A Hero's Spar
After Alya and Nino under the alias of 'Rena Rouge' and 'Carapace' regrouped with Ladybug and Chat Noir, they noticed someone was with them and Rena asked. "Who is the person with you?" "This person once was a non-signer but due to his bravery on fighting against the Darkness, he wad given the 'Mark of Bravery' and the 'Miraculous of the Tiger' along with a Tuner." Rena looks at the person and asks. "Well then before we introduce ourselves coild you tell us your name?" Daniel was wide eyed and thought for a code name before settling upon his 'Vrains' username. "My name is 'NmbrHntrC39'." He said calmly. "My name is Rena Rouge and this is my Boyfriend Carapace. Carapace waved before his girlfriend asked another question. "What kind of deck do you use 'Hntr' if its okay to call you that?" I use a machine type but because of these circumstances, I'm resorting to use any of my 'Hero' decks and its okay for you guys to call me 'Hntr its short and easy. " NmbrHntrC39 responds with a smile not knowing that she activates 'Speed World Neo' on herself and him. "What's going on!" He said once he heard his Runner's computer mentioning a duel. "Why don't we duel and see which one of our 'Hero' Decks is the strongest." She smirks as Ladybug sighed. "Rena! You sly fox ask for permission next time when you duel some other guy other than me!" Carapace said with a small laugh. "Oh you're on Rena!" NmbrHntrC39 said as they both drew 5 cards from their decks. Unkown to them, was that someone was hovering above them smirking. "Thanks to that A.I. everytime we interfere, we wont have any 'Intrusion Penalty' which will cost us 2000 Lifepoints and once these two have lifepoints 2000 or less I'll jump in on them."
Hntr (4000 x5)
Rena Rouge (4000 x5)
Both (SpeedCounter 0): Duel!
Hntr: Since you're a female, ladies first.
Hntr (4000 x5)
Rena Rouge (4000 x5)
Both (SpeedCounter 0)
Rena Rouge: Thank you. I summone 'DC Hero Wonder Woman' in attack mode (atk 1800 Lvl 4) next I play two cards facedown and end my turn.
Hntr (4000 x5)
Rena Rouge (4000 x2)
Both (SpeedCounter 1)
Hntr: Draw (x5 > 6): I play 'Polymerization' on both 'Arrowverse Hero Flash and 'Arrowverse Hero Superman' to fusion summon 'Arrowverse Hero SuperFlash' in attack mode (atk 2900 Lvl 8) Next i play 'Fusion Recovery' to bring back one monster used for a fusion summoning and one 'Polymerization' and the monster I chose is 'Arrowverse Hero Flash' and I normal sumon him in attack mode (atk 1800 Lvl 4) I set 2 cards Facedown.
Rena Rouge: Your deck is somehow similar to mine so your's a fake.
Hntr: Hey 'DC Comics' had a competition for the possesion of either a DC Heroes, Arrowverse Heroes, DC Villains, or Arrowverse Villains. Which means that only four lucky winners get one of the decks and this dwck belongs to a friend of minw who got turnes into a ball of light before that horrifying 'Hummingbird' appeared!
Carapace: He's right cause you've got a letter saying something about you being one of four lucky winners.
Rena Rouge: I forgot about that cause my mind is thinking about saving the world not the cards any Hntr please continue.
Hntr: Now 'Arrowverse Hero SuperFlash' attack her DCHero WonderWoman'!
Rena Rouge: I activate my trap card 'Hero Barrier' which will prevent prevent your monster from attacking any 'Hero' monster on my field.
Hntr: I'll end my turn.
Rena Rouge (4000 x3)
Hntr (4000 x1)
Both (SpeedCounter 2)
Rena: Draw! 'DC Hero Batman' can't be destroyed in battle so I'll summon him. I summon 'DC Hero Batman' in attack mode (atk 1500 Lvl 4) and I'll end my turn.
Hntr (4000 x2)
Rena Rouge (4000 x2)
Both (SpeedCounter 3)
Hntr: Draw! 'Angel Baton' should give me an advantage. I activate the speed spell 'Angel Baton' allowing me to draw two more cards as long as I discard one to the graveyard. Draws two cards and smiles as he sends a monster to the Graveyard. I send 'Arrowverse Hero Green Arrow' to the graveyard next I activate my Continuous Spell Card 'Lazarus Pit' and the effect is once per turn you can bring out one 'Arrowverse Hero' from my Graveyard but the downside is that the same monster that was destroyed after it returns to the field with this card is banished. And the monster I chose to return to the field is 'Arrowverse Hero Green Arrow' (atk 2000 Lvl 4) and another thing when any 'Arrowverse Hero' returns to the field with thus card they get an attack boost of 500! (Atk 2000 > 2500). Now 'Arrow' attack 'Batman'.
