the day we're all waiting for
A little special something because i hit 3K! Thank youuu <33
Adrien stood in front of the mirror as he adjusted his suit. He couldn't keep the smile of his face. Nino came from behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder. Adrien looked at him and made Nino chuckle. "You really can't keep that smile of your face huh?" Nino said, smirking.
Adrien blushed and covered his face. "I have been dreaming of this day since i was 13." He said. Nino smiled and patted his back. "9 years later it's gonna happen, dude. You're gonna marry her!" He exclaimed. Adrien looked back at the mirror and bit his lip. "I can't wait." He whisperd
Meanwhile Mari just got into her dress. Marinette, Zoe and her mother stood behind her with tears in their eyes. "Girl, you look so beautiful!" Alya exclaimed, both hands on her face. Mari sniffled. "Don't make me cry. Juleka did such a good job with my make up!" She exclaimed, giggeling as she shed away a tear. Sabine came from behind her and put both her hands on her shoulder. "I'm so proud of you, sweetie. You and Adrien are perfect for each other!" She said.
Marinette turned around and gave her a hug. "Thank you, Maman" she whisperd. Sabine pulled away and cupped her cheek. Suddenly the door opened and Alix looked inside. "Hey uhm everyone is ready and waiting for you, M" She announced, giving her a wink. Marinette took a deep breath and looked at her girls. Alya reached out, grabbed her hand and squeezed it. "Good luck, sweetie. Go get your soulmate" She said. Marinette smiled at her. "Thank you" She whisperd before letting go and exiting the changing room.
In the hall, her father was waiting for her before the closed doors. He smiled at her and locked their arms. "You ready, sweetheart?" He asked. She nodded and smiled. "Thank you for everything. I love you, papa" She whisperd. He kissed her forehead as the doors opened. Her bridemaids went ahead before she and her dad followed.
The chapel was full with people she loved but at the end of it stood the one she loved the most. Their eyes met and smiles appeared on her face. Adrien got tears in his eyes as he saw the love of his life walk towards him. "You good, dude?" Nino asked him from behind him. Adrien sighed. "She looks so beautiful." He whisper back. Nino chuckeld. "I got your back, bro" He whisperd.
Marinette and her father reached the altar. Tom turned to his daughter and kissed her cheek. She smiled as he gave her to her soon to be husband. "Take care of her." Tom whisperd to him. Adrien grabbed both her hands. "Always." He responded. Tom smiled before he took place next to Sabine.
"Wow, you look. wow i-" He said, totally lovestruck. She giggeld as she whipped away one of his tears. "Don't cry. You know i'll cry too." She sniffled. He chuckeld and rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb. They turned to Max. He has been legally ordained so he could marry them. They didn't feel like a stranger doing it.
Max said all kind of really beautiful words until it was time to exchange their vows wich they wrote themself.
Adrien took a deep breath before he started. "Before i met you, my life was pretty dark and boring. I always felt like something was missing and then there was you." He began. Mari smiled and sniffled. "You came into my life and made everything colorful. Your smile made my day and it made me feel like everything's alright and there's nothing to worry about. I never realized what i did to get so lucky to have you in my life and every day i fall in love with you even more. I mean you're so amazing. Look at you! You made your gorgeous dress yourself! I still remember the night i realized i was in love with you. I kept staring at the wall as a lovesick idiot just thinking about spending the rest of my life with you, having kids with you. I'm 100 procent sure that you are the one i wanna do that with. We had a lot of obstacles in our life and sometimes it was hard but in the end i'll aways find you and fight for you. It's you and me against the world, m'lady." He whisperd the last part.
Marinette bit her lip and swallowed back a sob. "God i'm gonna have to beat that." She said, jokingly. The whole room laughed. She sighed before she began. "The moment i met you, i thought you were this little piece of shit." Everyone had to laugh at that. "I thought that you were this spoiled, selfish, pain in the ass. But boy was i wrong because you were the complete opposite. You did one thing and it completly changed my life. I looked into your eyes and i saw someone so sweet and someone who saw the best in people. You had to go trough so much and i so admired how strong you were. When i was 13, i always dreamed and fantasized about marrying you but there was this voice inside my saying it wasn't gonna happen. But surprise because here i am. You make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world because i'm not only marrying the person i love the most but i'm also marrying my bestfriend, my partner, the person i trust the most and my soulmate."
