The Party
*Listening to Echame La Culpa by Luis Fonsi & Demi Lovato*
Wassup peeps 😎
I'm baaaaack. Sorry for the wait I spent like weeks trying to format this next part hopefully my ideas start flowing again.
I don't own Miraculous
In the dark depths of the ocean where no creature dared to venture, was the lair of the most evil creature of all the seas. He sat in his seashell chair staring into a pearl that showed the image of the dark haired mermaid his minions were currently watching.
A smile played at his lips as he watched the girl hurrily swim back towards the kingdom. Her fascination with the human world was interesting may also play a part in his favor.....
"Keep a close eye on that mermaid." he spoke to the eels. "She could be of some use to us. I will give you your next orders when the time is right."
Both the eels grinned mischievously before they spoke simultaneously, "Yes Hawkmoth."
Marinette swam as fast as she could with Tikki following behind, the sound of music was getting louder and louder as she approached the palace. She stopped in front of a giant mirror in the grand hallway to fix her hair a bit with her dinglehopper. When she entered the ballroom she noticed that the party was already in full swing. Mermaids and plenty of other sea creatures were dancing and cheering and having the best time.
She smiled for a bit and looked around for her friend Alya, not noticing that a mermaid was watching her every move.
"Marinette!!" Before she could react she felt a pair of arms tackle her in mid swim.
"A..Alya!" She squealed in surprise not expecting such a greeting.
The orange tailed mermaid released the girl and glared at her. "Where have you been girl? I've been looking for you for hours!"
Marinette twirled the end of her pigtails and smiled sheepishly. "Sorry we got into a bit of trouble and I kind of lost track of time."
"Marinette?" A male voice had called from behind and she turned around to come faced with Nathaniel.
"Oh hi Nath." She smiled at the red head marking a permanent blush on his cheeks.
"H...Hi M...Marinette I'm...glad you were able to f...finally make it." He said to the mermaid turning red as his hair everytime he stuttered.
Alya smirked at the boy while Marinette gave a sweet smile completly clueless to why he was stuttering so much. Tikki cleared her throat catching the attention of the two mermaids and merman.
"Oh I didnt forget about you its nice to see you again Tikki." Alya grabbed Tikki hugging her tight, but not too tight to hurt the poor creature.
Rose and Juleka approach the group soon after with Rose tackling Marinette in a hug just like Alya did. "You're here! Where have you been?! We were all wondering?!" Rose released Marinette with a huge smile."You've been missing out on all the Delicious food!!"
Marinette chuckled and was about to answer before she was interrupted.
"Oh that's right" Alya stated "You said you got in some trouble. What kind of trouble exactly?"
Marinette twirled her pigtails again a habit she does when she's nervous, before Tikki answered. "Shark Trouble?"
"You were attacked by a shark?!" Nathaniel exclaimed with obvious worry in his voice.
Marinette raised her hands up in attempt to calm the red head. "I'm fine we got away before anything could happen."
"Rad." Juleka said with a nod. "I've never got to see a shark. Wish I was that lucky."
"What's a shark doing in the mermaid kingdom?" Alya wondered. No shark would dare get close unless they desired to face the king with his mighty trident. That is...
"Marinette.... Did you go to the outer seas again?" The dark haired mermaid nervously bit her lip and twiddled her fingers, which gave Alya her answer. "Mari you know its dangerous for a mermaid to leave the kingdom alone!"
"I wasn't alone." Marinette replied in a matter of fact way. "I was with Tikki."
"Ugh you know what I mean....ugh you're so reckless sometimes. Next you're gonna be telling me that you went to the surface again and--" She stopped when she saw Marinettes eyes dart towards the ground. "You didn't...."
"Heh...I may have went up there for a little while...." Marinette gave a nervous chuckle at the end.
" big was the shark?" Juleka asked.
How'd you like THAT?!
For the record, In this story Hawkmoth and Gabriel are two different characters on the account that i was one of the many ppl in the fandom who did not believe they were the same person and this story was written way before the truth was revealed.
Piece of s*** father....
I'm either going back in writers block mode or gonna have a chapter by the end of the day.
Stay Miraculous my friends
Blurose is out ✌
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