Rena Rouge: (4000 > 3000)
Hntr: Now 'Arrowverse Hero Flash' attack her Wonder Woman with 'SuperSonic Punch'!
Rena Rouge: I activate my trap card 'Draining Shield' to prevent you from destroying my monster and I gain lifepoints equal to the attacking monster's attack points.
Hntr: To slow cause I activate my monsters effect when a card's effect target this monster, I can banish him and on my next turn he returns with a 400 attack boost along with a 'Speedforce' Token. Then 'SuperFlash' attack 'Wonder Woman'!
Rena Rouge: (3000 > 1900)
Unkown: Come on, you 'Imposter', I need you to get his lifepoints under 2000 so I can destroy the both of you!
Hntr (4000 x1 SpeedCounters 2)
Rena Rouge (1900 x3 SpeedCounter 4): Draw! 'Lucky Iron Axe' will help. I equip 'Lucky Iron Axe' onto my DC Hero Batman giving him an attack bonus of 500 (atk 1500 > 2000) Next I play 'Swords of Revealing Lights' to end my turn.
Rena Rouge (1900 x1 SpeedCounters 5)
Hntr (4000 x2 SpeedCounters 3 Swords 3): Looks like she bought herself some time. Now that's my turn, 'Arrowverse Hero Flash' returns to the field with a 'SpeedForce Token' (atk 0 Lvl 4) Draw! I summon 'Arrowverse Hero Firestorm' in attack mode (atk 1200 Lvl 3). Next I play 'Polymerization on 'Arrowverse Hero Flash' and 'Arrowverse Hero Green Arrow' to fusion summon 'Arrowverse Hero Flarrow' in attack mode (atk 2400 Lvl 8). Now open the circuit to the future to by placing 'Arrowverse Heroes Flarrow, SuperFlash, and Firestorm onto the respective Link Markers to Link Summon 'Xtra Hero Dread Decimator (atk 2500 -3) Next I activate 'Firestorm's' effect when its sent to the graveyard, I can special summon 'Arrowverse Hero Firestorm 2' in attack mode from my deck (atk 1600 Lvl 4) and since its underneath one of 'Dread Decimator's' Markers, not only it gains 100 attack for every Hero monster on my field. 'Arrowverse Hero Firestorm 2' (Atk 1600 > 2100)
'Xtra Hero Dread Decimator' (atk 2500 > 3000). But since I can't attack I'll end my turn.
Hntr (4000 x0 SpeedCounter 4)
Rena Rouge (1900 x2 SpeedCounters 5): Draw! 'DC Hero Batman' destroy his 'SpeedForce Token'
Hntr: (4000 > 2000): Gaaahh. Just as Daniel took damage, the person watching the two spar came into the fold.
Hntr (2000 x0 SpeedCounter5)
Rena Rouge (1900 x2 SpeedCounters6)
Unkown (4000 x5 SpeedCounter0): I saw what you've been doing 'training with a new Miraculous Signer' imposter. So if you could beat me you wont be able to go to the 'NetherWorld'. Volpina's mark glowed purple setting the stage for shadow duel.
Chat, Ladybug, Carapace, Rena Rouge: Volpina!!
Volpina: Well then its my turn! Draw! What a good hand 5 traps and a monster. I set a monster next I set 5 cards facedown and end my turn.
Rena Rouge (1900 x2 SpeedCounters7)
Volpina (4000 x0 SpeedCounter1)
Hntr (2000 x1 SpeedCounters6): She didn't take any penalty damage! Draw! Good the tuner for my only hero synchro but I don't have the necessary materials for the synchro. I activate 'Lazarus Pit' to bring back 'Arrowverse Hero Flash' in attack mode (atk 2200 > 2700 Lvl 4). Now 'Flash' attack her facedown with 'SuperSonic Punch'!
Volpina: I activate my trap card 'Draining Shield' so now your monster's attack points are added to my life points.
