The journey
Requested by BabyKawaii_J
Thank you for your request! I hope you like it! <3
Marinette stared in shock at the positive pregnancy test in front of her. Tears appeared in her eyes and she covered her mouth with her hand with a huge smile underneath. She couldn't believe it. She was really pregnant.
It's been a little more than a year since she and Adrien got married. She knew Adrien loved to have kids and that he couldn't wait but she had told him she wanted to focus more on her career and their growing business.
But right now she didn't care. She and Adrien were gonna have a baby and she was so excited. Marinette held the pregnancy test to her chest and smiled into the mirror before wiping away her tears. She only needed the find a cute way to tell her husband.
Marinette was in the kitchen preparing dinner, Adrien's favorite when he entered the front door. "Honey, I'm home!" He exclaimed as he threw his coat on his spot and Marinette could hear his chuckle right after he said that sentence. He always did that.
She slightly laughed when he came over to her and sneaked an arm around her waist and kissed her temple. "Hey, princess." He greeted as he sneaked a finger under her chin to turn her head to him so he could place a kiss on her lips. She smiled in the kiss. "Hey, Chaton. How was work?" She asked after they let go. He poured two glasses of red wine and gave her one. "It was alright. I just missed my favorite designer there." He whispered and winked. She smiled. "Tomorrow I'm going with you, kitty." She answered him. He kissed her cheek and snuggled into her neck. "Good." He whispered.
Marinette served dinner and they both took place at the table. They enjoyed their food until Adrien noticed something suspicious. "Babe, why aren't you drinking? You okay?" He asked, reaching out for her hand. She bit her lip and stroke his hand with her thumb. "Yeah yeah I'm fine. It's just-" She tried to come up with a quick lie as Adrien raised an eyebrow. Marinette sighed in defeat.
She put her hair behind her ear and looked up at him with a huge smile. "Look at the coffee table." She told him and he listened. He looked amused as he saw a black box with a cute white bow. "What's that?" He asked, smiling. She matched his smile. "Go look inside." She said.
He stood up and walked over before he gently opened it. He frowned until he let out a gasp as he realized what was inside. Her positive pregnancy test. He looked up at her with tears in his eyes. "Is this yours?" He exclaimed. She laughed and nodded. "Of course." She replied. He ran over to her and picked to swing her around. She laughed as she felt his tears on her neck. He carefully put her down before he peppered her face with kisses. Then he fall down on his knees so he was face to face with her stomach. He placed both his hands on it and gave it a light. "I'm gonna spoil and love you so so much." He whispered.
Marinette looked down at the sight with tears in her eyes before running a hand through his hair. He got back up to grab her face and kiss her passionately. They shared a huge smile after they pulled away. "We're gonna have a baby." He whispered. She hummed. "Yeah. We're gonna be parents." She whispered back.
It was a month later since Adrien found out his beautiful wife was pregnant. It was a Saturday morning and he was off for work today and he was really glad. Marinette is been working at home more since her pregnancy and Adrien really misses having her at the office. Mostly because she had been really nauseous and he hated not being there for her.
He opened his eyes and enjoyed the peaceful silence. Suddenly he felt someone move beside him and quickly got up. He looked over and just saw his lady running to the bathroom. He got out of bed and followed behind her. He saw her bending over the toilet. He quickly took her hair in his hands and rubbed her back.
When she was finished, she wiped her mouth with her arm and leaned her back against his chest. He leaned down and placed a sweet kiss on her forehead. "Need anything?" He whispered into her ear. She hummed. "Can you bring me back to bed, please?" She whispered back. He smiled before picking her off the ground and carrying her back to bed. He carefully laid her down and covered her with blankets.
He wanted to walk away but she grabbed a hold of his wrist to pull him back. He turned around to look at her curious. She pouted. "Don't leave me." She whispered. He chuckled and bend down to kiss her head. "I'm gonna make breakfast, little bug." He responded. She shook her head. "You don't have to. You can't leave your pregnant wife here all alone."
