✗ SchoolTrip Dreamers Pt.1 ✗
Everything is prettier in the sunlight. It applies to almost everything, Marinette saw the glimmer in Adriens eyes and Chat could see LB's smile crystally white. The summer holidays had been fairly uneventful until an email was sent asking if the teens wanted to go on a summer camp as a class. That's how they ended up boarding a coach, Marinette hastily kissing Sabines cheeks before leaping onto the bus
Miss Bustier nodded steadily at the girl with a slight look of discontempt then instructed her to sit down. She giggled nervously and glanced around the coach to see who was coming. Sabrina, Chloe, Nino, Adrien, Mylene, Juleka, Rose, Nathaniel, Max, Alya and herself. Marinette instinctively walked towards Alya then realised she was sitting next to Nino. She cocked her head at Alya in disappointment who sent her a wink back and mouthed 'You're welcome girl'.
Marinette looked for the only empty seat left and her eyes froze on a seat nearby, slinging herself down into it. The person who was seated beside her wore a black hoodie and was facing out through the glass and Marinette didn't have much time to consider who it was. After twenty minutes of driving and a few awkward coach singalongs; the bluenette because interested in her fellow coach companion. After all, it was a 4 hour journey and they would probably end up sleeping on the coach as it was approaching 6:30pm.
They had been staring out the window the entire time, silent apart from a small buzz of music coming from some earphones that led into their hoodie. Marinette coughed, awkwardly hoping that they would turn around. She let out a small huff as they stayed motionless then cleared her throat, tapping his shoulder
"Hello! I wanted to see who I was sat next to, sorry if I'm bothering you. Isn't this all just very excit--", Marinette began to blurt out the sentences in a hurry. She paused halfway through because the boy turned around to face her steadily.
She found a blush splatter her cheeks as she realised it was Adrien. He had this sorrowful look in his eyes, as if he would prefer to be alone, and he removed one ear bud carefully.
"Hey Mari. Sorry for not greeting you , I've been having a rough day", he smiled half-heartedly at the girl, who's eyes were reflecting the sun through the window and had a flushed face
"I uhh s-sorry for next to sitting y-you.. I mean.. Sitting next to you.. What do you mean you had a b-bad day?", she giggled nervously, feeling a tingle of laughter in her chest as she realised what Alya had meant by 'you're welcome'. As soon as she made this comment his face sunk and he glanced downwards, scrunching the material of his shirt in his palm
"I .. Well.. My dad didn't say goodbye.. He found out something about me and has been acting even weirder since. Like he's always silently there watching me, yet can't bear to see my face. He couldn't even come say bye to me earlier", he spluttered the words out painfully and noticed the way that Marinette's eyes sunk and smile turned into a small pitiful frown
"That's horrible", she whispered, placing a hand on his shoulder pitifully
"Sorry, I needed someone to vent to. It's a pleasure to be sat by you Thanks Marinette", the boy smiled before turning away, and placing the earbud back, leaving a blushing and confused Marinette. She couldn't sketch any designs on the ride because she felt so fidgety beside him.
For the next couple hours, the ride was full of idle chatter and a few things were yelled out as dares. Adrien was silent the entire time and Marinette occupied herself by watching Alya and Nino flirt & reading her favourite book. When it hit 9:30pm the students began falling asleep in their seats, a silence falling across the bus as the rising moon shone onto them. Marinette was humming to herself when she glanced sideways at Adrien.
His head was cocked on its side, a low and quiet snoring emanating from it, eyelids pale and fluttering. He looked so peaceful and perfect infront of the rising moon, it shaded his hair and illuminated his features. The girl thought it couldn't get any better until his head dropped sideways landing on her shoulder. She may've exploded with joyful emotions as she felt his breathe tickle her neck and heard his soft husky snores.
Soon the soothing snores reached her and her head collapsed sideways, resting on his with the rest of the sleeping students around them.
Ten minutes before they were due to arrive at camp, Adrien was awoken by an aching in his neck of supporting a weight on his head. His eyes fluttered open drowsily and he looked beside him. He was resting on a petite bluenettes sleeping shoulder, and as he withdrew his head, hers bobbing down onto his shoulder, he felt a blush spread on his cheeks. Marinette had such smooth and soft skin, long eyelashes and gorgeous blue hair that had fallen from their ponytails.
He gently tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, studying small freckles that spotted her nose and the way she had a small adorable smile as she slept. She began murmuring things and he leaned in closely, face parrellel to hers, ear tilted towards her.
"... no don't leave... no please", she whispered cutely, face wincing slightly, making Adrien grin at the cuteness. She was so peaceful and could speak normally and he found it attractive. He began to move away when he heard her murmur
"... Don't leave adriennn.. I love you... so much... please stay"
------ TIMESKIP ------
Marinette was woken abruptly a drawling and tired bundle of children began getting up from their seats. She lifted her head up from Adriens shoulder, pushing stray strands of hair from her face, then blushed intensely as she saw the cute boy's cheek had a red tint to it and he looked kinda awkward and fidgety. She stood up fidgeting and got off the bus with her luggage along with the rest of the class.
Everytime Adrien saw Marinette his mind flashed back to how she had been talking in her sleep. She sounded so confident that it reminded him of a certain someone. He couldn't figure out who but he found it so attractive and now found it hard to keep eye contact with Marinette without a small blush tinting his cheeks. It had lit up his once dismal day so easily.. One question kept running through his mind..
Was this true love?
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