Hntr: Too slow cause I activate my monsters effect when when targeted by a card effect I can banish it until the end of your turn.
Volpina: Nice of you to destroy one trap card but I still have 4 facedowns for the both of you to deal with.
Hntr: I activate my 'Arrowverse Hero Flarrow's' effect which will allow it to target 1 spell or trap and I chose the one on the far right.
Volpina: Hahaha. Nice strategy but its only buying you time and you still have 3 left.
Hntr: You guessed it. Go ahead Rena its your move.
Hntr (2000 x1 SpeedCounters7)
Volpina (4000 x1 SpeedCounters2)
Rena Rouge (1900 x3 SpeedCounters8): Draw! 'Mystical Space Typhoon' perfect! I activate 'Mystical Space Typhoon' and I'll use it on the middle card.
Volpina: There's two now so watch it.
Rena Rouge: I'll set a card and end my turn.
Rena Rouge (1900 x2 SpeedCounters9)
Hntr (2000 x1 SpeedCounters8)
Volpina (4000 x2 SpeedCounter3): Draw! I'll set another monster along with a card to end my turn.
Volpina (4000 x0 SpeedCounter4)
Rena Rouge (1900 x2 SpeedCounters10)
Hntr (2000 x2 SpeedCounters9): Draw! I'll activate 'Angel Baton' allowing me to draw two more cards as long as I discard one to the graveyard. And the card I discarded to the graveyard is 'Arrowverse Hero Captain Cold' (atk 1200 Lvl 3). Next I activate 'Lazarus Pit' to bring him back out onto the field and since I have a 'Time Traveler' type monster on the field , I can special summon another 'Time Traveler' type from my hand to the field. Say Hello to 'Arrowverse Hero Heatwave' (atk 1400 Lvl 4). Also my 'Arrowverse Hero Flash' is back in action (atk 3100 Lvl 4) and qith company 'SpeedForce Token' (atk 0 Lvl 4). Now 'Flash attack her facedown monster with 'SuperSonic Punch'!
Volpina: You've fell for my trap which is in the form of 'Marshmellon' so you lose 1000 lifepoints.
Hntr: 2000 > 1000 Gahh! I'll activate 'Captain Cold's along with 'Heatwave's effects to destroy your facedown cards!
Volpina: Oh great! I'm done with only one facedown trap and its surely going to be a victory.
Ladybug, Carapace, Chat Noir, and Rena: That's a relief!
Hntr: I'll end my turn finish her Rena!
Hntr (1000 x1 SpeedCounters7)
Volpina (4000 x0 SpeedCounter5)
Rena Rouge (1900 x3 SpeedCounters11): Draw! Perfect and with this speed spell I can give 'Volpina' damage. I activate 'SpeedWorld Neo's' effect when I have four or more SpeedCounters, you lose 800 lifepoints equal to the amount of 'Speed Spells' in my hand and since I have one, you lose 800
Volpina: (4000 > 3200)
Rena Rouge (SpeedCounter 11 > 9): Next I play 'Angel Baton' allowing me to draw two more cards as long as I discard one to the graveyard and the card I discard is 'DC Hero Batgirl' (atk 1000 Lvl 3) Next I play 'Dark Hole' which will destroy all monsters on the field. Next I play 'Monster Reborn' on 'Xtra Hero Dread Decimator' and since we both share the graveyard, he gains 100 attack for every Hero monster in the graveyard and since we have a combined total of 9 it gains 900 attack points (atk 2500 > 3400). Now 'Dread Decimator' attack her directly
Volpina: Not so fast I activate 'Mirror Force'
Hntr: I activate my trap card 'Dust Tornado' onto your trap card and the attack still goes on!
Volpina: (3200 > 0): I didn't even get to bring out my 'Earthbound Immortal'!
"Well that's one less 'Dark Signer' we have to take care of right?" Chat Noir said as he caught up to the two who were forced to duel Volpina. "I guess but the thing is that she didn't suffer any penalty for intruding the duel." Hntr wonders as he switches his deck and extra deck for the next duel. "Marinette! I think I see 'The Pharoah in what seems to be a zoo with a couple of friends." Ladybug nods as she hopped on her Hoverboard followed by Chat, Rena, Carapace, and Hntr. "Well at least we found possibly 3 of the 'Millennium Holders' but I wonder how are the others are doing?" Marinette asks herself.
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