Adrien laughed and walked to the other side of the bed. He put the covers up before laying under them and moving his arms around her waist to pull her closer. He nuzzled himself into her neck and he heard her let out a content sigh. "Good?" He asked her. She smiled. "Perfect."
Marinette was 7 months pregnant. She was pretty big and Adrien got more excited to be a dad each day. Marinette was sitting on the couch with Adrien between her legs and his head on her stomach. He laid light kisses on baby bump while she continued running her hand through his soft blond locks. "How long before she gets out again?" He asked.
She softly laughed. "Two months, kitten. Just a little more." She responded. Adrien grinned. "I can't wait to meet you, Emma." He whispered to her stomach before sitting up and putting his arms around Marinette. She leaned against his chest and smiled as he laid a kiss on her head. "Can I confess something?" he whispered. She looked up at him. "Of course." She answered.
"I'm scared." Marinette looked at him with a frown. "What? Huh, what do you mean?" She asked, confused. Adrien pulled his arms back and laid them on his lap. "I'm scared I'm not gonna be a good father to Emma. I mean I never had any good examples and-" He began rambling nervously. Mari quickly grabbed a hold of his hands. "Hey hey Adrien, baby please calm down." She laid her hand on his cheek and made him look up.
"You are gonna be an amazing father. If you treat Emma like you treat me, she is gonna be the happiest girl alive. I know it's maybe scary and believes me I'm a little scared too but I know we can do this. We're a team and we're gonna love her so much. You and me against the world right?" Adrien wiped a tear away and smiled. "Always." Marinette placed both her hands on his face and placed a kiss on his nose. "You're nothing like your father, I promise." She whispered.
Adrien wrapped her into a hug and held her close as she kept playing with his hair, knowing it calmed him down. They just sat like that for a while.
Marinette tried taking deep breaths as her contractions got worse any second. She closed her eyes and squeezed the life out of Alya's hand. "Where the fuck is Adrien?" She screamed. Alya pushed her hair out of her face which was now sticking to her forehead from sweat. "He's getting here as fast as possible, sweetie, He got on the jet an hour ago so he should be here soon. And in the meantime, I'll be right here." She tried.
Adrien had gone away on a business trip to Milan two days ago. He first didn't want to leave her alone but Mari insisted he went since it was 3 more weeks since the baby came. Well, let's just say Emma didn't have any patience and was as stubborn as her mother. The moment Adrien got the call Marinette was in labor, he immediately jumped into their private jet toward Paris.
Marinette laid her head back on the pillow. "No hard feelings but I want Adrien." She replied. Alya looked a little offended before Marinette continued. "I wanna scream at that son of a bitch for impregnating me." She exclaimed. Alya couldn't help but laugh.
Suddenly Adrien burst through the door and ran by her side. "I'm here! I'm here!" He exclaimed, kissing her on the cheek. Alya left the room after wishing her good luck. Mari turned to glare at Adrien. "I fucking hate you, Agreste. You're the one who is putting me through this." She grabbed a hold of his hand really hard. He laughed nervously and kissed her hand. "I love you too, Agreste." He replied.
She glared at him but he could see she was holding back a smile. The doctor entered their room and looked at them. "Mrs. Agreste? It's time."
After many painful hours, she was finally there. Marinette sat on the bed and held her newborn daughter in her hands as Adrien sat right next to her with one arm around her and the other helping her carry Emma. Both looked down at their daughter with tears and pride in their eyes. "She's so gorgeous." Marinette sniffled. "She is." He whispered. "I'm so proud of you, m'lady." He kissed his wife's head. She smiled up at him as he wiped away one of her tears. "I'm sorry I was so mean to you."
Adrien laughed. "It's alright, my love." He reassured before leaning down to kiss her, making sure he put all his love into the kiss. "I love you, Mari. So much," he mumbled into the kiss. She pulled away and cupped his cheek. "I love you so much too, Adrien." She said, looking into his eyes. They both smiled at each other before turning their attention back to the little angel in her arms.
Took me a while but I'm kinda proud!
The new update won't take long, hopefully, tomorrow.
Hope you guys liked it! Love you x
Word count: 1738
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