"Nailed it, love." He whisperd and she giggeld. Not one eye in the chapel was dry as they saw the young adults exchange these beautiful words. Alix came up and gave them the rings. Adrien placed the ring around Mari's finger before Marinette did the same.
They turned to Max again, still holding hands. "Do you, Adrien Agreste, take, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and not so good times, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto her for as long as you both shall live?"
"I do" He responded with a smile.
"Do you, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, take, Adrien Agreste, to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and not so good times, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto him for as long as you both shall live?"
"I do"
"By the authority vested in me by the State of Paris, I now pronounce you husband and wife!" He finished. Adrien looked at him for permission. Max laughed and nodded. "You may kiss you oh okay!" He began but Adrien already smashed his lips against his bride's. Marinette laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck as she kissed him back. Everyone stood up and clapped and cheered for the newly wed couple.
After they finally pulled away, Marinette and Adrien looked at each other. "I love you, bugaboo" he whisperd. "I love you, kitty" she whisperd back as she placed their foreheads against each other. Mari and Alya gave each other a huge hug and squealed togheter. Adrien and Nino did their handshake before hugging too. "Congrats bro. You two deserve each other." He said. "Thanks dude." Adrien answered. "Girl you're married!" Alya exclaimed. Mari laughed and nodded. "Finally!"
Marinette got back into Adrien's arms and they walked outside. Their car was waiting to bring them to the venue. Adrien opened the door for his wife. "Ladies first." He said. She giggeld and got in the car. Adrien got in too before they waved at everyone and closed the door. Adrien turned to her and she smiled. "We're married." She whisperd. He nodded. "You're my wife." He said, not being able to remove the smile of his face. She smiled and bit her lip before she crawled into his lap and kissed him all over his face.
He laughed, grabbed her hips and stroke her thigh. She pulled away and stared into his eyes. He put a hair behind her ear as his hand slipped underneath her dress to hold her thigh. "You really look gorgeous, m'lady." He whisperd. She blushed and smiled. "Was it worth waiting?" She asked with a smirk. He grinned and nodded. "Oh defenitly."
Marinette had forbid Adrien to see her dress before the wedding wich he didn't like at all.
He leaned in and kissed her passionately.
She hummed and got lost in the kiss. They made out until the driver announced they arrived. They pulled away and got out of the car. The guests were already inside waiting for them but Mari reached for his arm to pull him back. Adrien looked at her confused. "You have some lipstick on your face." She giggeld. He chuckeld. "Yeah who's fault is that?" He shot back with a wink. She stook out her tongue before reaching for a tissue. She whipped away everything.
"There we go. All handsome again" she exclaimed, smiling. He raised his eyebrow. "I'm always handsome." He said cocky. She laughed and nodded. "Sure. C'mon, they're waiting for us." She said.
The couple walked into the venue as everyone stood up and clapped. They took place at their table next to the maid of honour and the best man. Before they started eating, they went outside to take pictures. They first took pictures with family and their friends before it was just them. Adrien looked at his beautiful wife smiling. She noticed his eyes on her and turned her head. "What?" She asked, smiling. He smiled back and brushed her cheek. "From all the photoshoots i ever done, this is my favorite." He whisperd. She bit her lip and couldn't help but kiss him. He smiled into the kiss and cupped her cheek as the photographer took photos of them.
When they were done and had enough photos, they went back to the venue but before they entered, Adrien hold her back. Mari looked at him. "I have a surprise for you." He announced. She gasped. "Chaton i swear if you spend a lot of money on me again" She warned him, holding up her finger. He laughed and shook his head. "Take off your ring." He said. Mari looked confused and pouted. "No i just got it!" She exclaimed, bringing her left hand, where the ring was, closer.
He laughed and grabbed her hand. "Trust me on this one." He told her. She slowly pulled off her ring. She looked up at him. "Now look at the inside." She curiously looked and gasped as she saw what was written inside of it.
'my lady'
Marinette gasped and got tears in her eyes. Adrien had now also took off his ring and showed her the inside of his.
