Kiss me
Inspired by the amazing Mystic_Raven20
Tonight was new year's Eve and the whole class was looking so forward to this day. They were in their last year of high school and all their parents had let them host a new year's eve party. Alya's parents were out for the night so she was able to use their appartment as party location.
Marinette walked up the stairs with bags of food. Her parents ofcourse insisted on making tons of food for the party. She was so grateful for it but the bags were so heavy. She arrived the door and tried to open the door but since both her hands were full, she really struggled. She was about the drop on of the bags when a helping hand slipped underneath her and catched the bag. "Careful there." A voice whisperd. Marinette's cheeks turned red as she realised who's voice it was.
She turned around and nervously chuckeld as she saw Adrien standing behind her. He just gave her a gentle smile and held one of the bag in his own hands. "Need help to open the door?" He asked. She giggeld and nodded. Adrien reached out for the door, brushing his hand against hers making both of them get shivers. Adrien cleared his throat and opened the door.
Marinette smiled at him and threw a quick thank you before she entered the appartment and went towards the kitchen where Alya was. She put the bags next to her as Alya looked up at her and smirked. "Had a moment with buttercup?" She asked with a grin. Marinette's jaw dropped. "I-uh how did you know?" She asked, flustered. Alya laughed and booped her nose. "You're still blushing, sweetie." She responded as Marinette placed her hands on her cheeks trying to calm her blush.
Both Adrien and Mari helped Nino and Alya prepare for the party. Marinette grabbed her phone and checked the time. People would arrive in 15 minutes and Marinette was still on her jeans and her favorite hoodie. She turned to Alya. "Al, can i use the bathroom to change?" She asked. Alya smiled. "Ofcourse girl, you know the way." Marinette gave her a thankful smile before grabbing her bag and leaving.
She locked the door behind her before she got dressed. She had spend tons of time making her dress and she was so glad that it was finally finished and that she was able to wear it tonight. She also hoped a blond model would admire her dress so much so he wanted to kiss her at midnight. She got into her dress and applied soft make up. She fixed her hair before checking how she looked into the mirror. She was about to leave the bathroom when a knock was on the other side. "Uh yeah?" She responded.
Alya opened the door and came inside. "Hey girl it's me." Marinette stepped back and let her in. "What's wrong, Alya?" She asked, raising her eyebrow. Alya gasped and looked her up and down. "Omg, M! You look amazing!" She exclaimed. Marinette giggeld and twirled around as Alya whisteld jokingly. She leaned against the sink with one hand. "So you're going for a midnight kiss?" She asked. Marinette sighed and looked down to play with her fingers. "Yeah but i'm not sure." She answered softly.
Alya groaned and grabbed a hold of her shoulder. "Oh c'mon girl! Why not? You look amazing, i'm sure he would love to kiss you. And if he doesn't, i will." Alya laughed. Mari smiled. "Thanks but what if i do kiss him and he doesn't like the kiss?" Alya shook her head. "Don't worry so much! You're overthinking it again!" She said before slunging an arm around her shoulder. "C'mon, Mari. People are gonna arrive." She said, Marinette took a deep breath before they both left the bathroom.
Hours quickly passed as everyone had an amazing time. It was only 10 minutes until the new year and Marinette couldn't find Adrien. So she shearched for Nino. "Hey nino, have you seen Adrien?" She asked. "Uh i think he went to the balcony to get some fresh air." He told before wrapping his arms around Alya's waist who dancing next to him. Alya quickly threw her a wink before Mari went to the balcony. There he indead stood, leaning against the railing. "You really want to go into the new year here alone in the cold?" She spoke softly trying not to scare him.
He laughed and turned around. "I was going to come back inside soon. I just wanted to get some air." He told her, giving her a sweet smile that she returned. Marinette walked closer to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay, Adrien?" She asked him. He sighed and looked in front of him again. "My father is been away for a business trip for a week now." He said. Marinette frowned. "Wasn't it christmas last week? You spend christmas alone?!" She asked in disbelief. Adrien gave her sad smile and nodded
Marinette's jaw dropped and her eyes showed him sympathy. "Oh my god Adrien i'm so sorry." She said before wrapping him into a hug. Adrien smiled and hugged her back. "It's alright. Even if he was home, i still would have spend it alone in my room now i had the whole house for myself!" He exclaimed, trying to give it a positive turn. Marinette pulled away but still kept her arms on him. "Why didn't you tell any of us? You could have gone to my house!" She exclaimed.
"No, no. I don't want interupt your time with your family and i didn't want to be a burden for your parents" He told her. Marinette softly laughed. "Adrien, my parents absolutly love you! They would have loved for you to be there." She said to him and saw his face lightly lit up. "Maybe next year?" She asked him. He laughed. "I'll think about it." He told her before going towards her and placing a kiss on her forehead. "C'mon let's go inside. It's almost time." He said before grabbing her hand and pulling a very flustered marinette inside with him.
"Only one minutes until 2022, guys!!" Alya yelled loudly causing everyone to cheer. Adrien turned to Marinette. "Any intentions for the new year?" Adrien asked her. 'Dating you' Marinette thought to herself. "Uhm eat less pastries. Cons of living in a bakery i guess." She giggeld. He raised an eyebrow. "Uhm excuse me. Your parents pastries are just impossible to stay away from." He said. Marinette laughed.
"10!" Everyone started yelling. Marinette sighed loudly.
"9" she looked at Adrien who gave her his beautiful smile.
"8" 'it's now or never, dupain-cheng' she thought to herself.
"7" "Hey Adrien?" She called out catching his attention.
"5" Adrien looked at her and raised his eyebrow. "Yeah?"
"3" she took a deep breath.
"2" She reached for his face and gently placed her hands on his cheeks.
"1" Adrien sneaked a hand behind her head and smashed his lips upon hers, catching her by surprise. Everyone yelled out and exchanged kisses as Adrien and Marinette kept their lips upon each other.
They both pulled away, breathing heavily and trying to catch his breath. "Happy new year." She whisperd. He gently smiled. "Happy new year, Mari" He whisperd back. "You know i haven't told you my intention yet." He said.
She raised her eyebrow curious. "What is it?" She asked with a little grin on her face. He came closer to her face and brushed his lips against hers. "Kiss you more" He said before kissing her again.
He kept his promise.
I hope y'all have an amazing year, i wish you all the best. Stay safe, stay yourself, stay healthy! I love you all so much and i'm so grateful for everyone who joined me this year ❤️
Lots of love,
Word count: 1339
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