen's Knight' (atk 1500 Lvl 4) but I'm not going to keep her in my hand cause I summon her onto the field. Now Queen's Knight destroy hee 'Fortune Lady Fire'.
Carly: I activate my trap card 'Negate Attack' which will prevent your monster from attacking this round.
Chloe: I'll end my turn.
Carly (4000 x2): Draw!I activate my monsters' effects allowing them to increase their Lvls and attack points
'Light' (atk 600 > 800, Lvl 3 > 4)
'Fire' (atk 600 > 800 Lvl 3 > 4)
I summon 'Fortune Lady Water' in attack mode! (Atk 0 Lvl 4) and thwn I'll activate water's effect which is the same as my other 'Fortune Ladies' (atk 0 > 1200). Then from my hand I activate the Equip Spell 'United We Stand' on 'Water' giving her an 800 attack boost per monster on my field and since I have 3 it gains 2400 (atk 1200 > 3600) and I'll end my turn.
Chloe (4000 x1)Draw! I equip my 'Queen's Knight' with 'Lucky Iron Axe' giving her an attack boost of 500 (atk 1700 > 2300) Now! Queen'sKnight destroy her Fire.
Carly: I think not because I activate my trap card 'Magic Cylinders' which means that your attack has been negated and your monster is destroyed also you take damage equal to its attack.
Chloe: (4000 > 1700) Th th the pain its overwhelming but I must not give up. I activate 'Lucky Iron Axe's' other effect: When the monster equiped with this card is destroyed, I'm allowed to draw another card from my deck and I set that card to end my turn.
Carly (4000 x1): Draw! I activate my monsters effects allowing them to once again increase their Lvl and their attack points as well.
'Light' (atk 800 > 1000 Lvl 4 > 5)
'Fire' (atk 800 > 1000 Lvl 4 >5)
'Water' (atk 3600 > 3900 Lvl 4 > 5) Now! Fortune Lady Fire burn her lifepoints by attacking her directly!
Chloe: Not so fast I activate my trap card 'Call of the Haunted' to bring back 'Queen's Knight' in defense mode (def 1600).
Carly: (4000 > 3400) You've got a lot of nerve to stop my attack. Go Fortune Lady Water drown that knight!
Chloe: Takes of her Miraculous and discards her Miraculous Tuner and drops them knowing that she was loosing the battle. Gahh! There goes my defense.
Carly: Fortune Lady Light attack her directly
Chloe : (1700 > 700) Gahh!
Mayor: Chloe!!!! The Mayor tried to run towards her but was restrained by Jack, Yusei, Ladybug, and Chat Noir.
Yusei: Mr. Mayor without a mark feom either the Crimson Dragon or a Miraculous anyone who tpuches that aurora wil be sent to the NetherWorld and be served as fuel for the Earthbound Immortals.
Carly: It's your turn now.
Chloe (700 x1) I d d draw! I summon Neos the Magic Swordsman in attack mode (atk 1700 Lvl 4) Now Neos extinguish 'Fortune Lady Fire's' Flame.
Carly: (3400 > 2700)
Chloe: I end my turn
Carly (2700 x2): I activate my field spell 'Future Visions' next its time for an offering to bring out my old friend. A heart made out of stone comes out of nowhere after Carly tributes her fortune ladies started to collect a lot of souls from people nearby and unkown to her, The Crimson Dragon'd marks returns to their holders.
Yusei: Jack look at your arm.
Yusei: The marks are back and by the looks of it we're back in the battle. Jack nods until he noticed a soul leaving Carly.
Jack: Carly! Look what your doing to our child! Carly ignores her husband.
Ladybug: looks at the Earthbound Immortal with awe and ahock knowing that innocent bystanders were being used as offerings to awaken it until she saw two of the moat important people inside the beast. Chat! My parents they've become offerings.
Carly: Awaken my 'Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu' (atk 2500 Lvl 10) so that you can destroy that corrupted Queen Bee Chloe! The mighty Earthbound wakes up in attack mode and attacks Chloe.
Chloe: (700 > 0)
Everyone ran towards Chloe except for Jack who went after Carly who left the room after the duel. "I i am s s so sorry d daddy please forgive me." Chloe said weakly as she turned to Ladybug grabbing the Miraculous and Tuner lying on the ground next to her. "La Ladybug I'm sorry for stealing these things please forgive m-" She managed to say to Ladybug who grabbed the objects as she started to turn into dust. A moment of silence followed until Chat spoke up. "Did Chloe just went Infinity War on us?" Ladybug hits him on the head. "Oh come on Chat have some respect!" "She's right Chat, but the thing is only the actual Dark Signers like Carly and possibly your Hawkmoth have the power to send the loser to the NetherWorld but not those with Akumas just like back in the Satellite District in New Domino City where Spiders got infected by 'Earthbound Immortal Uru' and they went on to infect the people but the only thing they could affect were the actual damage to the lifepoints." Yusei explained to the two.
Meanwhile Jack was chasing Carly around the hotel until they reached street level where she found a Police Motorcycle and commandeers it. Before leaving she came upto Jack and said. "If you want me back, meet me at the Eiffel Tower." Jack still emotional got down onto his knees and cried until the other Signers of both The Crimson Dragon and The Miraculous arrived. When he got up he saw his friends and the other Signers looking at him with a look saying 'I'm sorry for your loss'. Jack takes a deep breath and said. "From this minute on we are now at war with the Dark Signers and they'll pay for the devastation they've caused to everything I've cared about!" Yusei smiled and said. "You're right Jack its time to go to war and most importantly we have The Crimson Dragon back on our side." Akiza, Crowe, and the Twins smiled as they nodded in agreement with Yusei as they also showed their marks alomg with those of Team Miraculous. "Thank you Yusei, for giving me hope to defeat these Dark Signers so why don't we 'Kick this war into Overdrive'!" Jack said with a smile seeing everyone supporting him. "First things first, we need to split up into pairs and look for Yugi and his friends so I'll go with Akiza, Leo and Luna both of you are always great together, You two with the glasses are another Ladybug and Chat Noir you two are paired up and Finally Jack go with Crowe and once we find them head on over to the Louvre." Yusei orders before everyone left in search of Yugi and his friends.
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