'my kitty'
She jumped on him and hugged him close. "Omg Adrien! That's so cute! what the hell" She exclaimed. He smiled and kissed her head. She looked up after she placed her ring back on her finger. "That's omg- i'm speechless" She said. He placed his ring back too before placing his lips on hers. She reached up and moved her hands to his hair. They broke the kiss before taking each others hand and going back to their guests.
The party continued until people were done eating. It was was time for the speeches. Alya stood up with a big smirk on her face. Marinette groaned and hid her face in her husbands shoulder. Adrien chuckeld. "Is it gonna be that bad?" He asked. Marinette looked up and nodded. "Don't leave me" she pouted. He smiled and kissed her forehead. "Never" he whisperd.
Alya cleared her throath before she began. "When Mari told me she was in love with Adrien, i was so excited. I immediately knew i was gonna play cupido. Do you know how long it took them? 4 years!! I thought so many times: idiots. I love Mari with all my heart but was she exhausting sometimes." "Thanks Alya!" Marinette exclaimed. Alya smirked and blew her a kiss. "My girl was obsessed and obsessed is an understament. She had his face all over the room and could spend hours talking about him but then when she saw him in real life, she couldn't be gone faster."
Marinette banged her head against the table as Adrien was laughing his ass off.
"Anyway when i found out they were finally dating i was so excited. I loved to tease them and i still do. Sometimes i was disgusted at how they were but like them or not, they're an amazing couple. I love you both so much and i'm so happy you guys found each other. You both deserve the world. Mari, for your sake, i will spare you and don't say to many embarrassing things. I love you so much, girl and i'm really lucky to call you my bestfriend. You're always there when i need you and just being around you is just amazing. I wish you both all the best luck but Agreste!" She exclaimed, pointing at Adrien. "Yeah that Agreste! Just like i said when you started dating, i will kill you if you break her heart. Because mostly i wanna be godmother and you guys would make such cute babies." She finished, looking at her bestfriend.
Mari stood up and tackled her into a hug. "I love you too, Al" she said back, laughing. Alya pulled away and hugged Adrien. "Don't worry. I wouldn't dare" he told her. She laughed and pulled away. "I know, i trust you, sunshine"
Now it was Nino's turn. "Just like Alya, i love Adrien but damn was he dumb!" Adrien glared at him. "He was like this little chicken, that had just come out of his shell and had to explore the world. After Adrien and Mari started dating, my bro couldn't stop talking about her. He was always rambling about how beautiful she was and how lucky he was to have her. Marinette was always like a sister to me. I've know her since kindergarten and i grew up with her. I was 100 procent sure that she was the right girl for him and that they would make each other so happy. I've know them both a long time but i have never saw them as happy as with each other. I wish you guys both the best and if you ever need a babysitter, uncle Nino is available."
Adrien laughed and hugged him. "Thanks bro. We'll remember it!" He said, patting his back. Nino pulled away. "C'mon. It's time for your first dance." Nino walked towards the DJ station and grabbed the microphone. "Now it's time for the couples first dance. I'd like to invite Mr. and Mrs. Agreste to the dancefloor." Everyone clapped as Adrien grabbed Mari's hand and walked with her to the dancefloor. He grabbed her waist and pulled her body against his. She leaned her head against his chest as their song started playing. Yes, the song they first danced to togheter.
Adrien slipped a finger underneath her chin and made her look up. "I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives togheter." He whisperd. She smiled up at him and reached up to give him a kiss. The whole room cheered as they kissed. They laughed and pulled away. "I love you so much, Adrien. Words can't describe it." She told him. He kissed her forehead. "I love you even more, princess." He whisperd before kissing her cheek, her nose and at last her lips.
Okay so i have a couple things to say:
First i'm not gonna be able to write a lot these couple days. Tomorrow i have to, almost the whole day train for my dancing show. After my repetition, i'm going on a tiny vacation, so i can't bring my laptop and i don't like to write on my phone. And when i get back, i have show. I will probably only update my Twitter au book for a while :)
Second, i have no idea how a French/English wedding is so i wrote it as weddings here. I only went to one wedding and i'm not a wedding planner but i tried my best 😭
Third, the adrienette song is called 'i won't hold you back' from TOTO if anyone is wondering ;)
Fourth, i'm gonna delete some of my one shots because a lot of them are cringe or have bad grammar haha
I really hope you liked it because i'm tbh really proud of this chapter.
Byee guys! <3
Word count: 2802
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